Matthew Stibbe

Professor Matthew Stibbe

Professor of Modern European History


I was educated at the Universities of Bristol and Sussex, and spent a year as an exchange student at the Humboldt University in Berlin. My first full-time lecturing post was at the University of Wales, Bangor, and I also worked for four and a half years at Liverpool Hope University before joining Sheffield Hallam in 2003. I became a Reader in 2007 and a Professor in 2010. I am a specialist in twentieth-century German and European history, and am associate editor of the journal Immigrants and Minorities, responsible for special issues.


Department of Humanities

College of Social Sciences and Arts


BA History


Nations, Regions, Borders;

Cold War;

Germany 1890-1933;

Ideas into Action;

The Third Reich and its Aftermath


I am currently working on research projects on state of emergency regimes in Germany and elsewhere since 1914, women and revolutionary movements in the aftermath of the First World War, and ‘normalisation’ in post-1968 Eastern Europe.



Journal articles

Keil, A., & Stibbe, M. (2024). Introduction: State of Emergency Regimes in the First World War Era. First World War Studies, 14 (1), 1-27.

Stibbe, M. (2021). Review Article: Democracy in Germany. Way of Life, Path to (Auto)Westernization, and Global Political Phenomenon. German Historical Institute London Bulletin, 43 (2), 57-71.

Keil, A., & Stibbe, M. (2020). Ein Laboratorium des Ausnahmezustands: Schutzhaft während des Ersten Weltkriegs und in den Anfangsjahren der Weimarer Republik – Preußen und Bayern 1914 bis 1923. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 68 (4), 535-573.

Stibbe, M. (2020). A forgotten minority: the return of the Auslandsdeutsche to Germany in 1919-20. Studies on National Movements, 5, 144-183.

Sharp, I., & Stibbe, M. (2018). ‘In diesen Tagen kamen wir nicht von der Straße...’: Frauen in der deutschen Revolution von 1918/19. Ariadne: Forum für Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte, 73/74, 32-39.

Gottlieb, J.V., & Stibbe, M. (2016). Peace at any price: the visit of Nazi Women’s leader Gertrud Scholtz-Klink to London in March 1939 and the response of British Women Activists. Women's History Review, 26 (2), 173-194.

Stibbe, M. (2014). Enemy aliens, deportees, refugees: internment practices in the Habsburg Empire, 1914-1918. Journal of Modern European History, 12 (4), 479-499.

Stibbe, M. (2013). Reactions from the other Germany : the Fischer Controversy in the German Democratic Republic. Journal of Contemporary History, 48 (2), 315-332.

Stibbe, M. (2012). In and beyond the racial state: gender and national socialism, 1933-1955. Politics, religion and ideology, 13 (2), 159-178.

Stibbe, M. (2011). Jürgen Kuczynski and the search for a (non-existent) Western spy ring in the East German Communist Party in 1953. Contemporary European History, 20 (1), 61-79.

Stibbe, M. (2008). Civilian internment and civilian internees in Europe, 1914-20. Immigrants & minorities, 26 (1-2), 49-81.

Stibbe, M. (2006). The internment of civilians by belligerent states during the First World War and the response of the international committee of the Red Cross. Journal of Contemporary History, 41 (1), 5-19.

Stibbe, M. (2005). A Question of Retaliation? The Internment of British Civilians in Germany in November 1914. Immigrants & Minorities, 23 (1), 1-29.


Stibbe, M. (2002). Anti-Feminism, Nationalism and the German Right, 1914–1920: A Reappraisal. German History, 20 (2), 185-210.

Book chapters

Stibbe, M., Painter, C., & Sharp, I. (2023). History beyond the Script: Rethinking Female Subjectivities and Socialist Women's Activism during the German Revolution of 1918-19 and its Immediate Aftermath. In Dillon, C., & Wünschmann, K. (Eds.) Living the German Revolution, 1918-19: Expectations, Experiences, Responses. (pp. 193-223). Oxford: Oxford University Press:

Stibbe, M. (2023). The Weimar Republic and the Rise of National Socialism. In The Oxford History of the Third Reich. (pp. 21-50). Oxford University PressOxford:

Stibbe, M., & Wünschmann, K. (2022). Internment practices during the First and Second World Wars a comparison. In Anderl, G., Erker, L., & Reinprecht, C. (Eds.) Internment refugee camps : historical and contemporary perspectives. (pp. 29-46). Bielefeld: Transcript:

Stibbe, M. (2022). Normalisation across borders: official cooperation and contacts between East Germany and Czechoslovakia, 1969–1980. In Czechoslovakia and Eastern Europe in the Era of Normalisation, 1969–1989. (pp. 259-289).

Stibbe, M., Hammerin, A., Hermann, K., & Ronan, A. (2022). Socialist Women and ‘Urban Space’: Protest, Strikes and Anti-Militarism, 1914–18. In Painter, C., Sharp, I., & Stibbe, M. (Eds.) Socialist Women and the Great War, 1914–21 : protest, Revolution and Commemoration. (pp. 31-64). Bloomsbury:

Stibbe, M. (2022). (Dis)entangling the local, the national, and the international: civilian internment in Germany and in German-occupied France and Belgium in global context. In Kowner, R., & Rachamimov, I. (Eds.) Out of line, out of place: a global and local history of World War I internments. (pp. 25-51). Cornell University Press:

Stibbe, M. (2022). ‘Warum Kriege? Wozu Geschichte(n) von Kriegen? Der Erste Weltkrieg in der wissenschaftlichen Geschichtsschreibung der DDR’. In Droit, E., & Offenstadt, N. (Eds.) Das Rote Erbe der Front: Der Erste Weltkrieg in der DDR. (pp. 273-305). Berlin: De Gruyter:

Stibbe, M. (2021). Koalitionsbildung und politische Fragmentierung von 1924–1930. In Rossol, N., & Ziemann, B. (Eds.) Aufbruch und Abgründe: Das Handbuch der Weimarer Republik. (pp. 93-119). Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft:

Stibbe, M. (2021). Gewalt gegen Zivilisten: “Arbeitsverweigerer” im von Deutschland besetzten Nordfrankreich und im südlichen Bayern während des Ersten Weltkrieges. In Müller, S.O., & Pschichholz, C. (Eds.) Gewaltgemeinschaften? Studien zur Gewaltgeschichte im und nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg. (pp. 75-104). Frankfurt am Main and New York: Campus Verlag:

Stibbe, M. (2020). Coalition-Building and Political Fragmentation, 1924-1930. In Rossol, N., & Ziemann, B. (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the Weimar Republic. (pp. 72-94). Oxford: Oxford University Press:

Stibbe, M. (2019). ‘Radicalização e Internacionalização: Rumo a una história global de cativeiro militar e civil durante a primeira guerra mundial’. In Aires Oliveira, P. (Ed.) Prisoneiros de Guerras: Experiências de cativeiro no seculo XX. (pp. 61-85). Lisbon: Tinta da China:

Stibbe, M. (2018). The internment of enemy aliens in the Habsburg Empire,1914–18. In Manz, S., Panayi, P., & Stibbe, M. (Eds.) Internment during the First World War : a mass global phenomenon. (pp. 61-84). London and New York: Routledge:

Stibbe, M. (2018). Ideological offensive: the East German leadership, the Prague Spring and the Warsaw Pact Invasion of August 1968. In McDermott, K., & Stibbe, M. (Eds.) Eastern Europe in 1968: responses to the Prague Spring and Warsaw Pact Invasion. (pp. 97-123). London: Palgrave Macmillan:

Stibbe, M. (2018). The Weimar Republic and the rise of National Socialism. In Gellately, R. (Ed.) The Oxford illustrated history of the Third Reich. (pp. 19-50). Oxford: Oxford University Press:

Stibbe, M., Shnyrova, O., & Helfert, V. (2017). Women and Socialist Revolution, 1917-23. In Sharp, I., & Stibbe, M. (Eds.) Women Activists Between War and Peace : Europe, 1918-1923. (pp. 123-172). London: Bloomsbury:

Stibbe, M. (2016). Flüchtige Allianzen: Der Erste Weltkrieg als Erwartungshorizont und Explanandum. In Maubach, F., & Morina, C. (Eds.) Das 20. Jahrhundert erzählen: Zeiterfahrung und Zeiterforschung im geteilten Deutschland. (pp. 33-86). Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag

Stibbe, M. (2015). The Limits of Rehabilitation: The 1930s Stalinist Terror and its Legacy in post-1953 East Germany. In Mcdermott, K., & Stibbe, M. (Eds.) De-Stalinising Eastern Europe: The Rehabilitation of Stalin’s Victims after 1953. (pp. 87-108). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Stibbe, M. (2014). The German Empire’s Response: From Retaliation to the Painful Realities of Defeat. In Panayi, P. (Ed.) Germans as Minorities during the First World War: A Global Comparative Perspective. (pp. 47-68). Farnham: Ashgate

Stibbe, M. (2014). Remembering, Commemorating and (Re)Fighting the Great War in Germany from 1919 to the Present Day. In Sumartojo, S., & Wellings, B. (Eds.) Nation, Memory and Great War Commemoration: Mobilizing the Past in Europe, Australia and New Zealand. (pp. 205-222). Oxford: Peter Lang:

Stibbe, M. (2014). “Ohne jede Ausnahme eine Schar von Feinden Österreichs”: Die Internierungspolitik des Habsburgerreiches im europäischen und globalen Kontext. In Fritz, P. (Ed.) Jubel und Elend: Leben mit dem Großen Krieg, 1914-1918. (pp. 338-343). Schallaburg: gugler GmbH

Stibbe, M. (2013). Ein globales Phänomen: Zivilinternierung im Ersten Weltkrieg in transnationaler und internationaler Dimension. In Jahr, C., & Thiel, J. (Eds.) Lager vor Auschwitz: Gewalt und Integration im 20. Jahrhundert. (pp. 158-176). Berlin: Metropol Verlag

Stibbe, M. (2013). A hopeless case of optimism? Jürgen Kuczynski and the end of the GDR. In Mcdermott, K., & Stibbe, M. (Eds.) The 1989 Revolutions in Central and Eastern Europe: from communism to pluralism. (pp. 213-234). Manchester: Manchester University Press

Stibbe, M. (2013). Krieg und Brutalisierung: Die Internierung von Zivilisten bzw. “politisch Unzuverlässigen” in Österreich-Ungarn während des Ersten Weltkriegs. In Eisfeld, A., Hausmann, G., & Neutatz, D. (Eds.) Besetzt, interniert, deportiert: Der Erste Weltkrieg und die deutsche, jüdische, polnische und ukrainische Zivilbevölkerung im östlichen Europa. (pp. 87-106). Essen: Klartext Verlag

Stibbe, M. (2012). Gendered experiences of civilian internment during the First World War: a forgotten dimension of wartime violence. In Carden-Coyne, A. (Ed.) Gender and conflict since 1914 : historical and interdisciplinary perspectives. (pp. 14-28). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Stibbe, M. (2011). Elsa Brandstrom and the reintegration of returning prisoners of war and their families in post-war Germany and Austria. In Sharp, I., & Stibbe, M. (Eds.) Aftermaths of War: Women’s Movements and Female Activists, 1918-1923. (pp. 333-353). Leiden: Brill

Stibbe, M. (2010). East Germany, 1945-1953 : Stalinist repression and internal party purges. In Mcdermott, K., & Stibbe, M. (Eds.) Stalinist terror in Eastern Europe: elite purges and mass repression. (pp. 57-77). Manchester: Manchester University Press

Stibbe, M. (2010). Fighting the First World War in the Cold War: East and West German historiography on the origins of the First World War, 1945-1959. In Hochscherf, T., Laucht, C., & Plowman, A. (Eds.) Divided but not disconnected: German experiences of the Cold War. (pp. 34-48). Oxford: Berghahn Books

Stibbe, M. (2010). The internment of political suspects in Austria-Hungary during the first world war: A violent legacy? In Gender and Modernity in Central Europe: The Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and Its Legacy. (pp. 203-218).

Stibbe, M. (2007). Elisabeth Rotten and the 'Auskunfts- und Hilfsstelle für Deutsche im Ausland und Ausländer in Deutschland, 1914-1919'. In Fell, A.S., & Sharp, I. (Eds.) The Women’s Movement in Wartime: international perspectives, 1914-19. (pp. 194-210). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Stibbe, M. (2006). The SED, German Communism and the 17 June 1953 Uprising: new trends and new research. In Mcdermott, K., & Stibbe, M. (Eds.) Revolution and resistance in Eastern Europe: challenges to communist rule. (pp. 37-55). Oxford and New York: Berg

Stibbe, M. (2006). The First World War: aims, strategy and diplomacy. In Martel, G. (Ed.) A companion to Europe 1900-1945. (pp. 228-242). Oxford: Blackwell

McDermott, K., & Stibbe, M. (2006). Revolution and Resistance in Eastern Europe: An Overview. In Revolution and Resistance in Eastern Europe Challenges to Communist Rule. (pp. 1-14).

Stibbe, M. (2005). Prisoners of war in WORLD WAR I: British and Allied Civilian Internees at Ruhleben Camp, Germany. In Personal Perspectives: World War I. (pp. 259-272).

Stibbe, M. (2003). Germany's ‘last card’. Wilhelm II and the decision in favour of unrestricted submarine warfare in January 1917. In The Kaiser. (pp. 217-234). Cambridge University Press:


Stibbe, M. (2023). Debates on the German Revolution Of 1918-19. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

McDermott, K., & Stibbe, M. (Eds.). (2022). Czechoslovakia and Eastern Europe in the Era of Normalisation, 1969–1989. Springer International Publishing.

Stibbe, M., & McDermott, K. (2022). Czechoslovakia and Eastern Europe in the Era of Normalisation. Palgrave Macmillan.

Painter, C., Sharp, I., & Stibbe, M. (Eds.). (2022). Socialist Women and the Great War, 1914-21: Protest, Revolution and Commemoration. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Stibbe, M. (2019). Civilian internment during the First World War: A European and global history, 1914–1920. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK.

Manz, S., Panayi, P., & Stibbe, M. (Eds.). (2018). Internment during the First World War: a mass global phenomenon. London and New York: Routledge.

Mcdermott, K., & Stibbe, M. (Eds.). (2018). Eastern Europe in 1968: responses to the Prague Spring and Warsaw Pact Invasion. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Sharp, I., & Stibbe, M. (Eds.). (2017). Women activists between war and peace : Europe, 1918-1923. London: Bloomsbury.

Mcdermott, K., & Stibbe, M. (Eds.). (2015). De-Stalinising Eastern Europe: The Rehabilitation of Stalin’s Victims after 1953. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Mcdermott, K., & Stibbe, M. (Eds.). (2013). The 1989 revolutions in central and eastern Europe: from Communism to pluralism. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Sharp, I., & Stibbe, M. (Eds.). (2011). Aftermaths of war: Women’s Movements and Female Activists, 1918-1923. Leiden: BRILL.

Stibbe, M. (2010). Germany, 1914-1933: Politics, Society and Culture. Harlow: Pearson.

Mcdermott, K., & Stibbe, M. (Eds.). (2010). Stalinist terror in Eastern Europe: elite purges and mass repression. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Mcdermott, K., & Stibbe, M. (Eds.). (2010). Stalinist terror in Eastern Europe: elite purges and mass repression. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Stibbe, M. (Ed.). (2009). Captivity, forced labour and forced migration in Europe during the First World War. London: Routledge.

Stibbe, M. (2008). British civilian internees in Germany: the Ruhleben camp, 1914-18. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Mcdermott, K., & Stibbe, M. (Eds.). (2006). Revolution and resistance in Eastern Europe: challenges to communist rule. Oxford and New York: Berg.

Mcdermott, K., & Stibbe, M. (Eds.). (2006). Revolution and resistance in Eastern Europe: challenges to communist rule. Oxford and New York: Berg.

Theses / Dissertations

Porter, K.E. (2022). Perceptions of daily life in diaries from the Warsaw and Łódź ghettos. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Aitken, R., Petersson, N., & Stibbe, M.

Malpass, A.P. (2016). British attitudes towards German prisoners of war and their treatment: 1939-48. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Stibbe, M.

Internet Publications

Stibbe, M. (2019). Negotiating and Mediating Conduct of War.

Stibbe, M. (2018). Italian Irredentism.

Stibbe, M. (2014). Women’s Mobilisation for War (Germany).

Stibbe, M. (2014). Enemy Aliens and Internment.

Other publications

Stibbe, M. (2014). Why the Great War Centenary will be a Non-Issue in Germany. The Conversation Trust (UK) Limited:



Matthew’s research focuses on the history of modern warfare and the aftermath of war, particularly, but not exclusively, in Germany and Central Europe.

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