Mike Coldwell

Professor Mike Coldwell BA MA (Econ) PGCE PhD

Associate Director, Research and Innovation


I am a Professor of Education and currently on secondment as currently Assistant Dean for Research and Innovation (R&I). As a researcher with over 20 years' experience, my focus is on evaluation methodology, education policy evaluation and teacher professional learning and careers. I have led over 40 evaluation and research studies with a combined value of over £4m for a range of clients and funders including government departments, charitable trusts and policy organisations, leading to over 70 reports, several hundred presentations and over 30 academic publications. I also act as expert adviser to several of these organisations.


I am a Professor of Education and currently on secondment as currently Assistant Dean for Research and Innovation (R&I). As a researcher with over 20 years' experience, I have led over 40 evaluation and research studies with a combined value of over £4m for a range of clients and funders including government departments, charitable trusts and policy organisations, leading to over 70 reports, several hundred presentations and over 30 academic publications.

I collaborate with colleagues from organisations including NFER; UCL Institute of Education; Durham and York Universities and Institute for Fiscal Studies. My work has influenced the policy and work of organisations including the Department for Education (DfE); Education Endowment Foundation (EEF); and The Science Learning Centres Network.

I currently advise the DfE on two major projects and have advised a range of organisations, most recently the SHINE Trust, on evaluation strategy.

Specialist areas of interest

Education Policy, Professional Development and Teacher Careers, Evaluation Methodology


College of Social Sciences and Arts

Courses Taught

  • Ed D
  • One off lectures on MA and UG T Ed courses

Modules Taught

Quantitative methods
Post-positivist methodologies


Current Research Projects

I currently lead SHU's programme of evaluation for the Youth Endowment Fund. In addition, I lead the DfE Family Hubs evaluation (focussed on Doncaster Hubs). I recently co-led an Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) review of all of their projects and an EEF trial focussed on primary English. 

Selected Research Projects

REACH Primary 

Integrating English into the curriculum

Children's communities evaluation

Evaluation of DfE Teaching and Leadership Innovation Fund 

Building an evidence informed teaching system

Collaborators and Sponsors 

Collaborators include NFER, Ipsos MORI, Chartered College of Teaching, Education Policy Institute, UCL, Universities of Nottingham, Durham, Sheffield, York, Brighton. Funders include Youth Endowment Fund, Education Endowment Foundation, Department for Education, Welcome Trust



Journal articles

Coldwell, M., & Moore, N. (2024). Learning from failure: A context‐informed perspective on RCTs. British Educational Research Journal. http://doi.org/10.1002/berj.3960

Maxwell, B., Sharples, J., & Coldwell, M. (2022). Developing a systems‐based approach to research use in education. Review of Education, 10 (3). http://doi.org/10.1002/rev3.3368

Coldwell, M., Pearson, S., & Wilson, I. (2022). Evaluating local system change using a comparative maturity matrix. Evaluation, 28 (4), 446-465. http://doi.org/10.1177/13563890221126744

Booth, J., Coldwell, M., Müller, L.-.M., Perry, E., & Zuccollo, J. (2021). Mid-Career Teachers: A Mixed Methods Scoping Study of Professional Development, Career Progression and Retention. Education Sciences, 11 (6). http://doi.org/10.3390/educsci11060299

Moore, N., Coldwell, M., & Perry, E. (2021). Exploring the role of curriculum materials in teacher professional development. Professional Development in Education. http://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2021.1879230

Muller, L.-.M., Booth, J., Coldwell, M., Perry, E., & Zuccollo, J. (2021). Continuous professional development and career progression in mid-career teachers. Impact, 11. https://impact.chartered.college/article/continuous-professional-development-progression-mid-career-teachers/

Burnett, C., & Coldwell, M. (2020). Randomised Controlled Trials and the Interventionisation of Education. Oxford Review of Education. http://doi.org/10.1080/03054985.2020.1856060

Coldwell, M. (2019). Reconsidering context: six underlying features of context to improve learning from evaluation. Evaluation, 25 (1), 99-117. http://doi.org/10.1177/1356389018803234

Coldwell, M., & Maxwell, B. (2018). Context and Implications Document for: Using evidence-informed logic models to bridge methods in educational evaluation. Review of Education, 6 (3), 301-302. http://doi.org/10.1002/rev3.3153

Boylan, M., Adams, G., Coldwell, M., Willis, B., & Demack, S. (2018). Context and Implications Document for: Theorising variation in engagement in professional and curriculum development: Performativity, capital, systems and purpose. Review of Education, 6 (3), 408-410. http://doi.org/10.1002/rev3.3152

Coldwell, M., & Maxwell, B. (2018). Using evidence-informed logic models to bridge methods in educational evaluation. Review of Education, 6 (3), 267-300.

Boylan, M., Adams, G., Willis, B., Coldwell, M., & Demack, S. (2018). Theorising variation in engagement in professional and curriculum development: performativity, capital, systems and purpose. Review of Education, 6 (3), 360-407. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/20496613

Coldwell, M., & Willis, B. (2017). Tests as boundary signifiers: level 6 tests and the primary secondary divide. The Curriculum Journal, 28 (4), 578-597. http://doi.org/10.1080/09585176.2017.1330220

Boylan, M., Coldwell, M., Maxwell, B., & Jordan, J. (2017). Rethinking models of professional learning as tools: a conceptual analysis to inform research and practice. Professional development in education. http://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2017.1306789

Coldwell, M. (2017). Exploring the influence of professional development on teacher careers : developing a path model approach. Teaching and teacher education, 61, 189-198. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2016.10.015

Coldwell, M. (2016). Career orientations and career cultures : individual and organisational approaches to beginning teachers’ careers. Teachers and Teaching : Theory and Practice, 22 (5), 610-624. http://doi.org/10.1080/13540602.2016.1158468

Willis, B., Clague, L., & Coldwell, M. (2013). Effective PSHE education: values, purposes and future directions. Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Emotional Development, 31 (2), 99-111. http://doi.org/10.1080/02643944.2012.747556

Baker, R.P. (2012). Contexts of cultural capital in collaborative practice in further education. .

Coldwell, M., & Simkins, T. (2011). Level models of continuing professional development evaluation: a grounded review and critique. Professional development in education, 37 (1), 143-157. http://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2010.495497

Simkins, T., Coldwell, M., Close, P., & Morgan, A. (2009). Outcomes of in-school leadership development work: a study of three NCSL programmes. Educational management administration and leadership, 37 (1), 29-50. http://doi.org/10.1177/1741143208098163

Simkins, T.J., Coldwell, M., Caillau, I., Finlayson, H., & Morgan, A. (2006). Coaching as an in-school leadership development strategy: experiences from leading from the middle. Journal of in-service education, 32 (3), 321-340. http://doi.org/10.1080/13674580600841901

Coldwell, M., & Holland, M. (2001). Challenges at 12 and 16: Views on some aspects of secondary education in a former coal mining town in Northern England. International Electronic Journal for Leadership in Learning, 5.

Conference papers

Pountney, R., & Coldwell, M. (2019). Practice knowledge and teacher mentoring: what can realism teach us about professional learning? [abstract only]. In IPDA Conference 2019: Harnessing creativity in changing times: risk, resilience and professional learning across the professions, 29 November 2019 - 30 November 2019 (pp. 24-25). International Professional Development Association: https://ipda.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/IPDA-abstracts-booklet-002.pdf

Boylan, M., Coldwell, M., & Simkins, T. (2011). Complexity and leadership in teacher professional development : the case of the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics. In British Educational Research Association Conference, London, IoE, 7 September 2011 - 10 September 2011.

Coldwell, M., Maxwell, B., & McCaig, C. (2010). Cultures of career development: senior leaders' and early career teachers' views of career. In BERA Annual Conference September 2010, Unviersity of Warwick, 1 September 2010 (pp. 1-20).

Maxwell, B., Simkins, T., & Coldwell, M. (2009). Possibilities of partnerships as sites for learning: Leadership development in English 14-19 consortia. In BERA Annual Conference 2009, University of Manchester, 2 September 2009 - 5 September 2009.

Book chapters

Moore, N., Coldwell, M., & Perry, E. (2023). Exploring the role of curriculum materials in teacher professional development. In Non-Linear Perspectives on Teacher Development. (pp. 135-151). Routledge: http://doi.org/10.4324/9781003372097-9

Coldwell, M. (2022). Evidence-informed teaching in England. In Brown, C., & Malin, J.R. (Eds.) The Emerald handbook of evidence-informed practice in education. Emerald Publishing: https://books.emeraldinsight.com/book/detail/the-emerald-handbook-of-evidence-informed-practice-in-education/?k=9781800431423


Clark, L., Coldwell, M., Pearson, S., Willis, B., Wilson, I., Byrne, E., ... Reaney-Wood, S. (2023). Family hubs innovation fund evaluation: Final research report City of Doncaster. London: Department for Education.

Millings, A., Wilcockson, H., Clarke, E., Lamb, M., Humphreys, H., Paddock, D., ... Coldwell, M. (2022). Applying behavioural science to promoting uptake of family hubs services Research report summary. Department for Education. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1123978/Summary_Applying_behavioural_science_to_promoting_uptake_of_family_hubs_services.pdf

Millings, A., Wilcockson, H., Clarke, E., Lamb, M., Humphreys, H., Paddock, D., ... Coldwell, M. (2022). Applying behavioural science to promoting uptake of family hubs services Research report. (1284). Department for Education. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1123977/Applying_behavioural_science_to_promoting_uptake_of_family_hubs_services.pdf

Carter, C., Clark, L., Coldwell, M., Hatton, A., Pearson, S., Reaney-Wood, S., ... Wilson, I. (2022). Family hubs evaluation interim report: Doncaster. Department for Education. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1123746/Family_Hub_Evaluation_Innovation_Fund_Interim_report-Doncaster.pdf

Straw, S., Nelson, J., Maxwell, B., & Coldwell, M. (2022). Teaching and Leadership Innovation Fund (TLIF): fund-level evaluation final report. Department for Education.

Byrne, E., Reaney-Wood, S., Coldwell, M., Nelson, J., McLean, D., Staunton, R., & Worth, J. (2022). TLIF evaluation: The Ambition Institute’s Transforming Teaching Project. Department for Education. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1103985/TLIF_Evaluation_The_Ambition_Institute_s_Transforming_Teaching_Project.pdf

Stiell, B., Willis, B., Coldwell, M., Achtaridou, E., Mason, E., & Behailu, A. (2022). School recovery strategies: year 1 findings. DfE. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1045471/School_Recovery_Strategies_year_1_findings.pdf

Millings, A., Wilcockson, H., Harris-Evans, J., Thorneloe, R., Arden, M., & Coldwell, M. (2021). A Behavioural Insights Project: testing what works to increase the reach and take-up of family hub services by disadvantaged and vulnerable families - Logic Models and Linked Research Protocols.

Culliney, M., Daniels, K., Booth, J., Coldwell, M., & Demack, S. (2021). REACH Primary Evaluation Report. Education Endowment Foundation. https://d2tic4wvo1iusb.cloudfront.net/documents/projects/REACH_report_v5-final.pdf

Millings, A., Wilcockson, H., Harris-Evans, J., Thorneloe, R., Arden, M., & Coldwell, M. (2021). A Behavioural Insights Project: testing what works to increase the reach and take-up of family hub services by disadvantaged and vulnerable families - Recommendations Report.

Demack, S., Maxwell, B., Coldwell, M., Stevens, A., Wolstenholme, C., Reaney, S., ... Lortie-Fortes, H. (2021). Review of EEF Projects. Education Endowment Foundation. https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/projects-and-evaluation/evaluation/eef-evaluation-reports-and-research-papers/syntheses-of-eef-evaluations/review-of-eef-projects

Maxwell, B., Stevens, A., Demack, S., Coldwell, M., Wolstenholme, C., Reaney-Wood, S., ... Lortie-Forgues, H. (2021). EEF Implementation and Process Evaluation (IPE) quality pilot. Education Endowment Foundation.

Maxwell, B., Stiell, B., Stevens, A., Demack, S., Coldwell, M., Wolstenholme, C., ... Lortie-Forgues, H. (2021). Scale-up of EEF efficacy to effectiveness trials. Education Endowment Foundation (EEF). https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/projects-and-evaluation/evaluation/eef-evaluation-reports-and-research-papers/syntheses-of-eef-evaluations/scale-up-of-eef-efficacy-trials-to-effectiveness-trials

Byrne, E., Coldwell, M., & Willis, B. (2020). Evaluation of the early outcomes framework fund.

Batty, E., Harris, C., Leather, D., Pearson, S., Wilson, I., Carter, C., ... Willis, B. (2020). Children’s Communities final evaluation report. Save the Children, UK. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/childrens-communities-final-evaluation-report

Culliney, M., Moore, N., Coldwell, M., & Demack, S. (2019). Integrating English: Evaluation Report. Education Endowment Foundation. https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/public/files/Projects/Evaluation_Reports/Integrating_English.pdf

Maxwell, B., Coldwell, M., Willis, B., & Culliney, M. (2019). Teaching assistants regional scale-up campaigns: Lessons learned. Educational Endowment Foundation. https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/public/files/Campaigns/TA_scale_up_lessons_learned.pdf

Maxwell, B., Willis, B., Culliney, M., Coldwell, M., Demack, S., Goepel, J., & Stevens, A. (2019). Formative evaluation of the South & West Yorkshire teaching assistants scale-up campaign. Education Endowment Foundation. https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/public/files/Campaigns/SW_Yorks_TA_final_report_final.pdf

Maxwell, B., Willis, B., Culliney, M., Coldwell, M., & Reaney, S. (2019). Formative evaluation of the Lincolnshire teaching assistants scale-up campaign. Education Endowment Foundation. https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/public/files/Campaigns/Teaching_Assistant_campaign_Lincs_final.pdf

Stiell, B., Willis, B., Culliney, M., & Coldwell, M. (2018). International teacher recruitment: understanding the attitudes and experiences of school leaders and teachers. Research Report. London: Department for Education. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/713859/International_teacher_recruitment-_attitudes_and_experiences_of_school_leaders_and_teachers.pdf

Maxwell, B., Clague, L., Byrne, E., Culliney, M., Coldwell, M., Hobson, A., & Glentworth, A. (2018). Retain: CPD for Early Career Teachers of KS1Pilot report and executive summary. https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk: Education Endowment Foundation. https://educationendowmentfoundation.org.uk/public/files/Projects/Evaluation_Reports/Retain.pdf

Batty, E., Pearson, S., Wilson, I., Coldwell, M., Stiell, B., & Willis, B. (2018). Children's Community evaluation 2017 report. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/childrens-community-evaluation-2017-report

Batty, E., Harris, C., Leather, D., Pearson, S., Wilson, I., Coldwell, M., ... Willis, B. (2018). Children's Communities programme evaluation 2018 report. Save the Children UK. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/childrens-communities-programme-evaluation-2018-report

Perry, E., Boylan, M., Booth, J., & Coldwell, M. (2017). Connecting research and teacher education : quality enhancement for ITE Partnerships. Cardiff: Welsh Government. http://learning.gov.wales/resources/browse-all/connecting-research-and-teacher-education/?lang=en

Coldwell, M., Greany, T., Higgins, S., Brown, C., Maxwell, B., Stiell, B., ... Burns, H. (2017). Evidence-informed teaching: an evaluation of progress in England. Research Report. London, UK: Department for Education. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/625007/Evidence-informed_teaching_-_an_evaluation_of_progress_in_England.pdf

Straw, S., Coldwell, M., Poet, H., Byrne, E., Stiell, B., & Worth, J. (2017). Maths and physics teacher supply package. London, UK: Department for Education. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/624769/Maths_and_physics_teacher_supply_package-report.pdf

Boylan, M., Demack, S., Stevens, A., Coldwell, M., & Stiell, B. (2016). An Evaluation of the Further Mathematics Support Programme : Research Report. Sheffield Hallam University. http://furthermaths.org.uk/files/FMSP-Final-Main-Report-for-Publication.pdf

Coldwell, M., Gregory, M., Maxwell, B., Ramchandani, G., & Taylor, P. (2015). The Impact of National College Grants Evaluation. National College for Teaching and Leadership. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/438041/Impact_of_National_College_grants_evaluation.pdf

Higham, R., Early, P., Coldwell, M., Stevens, A., & Brown, C. (2015). New pathways into headship? London: Department for Education. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/436076/RR332A_New_Pathways_into_Headship_research_report.pdf

Wolstenholme, C., Coldwell, M., & Stiell, B. (2014). Independent Review Panel and First-tier Tribunal Exclusion Appeals systems : Research Report. Department for Education. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/285458/DFE-RR313.pdf

Formby, E., Coldwell, M., Stiell, B., Demack, S., Stevens, A., Shipton, L., ... Willis, B. (2011). Personal, social, healthand economic (PSHE)education: A mappingstudy of the prevalentmodels of delivery andtheir effectiveness. London: Department for Education.

Clague, L., Coldwell, M., Stevens, A., Stiell, B., Willis, B., & Wolstenholme, C. (2011). Process evaluation of the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check Pilot. DfE. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/year-1-phonics-screening-check-pilot-evaluation

Coldwell, M., Maxwell, B., McCaig, C., & Stevens, A. (2011). NQT Quality Improvement Study for the Training andDevelopment Agency for Schools : Synthesised key findings from all five stages of the NQT Quality Improvement Study. Sheffield Hallam University for the Training and Development Agency for Schools.

Mannion, K., & Coldwell, M.R. (2008). After-school Science and Engineering Clubs Evaluation. Department for Children, Schools and Families. http://www.dcsf.gov.uk/research/programmeofresearch/projectinformation.cfm?projectid=15385&resultspage=1

Theses / Dissertations

Tasker, C.L. (2023). Values-Led Leadership in England’s Secondary Schools. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Coldwell, M. http://doi.org/10.7190/shu-thesis-00607

Williams, S. (2022). Physical Education in primary schools: head teachers' beliefs and practices. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Adams, G., & Coldwell, M. http://doi.org/10.7190/shu-thesis-00505

Coldwell, M. (2018). Professional learning and professional careers: theory, evaluation and practice. (Doctoral thesis). http://doi.org/10.7190/shu-thesis-00082

Moss, C. (2018). ‘Reporting without fear, or favour’: HMI 2000-2010, and oral history. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Coldwell, M. http://doi.org/10.7190/shu-thesis-00091

Elonga Mboyo, J.P. (2017). Comparative leadership: pathways, scope and values in DRC-English 'urban' schools. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Coldwell, M. http://doi.org/10.7190/shu-thesis-00029

Doran, C. (2016). An investigation of Youth Work in Irish Youth Services. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Garland, P., Coldwell, M., & Morrison, A.

Hoath, L.J. (2015). A framework for understanding the distinctive characteristics of an outdoor setting pedagogy: a comparative primary education case study approach. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Coldwell, M.

Waterfield, J.S. (2014). An exploration of the relationship between undergraduate pharmacy knowledge and professional practice. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Coldwell, M., & Garland, P.

Internet Publications

Sharples, J., Maxwell, B., & Coldwell, M. (2023). The bigger picture: taking a systems approach to encouraging research use in education. https://blogs.shu.ac.uk/sioe/2023/02/13/the-bigger-picture-taking-a-systems-approach-to-encouraging-research-use-in-education/

Sharples, J., Maxwell, B., & Coldwell, M. (2023). Developing a systems-based approach to research use in education. [website]. https://www.bera.ac.uk/blog/developing-a-systems-based-approach-to-research-use-in-education


Moore, N., & Coldwell, M. (2021). Evaluating educational interventions - How do we measure the impact of genre pedagogy on disadvantaged students? Presented at: 30th European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference - Social Semiotics and Social Justice, Sheffield Hallam University

Pearson, S., & Coldwell, M. (2019). Theory-based approaches to the evaluation of complex place-based systems change. Presented at: CRESR Seminar Series, Sheffield Hallam University

Culliney, M., Moore, N., Demack, S., & Coldwell, M. (2019). Integrating English into the Curriculum: Evaluating an Intervention Based on Systemic Functional Linguistics. Presented at: 2019 European Conference on Educational Research (ECER), Universität Hamburg, Germany, 2019

Perry, E., Coldwell, M., & Moore, N. (2019). Curriculum materials as mediators in professional learning: The role of schemes of work in a national Primary Linguistics programme. Presented at: Harnessing Creativity in Changing Times: Risk, resilience and professional learning across the professions, Aston University, Birmingham, 2019

Other publications

Coldwell, M.R., Coldron, J.H., & Smith, R. (2008). Active social location in schools: professional development for the whole school workforce? http://www.beraconference.co.uk/2008/

Holland, M.R., Coldwell, M.R., Trickey, S., & Morgan, B. (2007). The development of the secondary vocational curriculum in a northern local authority in England. http://www.vet-research.net/ECER_2007

Coldwell, M.R., Gornall, L., Holland, M.R., Trickey, D.S., Willis, B., & Wolstenholme, C.E. (2006). Developing enterprise culture in a northern educational authority in the UK: involving trainee teachers in learning-orientated evaluation. http://www.eera-ecer.eu/ecer/ecer2006/

Coldwell, M.R., Trickey, S., Holland, M.R., & Smith, P. (2005). Bridging the gap? The role of transition advisers in the move from compulsory education. http://www.bera.ac.uk/blog/category/events/conference/

Trickey, S., Coldwell, M., Holland, M., Close, P., & Rybinski, D. (2005). Evaluation of valued youth: a national peer-tutoring programme to increase self confidence and motivation. http://www.shu.ac.uk/research/ceir/downloads/EERA20paper-Sept.05.pdf

Trickey, S., Holland, M.R., Coldwell, M.R., & Rybinski, D. (2004). Evaluating teachers' and trainers' development in a large scale curriculum development project in South Yorkshire. http://www.bera.ac.uk/blog/category/events/conference/

Holland, M.R., Coldwell, M.R., Trickey, S., Rybinksi, D., Jones, H., Morgan, B., & Byford, H. (2003). Pathways to "opportunity and excellence": collaborative curriculum innovation in South Yorkshire. http://brs.leeds.ac.uk/~beiwww/BEIA/bera2003.htm

Holland, M.R., Coldwell, M.R., Trickey, S., & Rybinski, D. (2003). New Pathways: evaluating the implementation of a major work- related programme in Northern England. http://www.aera.net/Default.aspx?id=284

Holland, M.R., Coldwell, M.R., & Close, P. (2002). Transitions and progress: teachers' views of progress in attainment of pupils age 5-10. http://www.aera.net/

Coldwell, M.R., & Holland, M.R. (2001). Pupil, Teacher and Parent views on secondary education in an economically deprived former coal mining town in the UK. http://www.aera.net/Default.aspx?id=284

Other activities

I advise on major government and other funder evaluations including two current DfE studies (the Longitudinal Study of Teachers and Opportunity Areas place-based evaluation).

Postgraduate supervision

I supervise on the professional doctorate at SHU, the Ed D. I supervise on areas related to teacher development, careers and leadership; and broader education workforce. Studies I currently or previously supervise/d have focuses including leadership of food education; values-led leadership; the role of SENCOs; teacher beliefs; primary leaders' views on PE; early years curriculum in Ireland; youth work in Ireland.

Past Ed D supervision included School Leadership in Congo and UK; an Oral History of Her Majesty's Inspectors; The outdoor primary classroom; Youth Work in Republic of Ireland; and Pharmacy educators' professional knowledge and identities.


My work focuses on evaluation methodology, the careers and professional learning of teachers, research use in schools and educational policy implementation.

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