Professor Mark Boylan BSc, PGCE, PhD, SFHEA
Co-Head of Research and Innovation, Sheffield Institute of Education
Mark is a Professor of Education at the Sheffield Institute of Education and Co-Head of Research and Innovation. Most of his current research focuses on the evaluation of large-scale professional development programmes and other policy initiatives, mainly in mathematics education or teacher professional learning. A former secondary mathematics teacher and mathematics teacher educator, Mark is also a movement teacher and holds a diploma in Sociodrama and Creative Action Methods.
Mark is a Professor of Education at the Sheffield Institute of Education and Co-Head of Research and Innovation. Most of his current research focuses on the evaluation of large-scale professional development programmes and other policy initiatives, mainly in mathematics education or teacher professional learning. A former secondary mathematics teacher and mathematics teacher educator, Mark is also a movement teacher and holds a diploma in Sociodrama and Creative Action Methods.
Mark has extensive experience leading complex evaluations that include impact analysis, process evaluation, and mixed-methods research. He has led or co-led more than 20 research and evaluation projects for a variety of funders over the past 15 years. He has also designed and set up a regional Primary Mathematics Specialist Teacher Programme. His evaluation research began with evaluations of DfE courses for non-specialist teachers of mathematics, professional development leaders, and the NCETM. He led the evaluation of the Shanghai Mathematics Teacher Exchange. He has published extensively, including over 50 journal articles, reports, and other research outputs. These have included methodological contributions to evaluation theory and practice.
Mark has a long-standing research interest in social justice pedagogies in mathematics education.
He has a background in qualitative research but also has expertise in process and implementation evaluation, the design of mixed methods, and quantitative studies. He has supervised 14 doctoral researchers to completion, with their research spanning a wide range of areas. He was previously the Post Graduate Research Tutor for Education and the Research and Evaluation Framework Coordinator for Education at Sheffield Hallam University.
Professor of Education. Practice, Innovation and Professional Learning Research Group Leader. Doctoral supervision and teaching
Mathematics education
Professional learning
Teacher education
Social justice pedagogies and critical teacher education
Ethics in education
Sheffield Institute of Education
College of Social Sciences and Arts
Doctoral supervision
PhD and EdD supervision and teaching
2017-2020 Evaluation of Realistic Mathematics Education. EEF
2014-2017 Longitudinal evaluation for the England-China Maths Education Innovation Research Project (Shanghai teacher exchange), DfE
2016- 2017 The Embodying Mathematics: explore and test project, Paul Hamlyn Foundation -Education and Learning Through the Arts, Grantee - Complicite Theatre Company,
2015-2017 Embodying Mathematics - A Maths Drama Research Project, John Lyons charitable Trust, Grantee Complicite Theatre Company,
2014-17 Evaluation of ScratchMaths EEF
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Funders of Research, evaluation, consultancy and professional and curriculum development projects include the Department for Education, the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics, The Further Mathematics Support Programme, the Education Endowment Foundation, Computing At School, Complicite Theatre Company, the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, Nuffield Foundation and the Welsh Assembly Government.
Journal articles
Compton, A., & Boylan, M. (2024). Policy-based evidence? The schools inspectorate in England, research and school mathematics policy. Research in Mathematics Education.
Boylan, M., Truelove, L., Pearse, S., O’Brien, S., Sheehan, H., Cowell, T., & Long, E. (2023). Developing trauma-informed teacher education in England. London Review of Education, 21 (1).
Boylan, M., & Adams, G. (2023). Market mirages and the state’s role in professional learning: the case of English mathematics education. Journal of Education Policy.
Boylan, M., Adams, G., Perry, E., & Booth, J. (2023). Re-imagining transformative professional learning for critical teacher professionalism: a conceptual review. Professional Development in Education, 49 (4), 651-669.
Boylan, M., Adams, G., Perry, E., & Booth, J. (2023). Re-imagining transformative professional learning for critical teacher professionalism: a conceptual review. Professional Development in Education, 49 (4), 651-669.
Barwell, R., Boylan, M., & Coles, A. (2022). Mathematics education and the living world: A dialogic response to a global crisis. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 68.
Boylan, M. (2021). Trauma informed practices in education and social justice: towards a critical orientation. International Journal of School Social Work, 6 (1).
Boylan, M. (2021). Entanglement, evaluation and practice in a professional learning innovation. Professional Development in Education.
Povey, H., Boylan, M., & Adams, G. (2019). Regulated time and expansive time in primary school mathematics. Pedagogy, Culture and Society.
Boylan, M., Maxwell, B., Wolstenholme, C., Jay, T., & Demack, S. (2018). The mathematics teacher exchange and 'mastery' in England: The evidence for the efficacy of component practices. Education sciences, 8 (4), 202.
Boylan, M., Adams, G., Coldwell, M., Willis, B., & Demack, S. (2018). Context and Implications Document for: Theorising variation in engagement in professional and curriculum development: Performativity, capital, systems and purpose. Review of Education, 6 (3), 408-410.
Boylan, M., Adams, G., Willis, B., Coldwell, M., & Demack, S. (2018). Theorising variation in engagement in professional and curriculum development: performativity, capital, systems and purpose. Review of Education, 6 (3), 360-407.
Boylan, M., & Demack, S. (2018). Innovation, evaluation design and typologies of professional learning. Educational Research, 60 (3), 336-356.
Boylan, M. (2018). Enabling adaptive system leadership: teachers leading professional development. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 46 (1), 86-106.
Boylan, M., Coldwell, M., Maxwell, B., & Jordan, J. (2017). Rethinking models of professional learning as tools: a conceptual analysis to inform research and practice. Professional development in education.
Perry, E., & Boylan, M. (2017). Developing the developers : supporting and researching the learning of professional development facilitators. Professional development in education, 44 (2), 254-271.
Boylan, M. (2016). Ethical dimensions of mathematics education. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 92 (3), 395-409.
Boylan, M., & Woolsey, I. (2015). Teacher education for social justice : mapping identity spaces. Teaching and teacher education, 46, 62-71.
Boylan, M. (2015). Emotionality and relationship in teaching mathematics: A praxis of embodiment and uncertainty. For the Learning of Mathematics, 35 (1), 41-42.
Boylan, M., Brown, L., Nolan, K., Braathe, H.J., Portaankorva-Koivisto, P., & Coles, A. (2015). Communications: Praxis in mathematics teacher education: Introduction to a series of short communications. For the Learning of Mathematics, 35 (1), 39.
Probst, H., Boylan, M., Nelson, P., & Martin, R.W. (2014). Early career resilience: interdisciplinary insights to support professional education of Radiation Therapists. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 45 (4), 390-398.
Boylan, M. (2013). Deepening system leadership : teachers leading from below. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 44 (1), 57-72.
Boylan, M., & Smith, P. (2012). Tutor roles in collaborative group work. Student Engagement and Experience Journal, 1 (1), 1-13.
Boylan, M. (2010). Ecologies of participation in school classrooms. Teaching and teacher education, 26 (1), 61-70.
Boylan, M. (2010). 'It's getting me thinking and I'm an old cynic' : exploring the relational dynamics of mathematics teacher change. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 13 (5), 383-395.
Boylan, M. (2009). Engaging with issues of emotionality in mathematics teacher education for social justice. Journal of mathematics teacher education, 12 (6), 427-443.
Conference papers
Adams, G., Boylan, M., Chronaki, A., Otieno, H., & Wright, P. (2021). Mathematics teacher agency. In Kollosche, D. (Ed.) Mathematics Education and Society 11, University of Klagenfurt, Austria [online], 24 September 2021 - 29 September 2021 (pp. 95-98). Tredition:
Boylan, M., & Adams, G. (2019). Policy shifts in primary mathematics professional development in England: hybrid roles and system leadership. In Educating the educators III, Freiburg, Germany, 7 October 2019 - 8 October 2019 (pp. 70-72).
Boylan, M., & Adams, G. (2019). Paradox, market mirages and the statification of professional learning: the case of mathematics professional development in England [abstract only]. In British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Manchester, UK, 10 September 2019 - 12 September 2019.
Adams, G., Boylan, M., & Maxwell, B. (2018). Primary mastery specialists: adaptive leadership of pedagogical and cultural change. Paper presented at symposium 'Professional development facilitators: theorising knowledge, skills and practice' [abstract only]. In British Educational Research Association Annual Conference 2018, Newcastle, UK, 11 September 2018 - 13 September 2018.
Povey, H., Adams, G., & Boylan, M. (2016). Making time to make meaning: an embodied approach to learning. In Y. Solomon (Chair), Making time for mathematics: the case for a slower-paced pedagogy. Symposium [abstract only]. In British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Leeds, UK, 13 September 2016 - 15 September 2016.
Boylan, M. (2016). National curriculum sub-levels: assessment practices as assemblage. Third Mathematics Education and Contemporary Theory conference.
Boylan, M., Coldwell, M., & Simkins, T. (2011). Complexity and leadership in teacher professional development : the case of the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics. In British Educational Research Association Conference, London, IoE, 7 September 2011 - 10 September 2011.
Book chapters
Booth, J., Perry, E., & Boylan, M. (2019). Understanding teaching as a profession. In Scutt, C., & Harrison, S. (Eds.) Teacher CPD: International trends, opportunities and challenges. (pp. 35-41).
Perry, E., Boylan, M., & Booth, J. (2019). Quality assurance in teacher professional development. In Scutt, C., & Harrison, S. (Eds.) Teacher CPD: International trends, opportunities and challenges. (pp. 86-93).
Boylan, M., & Townsend, V. (2018). Understanding Mastery in Primary Mathematics. In Learning to Teach in the Primary School. (pp. 456-469). Routledge:
Boylan, M., & Povey, H. (2013). Ability thinking. In Leslie, D., & Mendick, H. (Eds.) Debates in mathematics education. Routledge
Boylan, M., & Povey, H. (2012). Moving off track: mathematics teacher education for all attainment teaching. In Jacobsen, L.J., Mistele, J., & Sriraman, B. (Eds.) Mathematics teacher education in the public interest : equity and social justice. (pp. 117-158). Information Age Publishing
Boylan, M., & Povey, H. (2009). Telling stories about mathematics. In Black, L., Mendick, H., & Solomon, Y. (Eds.) Mathematical relationships in education : identities and participation. (pp. 47-57). Routledge
Boylan, M., & Povey, H. (2009). Mathematics. In Equality in the Secondary School: Promoting Good Practice across the Curriculum. (pp. 247-269).
Povey, H., & Burton, L. (1999). Learners as authors in the mathematics classroom. In Burton, L. (Ed.) Learning mathematics : from Hierarchies to Networks. (pp. 232-245). London: Routledge
Allen, B. (n.d.). Mathematics Education. Routledge:
Perry, E., Bevins, S., Booth, J., Boylan, M., Rutgers, D., Stiell, B., & Coldwell, M. (2024). Understanding mechanisms for change in policy andschool environments which lead to embedded teacherprofessional development. Wellcome Trust.
Boylan, M., Pullen, C., Boodt, S., Zhu, H., & Clarkson, L. (2024). Generic skills in the 14-19 curriculum: an international review: summary report. Sheffield Hallam University.
Boylan, M., Zhu, H., Jaques, L., Birkhead, A., & Rempe-Gillen, E. (2024). Secondary maths practice review. EEF.
Adams, G., & Boylan, M. (2023). Landscaping Mathematics Education Policy: Horizon scanning of international policy initiatives. The Royal Society.
Boylan, M., Adams, G., & Birkhead, A. (2023). Landscaping mathematics education policy: landscaping national mathematics education policy. The Royal Society.
Culliney, M., Demack, S., Boylan, M., & Wolstenholme, C. (2022). Realistic maths education: evaluation report. Education Endowment Foundation.
Perry, E., Halliday, J., Booth, J., Wolstenholme, C., & Boylan, M. (2022). Researching professional development leaders: investigating support for ‘remote’ professional development leaders. Ogden Trust.
Perry, E., Booth, J., Boylan, M., Wolstenholme, C., Chedzey, K., & Cunningham, M. (2021). Quality assurance of teachers’ continuing professional development: design, development and pilot of a CPD quality assurance system - evaluation report. London, UK: Wellcome.
Perry, E., Boylan, M., & Booth, J. (2019). Quality Assurance of Teachers’ Continuing Professional Development : Rapid Evidence Review. Wellcome Trust and Education Endowment Foundation.
Boylan, M., Wolstenholme, C., Maxwell, B., Demack, S., Jay, T., Reaney, S., & Adams, G. (2019). Longitudinal evaluation of the Mathematics Teacher Exchange: China-England - Final Report. Department for Education.
Boylan, M., Demack, S., Wolstenholme, C., Reidy, J., & Reaney, S. (2018). ScratchMaths: evaluation report and executive summary. Education Endownment Foundation.
Boylan, M., & Reaney, S. (2018). The Embodied Mathematics Project: Report. Sheffield: Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University.
Perry, E., Boylan, M., Booth, J., & Coldwell, M. (2017). Connecting research and teacher education : quality enhancement for ITE Partnerships. Cardiff: Welsh Government.
Boylan, M., Demack, S., Stevens, A., Coldwell, M., & Stiell, B. (2016). An Evaluation of the Further Mathematics Support Programme : Research Report. Sheffield Hallam University.
Boylan, M., Demack, S., Willis, B., Stevens, A., Adams, G., & Verrier, D. (2015). Multiplicative reasoning professional development programme : evaluation. London: Department for Education.
Boylan, M., & Willis, B. (2015). Independent study of computing at School Master Teacher programme. Sheffield Hallam University.
Boylan, M., Demack, S., Willis, B., Stevens, A., Adams, G., & Verrier, D. (2015). Multiplicative reasoning professional development programme : evaluation. London: Department for Education.
Theses / Dissertations
Sawyer, R. (2023). A professional development programmefor teaching mathematics throughproblem solving. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Boylan, M.
Guest, I.F. (2018). Exploring teachers’ professional development with Twitter:A sociomaterial analysis. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Boylan, M.
Harris-Evans, J.M. (2017). Love letters to services past: risk and outdoor education in youth work. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Boylan, M.
Horobin, H.E. (2016). The meeting of cultured worlds: professional identification in Indian postgraduate physiotherapy students. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Boylan, M., & Madriaga, M.
Moreton, H.J. (2015). Headteacher inspectors: boundaries, identity and the potential for system leadership. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Simkins, T., & Boylan, M.
Chunlahawanit, N. (2015). Teacher perceptions of policy change in teaching Thai: an ethnographic study. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Owen, D., Garland, P., & Boylan, M.
Dunning, J.M. (2015). Professionalism : A study of English post-1992 university hospitality management academics. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Boylan, M., Merchant, G., & Garland, P.
Katsiada, E. (2015). Children under three in Greek day-care relationships with adults, peers and environment. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Garrick, R., O'Hara, M., Garland, I., Garland, P., & Boylan, M.
Orfanidou, D. (2014). Developing and evaluating research-informed instruction about energy in Cyprus high schools. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Leach, J., Boylan, M., & Scott, P.
Thorley, A.D.M. (2014). Girls and A level physics : identity and choices. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Povey, H., & Boylan, M.
Boylan, M.S. (2004). Questioning (in) school mathematics : lifeworlds and ecologies of practice. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Ashworth, P., Coldron, J., & Povey, H.
Truelove, L. (n.d.). Early years teacher status trainees' placement experiences: a creative interpretative phenomenological analysis. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Boylan, M.
Internet Publications
Perry, E., & Boylan, M. (2023). Celebrating ten years of research and innovation 2013-2023.
Perry, E., Booth, J., Rutgers, D., Boylan, M., Stiell, B., & Bevins, S. (2023). Making change happen in teacher professional development: Leadership, the school environment and the implementation of professional development. Presented at: British Educational Research Association Conference 2023, Birmingham, UK
Adams, G., & Boylan, M. (2022). Mathematics education policy: a horizon scan [Abstract only]. Presented at: BSRLM Autumn Day Conference 2022, Online, 2022
Perry, E., Booth, J., Boylan, M., & Adams, G. (2020). Professionalism and professional development: modelling a dynamic relationship [abstract only]. Presented at: IPDA International Virtual Conference 2020, Online conference, 2020
Perry, E., & Boylan, M. (2019). The professional roles and knowledges of professional development leaders: an analytical model. Presented at: Harnessing Creativity in Changing Times: Risk, resilience and professional learning across the professions
Perry, E., Booth, J., & Boylan, M. (2019). Quality, quality assurance, and teacher professional development: what's at issue. Presented at: British Educational Research Association conference, Manchester
Perry, E., Jordan, J., Pountney, R., & Boylan, M. (2018). Professional development facilitators: theorising knowledge, skills and practice. Presented at: British Educational Research Association conference, Newcastle
Perry, E., & Boylan, M. (2017). Analysing Professional Development Facilitators’ Purposes, Knowledge and Skills. Presented at: The Complexity of Professional and Inter-professional Learning, Cardiff
Boylan, M., Adams, G., & Willis, B. (2015). Professional learning as situated: Accounting for variation in engagement and outcomes in professional development. Presented at: International Association for Professional Development (IPDA) Conference, Aston University
Perry, E., & Boylan, M. (2014). Extending the interconnected model of teacher professional growth to analyse professional development facilitators' learning. Presented at: Re-thinking Models of Professional Learning, Aston University, Birmingham, 2014
Other publications
Holland, M.R., Boylan, M., & Lowe, G. (2005). The development of the professional values and practice standard in the secondary graduate initial teacher training route in England.
Other activities
Member of UCET Research and International Committee
Postgraduate supervision
Mark has extensive post-graduate supervision experience in diverse areas including mathematics education, professional development, professional practice, and trauma-informed approaches in education.
Jean Harris-Evans, SHU: A love letter to a vanishing profession: the value of risk in youth work (EdD, Director of Studies).
Lynne Truelove, SHU: Exploring ‘unfamiliar’ placement experiences of Early Years Teacher Status trainees: an IPA study (EdD, Second supervisor).
Narumon Chunlahawanit, SHU: Teacher perceptions of policy change in Teaching Thai: an ethnographic study, (PhD, 2016, Director of Studies).
Hazel Horobin, SHU: Exploring Indian physiotherapist’s professional identity as they experience UK post graduate study (EdD, 2016, Director of Studies).
Henry Moreton, SHU: Headteacher inspectors: boundaries, identity and the potential for system leadership (EdD, 2015, Director of Studies).
Eleni Katsiadi, SHU: Children under three in day-care: relationships with adults, peers and environment (PhD, 2015, Second supervisor).
John Dunning, SHU: Professionalism: A study of English post-1992 university hospitality management academics (EdD, 2015, Director of Studies).
Jo Lidster, SHU: Becoming tech-savvy: nurse academics experiences of using technologies within higher education (EdD, 2014, Director of Studies).
Deborah Thorley, SHU: Girls’ Physics Identity and Choices, (PhD, 2014, White Rose Scholarship, Director of Studies).
Dora Orfanidou: Developing and evaluating a research-informed instructional approach to teaching the concept of energy in Cyprus high schools (PhD, 2014, Second supervisor).
Mark's background is in maths education and his research areas have included pupil engagement with mathematics, teacher subject knowledge and teacher professional development. Mathematics education, Mastery, Global influences on education, Professional learning