Rachel Macqueen
Lecturer Children's Nursing
I joined Sheffield Hallam in 2021 and teach across a range of nursing and interprofessional modules at Level 4-6 as well as being part of the team delivering the Foundation Year in Health course.
I have been a registered children's nurse since 2004 and additionally qualified as a Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (school nursing) in 2010. My main area of interest is in adolescent health and development. I developed this interest in my roles as a nurse in a Youth Offending Team and at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals promoting developmentally appropriate healthcare for adolescents and young adults and improving transition services for young people moving into adult healthcare from children's services. I have had the opportunity to present at a number of conferences both nationally and internationally on adolescent health and transition.
I teach into the BSc Child Nursing programme as well as to students from a range of health and social care professions in the interprofessional modules. I also am part of the team delivering the Foundation in Health course.
Other areas of interest include safeguarding, public health, leadership alongside adolescent health.
Current research
Case Reviewer for The National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (2023). The Inbetweeners: A review of the barriers and facilitators in the process of transition of children and young people with complex chronic health conditions moving into adult health services. NCEPOD: London
Macqueen, R. (2023). Working with adult services. Presented at: National Transition Conference, Online
Macqueen, R. (2023). Complex Discharge: A case study. Presented at: Streamlining Complex Paediatric Discharges conference, Online
Macqueen, R. (2023). Improving handover to adult services. Presented at: Improving the Transition of Young People into Adult Services, Online