Olga Daneyko

Doctor Olga Daneyko

Senior lecturer in Psychology


Olga is the course leader for the MSc psychology conversion course. She is also part of the teaching team for several modules of Cognitive Psychology, Statistics, Research Methods and the Dissertation module on both undergraduate and postgraduate degree programs. 


Olga obtained her master degree from Moscow State University (Russia) in 2005 in Cognitive and Management Psychology. In 2011 she received her PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience from the University of Trieste (Italy). After her PhD degree she worked in Italy at the Universities of Pavia, Parma and Milano-Bicocca. She joined Sheffield Hallam University in 2018. Her main areas of interest are in psychology of perception, psychology of art, research methods and psychophysics. In particular, she is interested in visual and haptic illusions, using them as a tool to study perceptual mechanisms. She is also interested in lightness and brightness perception, the organisation of the visual field, and the perception and representation of affective facial expressions.


Senior Lecturer

"Facial expression recognition in visual art"


Department of Psychology, Sociology and Politics

College of Social Sciences and Arts

The course leader for the MSc psychology ( conversion ) course



Modules taught:

- Cognitive Psychology – Levels 4, 5 and 7
- Statistics – Levels 5 and 7
- Research Methods – Level 4


Journal articles

Frisco, F., Daneyko, O., Maravita, A., & Zavagno, D. (2023). The influence of arm posture on the Uznadze haptic aftereffect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 49 (9), 1271-1279. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2023-87980-001?doi=1

Actis Grosso, R., Zavagno, D., & Daneyko, O. (2022). The Combined Effect of Motion and Lightness Contrast on Anomalous Transparency. Gestalt Theory, 44 (1-2), 147-160. http://doi.org/10.2478/gth-2022-0002

Daneyko, O., Stucchi, N., & Zavagno, D. (2022). The Poggendorff illusion in Ruben's Descent from the Cross in Antwerp: Does the illusion even matter? i-Perception, 13 (5), 1-12. http://doi.org/10.1177/20416695221125879

Actis-Grosso, R., Zavagno, D., & Daneyko, O. (2022). The Combined Effect of Motion and Lightness Contrast on Anomalous Transparency. Gestalt Theory, 44 (1-2), 147-160. http://doi.org/10.2478/gth-2022-0002

Zavagno, D., Actis-Grosso, R., & Daneyko, O. (2022). Looking into Mona Lisa’s smiling eyes: allusion to an illusion. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 16. http://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2022.878288

Daneyko, O., Maravita, A., & Zavagno, D. (2020). See What You Feel: A Crossmodal Tool for Measuring Haptic Size Illusions. i-Perception, 11 (4), 2041669520944425. http://doi.org/10.1177/2041669520944425

Caldas, A., Machado- Pinheiro, W., Daneyko, O., & Riggio, L. (2019). The Stroop-matching task as a tool to study the correspondence effect using images of graspable and non-graspable objects. Psychological Research: an international journal of perception, attention, memory and action, 114. http://doi.org/10.1007/s00426-019-01191-5

Zavagno, D., Daneyko, O., & Liu, Z. (2018). The influence of physical illumination on lightness perception in simultaneous contrast displays. i-Perception, 9 (4). http://doi.org/10.1177/2041669518787212

Rosi, A., Mena, P., Scazzina, F., Marino, B., & Daneyko, O. (2017). Food perception at lunchtime does not depend on the nutritional and perceived characteristics of breakfast. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 69 (5), 628-639. http://doi.org/10.1080/09637486.2017.1401981

Actis_Grasso, R., Zavagno, D., Lega, C., Zani, A., Daneyko, O., & Cattaneo, Z. (2017). Can music be figurative? Exploring the possibility of crossmodal similarities between music and visual arts. Psihologija, 50 (3), 285-306. http://doi.org/10.2298/PSI1703285A

Zavagno, D., Daneyko, O., & Actis-Grosso, R. (2015). Mishaps, errors, and cognitive experiences: on the conceptualization of perceptual illusions. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9 (190). http://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2015.00190

Zavagno, D., Daneyko, O., & Stucchi, N. (2015). The Poggendorff illusion before Poggendorff. Perception, 44 (4), 383-399. http://doi.org/10.1068/p7788

Daneyko, O., Zavagno, D., & Stucchi, N. (2014). The size illusion and lightness contrast effect in Delboeuf-like displays : possible evidence of percept–percept coupling. Perception, 43 (7), 705-710. http://doi.org/10.1068/p7677

Daneyko, O. (2013). Book Review: Visual experience: Sensation, cognition, and constancy, edited by G Hatfield, S Allred; Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2012, 253 pages ISBN 978 0 19 959727 7. Perception, 42, 251-252. http://doi.org/10.1068/p4202rvw

Zavagno, D., Daneyko, O., & Sakurai, K. (2011). What can pictorial artifacts teach us about light and lightness? Japanese Psychological Research, 53 (4), 448-462. http://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-5884.2011.00488.x

Daneyko, O., Stucchi, N., & Zavagno, D. (2011). San Lorenzo and the Poggendorff illusion in Ravenna. i-Perception, 2 (5), 502-507. http://doi.org/10.1068/i0440aap

Daneyko, O., Zavagno, D., & Zanuttini, L. (2011). Lightness effects in Delboeuf and Ebbinghaus size-contrast illusions. Perception, 40 (4), 464-473. http://doi.org/10.1068/p6622

Daneyko, O. (2010). Lightness in Stereoscopic Depth. Vision, 22 (3). http://www.visionsociety.jp/VISION/vol22/no3/VISION220302.pdf

Zavagno, D., Daneyko, O., & Agostini, T. (2010). Measuring the meter: on the constancy of lightness scales seen against different backgrounds. Behavior Research Methods, 43 (1), 215-223. http://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-010-0035-y

Daneyko, O., & Zavagno, D. (2008). On the concept of error in visual perception: An example from simultaneous lightness contrast. Teorie & Modelli, 8 (2-3), 175-184. http://www.pitagoragroup.it/pited/teoriamod2008.html

Zavagno, D., & Daneyko, O. (2008). When figure-ground segmentation modulates brightness: The case of phantom illumination. Acta Psychologica, 129 (1), 166-174. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.actpsy.2008.05.011

Conference papers

Zavagno, D., Daneyko, O., & Caputo, G. (2010). Et Facta Est Lux: Experiencing Luminosity in Art and in the Real World. Proceedings of The Third International Workshop on Kansei. http://www.psycho.hes.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~lab_miura/Kansei/ws2010/

Book chapters

Zavagno, D., & Daneyko, O. (2017). The glare effect. In Shapiro, A.G., & Todorovic, D. (Eds.) The Oxford Compendium of Visual Illusions. O.U.P. (pp. 454-460). Oxford: Oxford University Press: https://global.oup.com/academic/product/the-oxford-compendium-of-visual-illusions-9780199794607?cc=gb&lang=en&

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