Matt Dexter

Matt Dexter BA, MA

Research Associate


Currently I am working within the Telehealth and Care Technologies (TaCT) theme within the new CLAHRC Yorkshire and Humber research network. The role involves using participatory design to collaboratively find alternatives to the English-language, text-based nature of communication within Telehealth/Telecare systems. The role is new, as is the project within TaCT- involving the use of design methodologies in a health intervention research environment.


I initially took a professional interest in Engineering, but my focus moved to Product Design and I undertook a BA in this area in 2003. During my undergraduate studies I developed an interest in the design of medical devices, and I won the Inclusive Artefact prize from Sheffield Hallam University. An MA in Industrial Design funded by the AHRC followed which allowed me to further develop in this field of interest leading to the creation of a series of new garments for the SMART stroke rehabilitation project; which are currently poised for further development. During my MA I also won the ISPA design prize working with fellow designer Guido Garotti.

Currently, the thesis for my PhD using Open Design to facilitate the participatory design of medical devices for people living with cystic fibrosis has been submitted for assessment. Open Design continues to be a theme for future work, within and without health.

As part of the role, I am also involved in the AHRC Design in Health Network, examining the extent of the art for design in health. This work is a collaboration between the Glasgow School of Art, Coventry University, Sheffield Hallam University and the Royal College of Art.


College of Business, Technology and Engineering


  • Culture and Creativity Research Institute


Journal articles

Phillips, R., Dexter, M., Baurley, S., & Atkinson, P. (2016). Standard deviation : standardization and quality control in the mash-up era. Disegno : TheJournal of Design Culture, 3 (1-2), 96-117.

Conference papers

Chamberlain, P., Craig, C., & Dexter, M. (2016). InTacT: Insights into Telehealth and Care Technologies. In Langdon, P., Lazar, J., Heylighen, A., & Dong, H. (Eds.) Designing around people : CWUAAT 2016, (pp. 85-94). Switzerland: Springer:

Philips, R., Dexter, M., Atkinson, P., & Baurley, S. (2013). Standard deviation - ensuring quality and replicability in Open Design practice. In The Knowledge Exchange Conference 2013, Lancaster, 26 September 2013 - 27 September 2013.

Dexter, M., Atkinson, P., & Dearden, A. (2013). Open design and cystic fibrosis: enabling participation in the design process. In 2nd European Conference on Design4Health, Sheffield Hallam University, 3 July 2013 - 5 July 2013. online e-book: Sheffield Hallam University:

Dexter, M., Atkinson, P., & Dearden, A. (2013). Open design and medical products: irreconcilable differences, or natural bedfellows? In Proceedings of the 10th European Academy of Design Conference, Gothenburg. [Gothenburg]: University of Gothenburg/European Academy of Design:

Dexter, M., Atkinson, P., & Dearden, A. (2011). Health products; designed with, not for, end users. In Yoxall, A. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on Design 4 Health, Sheffield, (pp. 110-121). Sheffield Hallam University:


Chamberlain, P., Wolstenholme, D., Dexter, M., & Seals, E. (2015). The state of the art of design theory and practice in health : an expert-led review of the extent of the art and design theory and practice in health and social care. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University.

Theses / Dissertations

Dexter, M. (2014). Open design and medical products. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Atkinson, P.

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