Rebecca Brownlow

Dr Rebecca Brownlow MSci, CSci

Lecturer in Environmental Science


I am a lecturer in environmental science interested in greenhouse gases, particularly methane. I have experience in greenhouse gas research and environmental consulting, with a focus on landfill gas. 



I have an MSci (Hons) in Environmental Geoscience and PhD in Earth Science on ‘Tropical methane emissions: using isotopes to characterise source signatures’ from Royal Holloway, University of London. Following my PhD, I worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Groningen, Netherlands, on vertical greenhouse gas profiles using AirCores, a type of atmospheric sampling system.

I then moved into environmental consulting focusing on aspects of waste and air quality topics, including Landfill gas risk and resource assessments, and waste life cycle assessments to evaluate the environmental impacts of waste management activities.

I joined Sheffield Hallam University in 2022 and teach on the BSc Geography and BSc Environmental Science courses as well as the MSc Environmental Management course.



Department of the Natural and Built Environment

College of Social Sciences and Arts


Journal articles

Nisbet, E.G., Manning, M.R., Dlugokencky, E.J., Fisher, R.E., Lowry, D., Michel, S.E., ... White, J.W.C. (2019). Very Strong Atmospheric Methane Growth in the 4 Years 2014–2017: Implications for the Paris Agreement. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 33 (3), 318-342.

Brownlow, R., Lowry, D., Fisher, R.E., France, J.L., Lanoisellé, M., White, B., ... Nisbet, E.G. (2017). Isotopic Ratios of Tropical Methane Emissions by Atmospheric Measurement. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 31 (9), 1408-1419.

Fisher, R.E., France, J.L., Lowry, D., Lanoisellé, M., Brownlow, R., Pyle, J.A., ... Nisbet, E.G. (2017). Measurement of the 13C isotopic signature of methane emissions from northern European wetlands. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 31 (3), 605-623.

Brownlow, R., Lowry, D., Thomas, R.M., Fisher, R.E., France, J.L., Cain, M., ... Nisbet, E.G. (2016). Methane mole fraction and δ13C above and below the trade wind inversion at Ascension Island in air sampled by aerial robotics. Geophysical Research Letters, 43 (22).

Nisbet, E.G., Dlugokencky, E.J., Manning, M.R., Lowry, D., Fisher, R.E., France, J.L., ... Ganesan, A.L. (2016). Rising atmospheric methane: 2007–2014 growth and isotopic shift. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30 (9), 1356-1370.

Greatwood, C., Richardson, T., Freer, J., Thomas, R., MacKenzie, A., Brownlow, R., ... Nisbet, E. (n.d.). Atmospheric Sampling on Ascension Island Using Multirotor UAVs. Sensors, 17 (6), 1189.

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