Nick White

Dr Nick White RN, EdD, MSc, PgCert, BMed Sci (Hons), FHEA

Senior Lecturer In Adult Nursing


I am a Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing and the module leader for the Simulation-based Education and Technology Enhanced Learning modules. These are Level 7, 15-credit modules that are part of the MSc Health and Social Care Education - these modules can be accessed as part of the MSc programme or as standalone modules. I am also module leader for Researching for Practice, a 15-credit module in semester 3 and this is part of the MSc Advancing Practice programme.

I have a Masters in Medical and Healthcare Simulation, a Post-graduate Certification in Healthcare Education and Professional Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) [post-compulsory sector].

I am post-doctorate having been awarded a Doctor of Education in July 2022.


I am an acute and critical care registered nurse by background. I have a special interest in patient safety, simulation-based education and education debriefing.

I teach into the MSc Healthcare Education course and I am supervisor to a number of MSc Nursing and MSc Advancing Practice dissertation students. My particular interest in education is the use of simulation and facilitated debrief in healthcare education. I have an MSc in Medical and Healthcare Simulation from the University of Hertfordshire, which I completed in 2014.

I am post-doctoral having been awarded a Doctor of Education in July 2022. My thesis was titled: "A study into the experiences of pre-registration nurses' use of mental simulation" and examined the use of mental simulation for learning cardio-pulmonary resuscitation skills from the perspective of pre-registration student nurses. I have a special interest in the field of education, education and pedagogical research. I am particularly interested in using sport science and sports psychology techniques for learning within healthcare education.

I am an Advanced Life Support (ALS) Instructor with the Resuscitation Council and teach on courses throughout the region and I teach both Basic Life Support for the University


School of Health and Social Care

College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences

Nursing, Healthcare Education

Courses taught:

  • BSc Nursing
  • MSc Nursing
  • MSc Health and Social Care Education
  • MSc Advanced Clinical Practice


  • Leading and Co-ordinating Person Centred Care
  • Assessing and Planning in Person Centred Care
  • Evidence and Enquiry for Practice
  • Technology Enhanced Learning
  • Simulation-based Education
  • Researching for Practice
  • Creating Original Practice


My research interest lies in healthcare education. In particular, I am interested in integrating and researching sports psychology techniques in healthcare education, learning and clinical performance.


Journal articles

White, N., Garner, I., & Rumbold, J. (2024). Designing Effective Scripts and Resources to Support Simulated Practice, Using Basic Life Support as an Exemplar. Journal of Modern Nursing Practice and Research, 4 (2).

White, N., Rumbold, J., & Garner, I. (2024). Enhancing Cardiac Arrest Skills: Exploring Student Nurses’ Journey through Mental Simulation to Self-efficacy. Journal of Modern Nursing Practice and Research, 4 (2).

White, N., & Hormis, A. (2023). The Potential of Mental Simulation for Enhancing Self-efficacy and Managing Stress in Emergency Care: A Nurse Education Perspective. Journal of Modern Nursing Practice and Research, 3 (4).

White, N. (2019). Use of mental imagery to learn CPR skills in pre-registration nurse education. British journal of nursing, 28 (7), 468-469.

White, N., Clark, D., Lewis, R., & Robson, W. (2016). The introduction of “Safety Science” into an undergraduate nursing programme at a large university in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 13 (1), 1-8.

White, N., Lowes, R.H.G., & Hormis, A. (2015). Understanding how human factors can cause errors in the operating theatre. Journal of Operating Department Practitioners, 3 (2), 82-88.

Robson, W., Clark, D., & White, N. (2014). Patient safety: the journey towards safer radiotherapy. Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice, 13 (2), 129-130.

Robson, W., Clark, D., Pinnock, D., White, N., & Baxendale, B. (2013). Teaching patient safety and human factors in undergraduate nursing curricula in England : a pilot survey. British Journal of Nursing, 22 (17), 12-25.

Clark, D., White, N., & Robson, W. (2013). Student life--safety is a team effort. Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), 28 (10), 66.

Robson, W., Clark, D., Pinnock, D., White, N., & Baxendale, B. (2013). Teaching patient safety and human factors in undergraduate nursing curricula in England: a pilot survey. British journal of nursing (Mark Allen Publishing), 22 (17), 1001-1005.

White, N. (2012). Understanding the role of non-technical skills in patient safety. Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), 26 (26), 43-48.

Conference papers

White, N., Garner, I., & Rumbold, J. (2022). Design of a functionally equivalent mental simulation protocol for learning cardiac arrest skills [Abstract only]. International Journal of Healthcare Simulation, 2 (S1), A28-A29.

White, N., Rumbold, J., & Garner, I. (2022). A study into the perceptions of pre-registration nurses’ use of mental simulation for learning cardiac arrest skills [Abstract only]. International Journal of Healthcare Simulation, 2 (S1), A24-A25.

White, N. (2019). OP14 Understanding the experiences of pre-registration nurses, after using a mental simulation audio script for learning CPR [abstract only]. BMJ Simulation & Technology Enhanced Learning, A9-A10.


A senior lecturer in adult nursing, Nick is a registered nurse with a background in acute and critical care. He has a particular interest in clinical simulation and human factors and is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). Nick is an Advanced Life Support (ALS) instructor and has subsequently taught on many ALS and Immediate Life Support (ILS) courses.

Media areas of expertise:

  • Human factors and patient safety
  • Skill acquisition and skill decay
  • Acute and critical care nursing
  • Clinical simulation
  • Healthcare education
  • Resuscitation

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