Professor Malcolm Cowburn

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  4. Professor Malcolm Cowburn

Professor Emeritus in Applied Social Science Malcolm Cowburn B.A., M.A., M.Phil., PhD, FHEA, CQSW

Emeritus Professor


While employed as an academic, my main areas of research related to sexual violence prisons and applied Social Science research ethics.

Since 2013 I have developed an interest in oral history. Completing projects with Plymouth University ‘Everyday policing: the oral testimony of retired police officers’ (2017) and ‘An oral history account of the operation of the Magistracy in North Devon in the closing years of the 20th century’ (2017), I led and delivered an oral history project exploring rural life in North Devon 1975-1990 using photographs taken by Roger Deakins and James Ravilious (April 2018-May 2019). I am currently (2024) developing an oral history of the York Oral History Society.


I worked at Sheffield Hallam University from September 2008 until March 2013 as a Principal Lecturer in Criminology. I was awarded a personal Chair in Applied Social Science in February 2010. Previously I worked at Bradford (2 years) and Sheffield (12 years) Universities. My work spans criminology, sociology, social policy and social work. Prior to entering academia, I was a probation officer for 12 years and then managed a therapy centre providing help to children and young people who had been sexually abused.
Since retirement I have been associated with two Universities in the South-West of England, the NRES Ethics committee in Exeter, Buckfast Abbey and MAPPA in Devon and Cornwall. I have also managed two oral history projects. I am a member of York Oral History Society and am currently (2024-2025) conducting an oral history of the Society.



College of Social Sciences and Arts


Since retiring in 2013, my research interests have shifted towards Oral History – this is outlined in the ‘Summary’ above.

Previously my research area was criminological, and I received the following grants:

2017: 'An oral history account of the operation of the Magistracy in North Devon in the closing years of the 20th century’.  Costs of transcribing 9 interviews. (jointly awarded with Professor Kim Stevenson). Research funding, School of Law, University of Plymouth.

2015: Memorial to Women Raped in Conflict (Performance & Memorialisation Development group)’ - £936.80. Research Facilitation Grant, Faculty of Business, University of Plymouth. December 2015.

2012: ESRC: Research Grant - An Appreciative Inquiry into the response to diversity in three Yorkshire Prisons.  Award number: ES/K005049/1.
Co-investigator.  Principal Investigator Dr Victoria Lavis: University of Bradford; – funding (approximately £600K) for a 3yr project.  The grant has been awarded but owing to my early retirement, my involvement in the project was as a member of the Executive Steering Committee.

2010: Northern Rock Evaluation of ‘Melting Pot’ project HMP Frankland £7,000 – Project Consultant to Hallam Centre of Community Justice

2010: Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC) Knowledge Exchange Small Grants. Opening up communicative space: towards a collaboratively generated impact in responding to Diversity in HMP Wakefield. Award number: RES-192-22-0047. Co-investigator; Principal Investigator Dr Victoria Lavis, University of Bradford. £3,876.00

2009: Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC). Appreciative inquiry into the Diversity Strategy of HMP Wakefield. Award number RES-000-22-3441. Principal Investigator; (Co-investigator Dr Victoria Lavis, University of Bradford); £79,719.27. (March-November 2009)


Publications since 2013

Articles in refereed journals

2019: 'Local Justice needs local knowledge’: summary justice in North Devon 1975-2018. Oral History, Autumn 2019, 47 (2), 74-85

2015: Speaking about sexual abuse in the British South Asian community: offenders, victims and the challenges of shame and reintegration.  Journal of Sexual Aggression (with Gill, A. K. & Harrison, K.) 21, (1), 4-15. (published on line 01.07.2014) DOI 10.1080/13552600.2014.929188 

2013: Using a prisoner advisory group to develop diversity research in a maximum-security prison: a means of enhancing prisoner participation.  Groupwork 23 (3), 67-79 (on-line publication) with V. Lavis.


2016: Social Work with Sex Offenders. Bristol; Policy Press (with Myers, S.).

Edited Books

2017: Research Ethics in Criminology and Criminal Justice– Politics, Dilemmas, Issues and Solutions (Co-edited with Loraine Gelsthorpe & Azrini Wahidin).  London; Routledge

    Chapters in edited collections

2013: Values in Criminology & Community Justice.  Bristol, Policy Press (co-edited with Duggan, M., Robinson, A. & Senior, P.)

2022: ‘The people between the Moors: community and continuity in a changing world’ (with Kelly, C. & McCormack, S.). In Winter, M., Wilkinson, T., Lobley, M., and Fish, R. The land between the moors: essays in culture, environment, and agricultural change. Exeter: Short Run Press Ltd

2021: ‘Ethics and Criminology and Criminal Justice: from conceptualising to conduct’ (with Wahidin, A.) in Barnes, J. C. and Forde, D. R. (eds) The Encyclopedia of Research Methods and Statistical Techniques in Criminology and Criminal Justice. Oxford: Wiley.

2017: ‘Exploring the response to diversity and equality in English prisons: an Appreciative Inquiry’ (with Lavis, V. and Elliott, C.) In Brooks, J. & King, N. Applied Qualitative Research in Psychology. London; Palgrave.

2017: ‘Introduction’ In Cowburn, M. Gelsthorpe, L. & Wahidin, A. Research Ethics in Criminology: Dilemmas, Issues and Solutions. London; Routledge (with Gelsthorpe, L. & Wahidin, A.)         

2017: ‘Researching sex crimes and sex offenders: some ethical and epistemological considerations’ In Cowburn, M. Gelsthorpe, L. & Wahidin, A. Research Ethics in Criminology: Dilemmas, Issues and Solutions. London; Routledge.

2017:‘Critical reflections: creating, curtailing and communicating academic freedoms’ In Cowburn, M. Gelsthorpe, L. & Wahidin, A. Research Ethics in Criminology: Dilemmas, Issues and Solutions. London; Routledge (with Gelsthorpe, L. & Wahidin, A.)

2016: ‘Values in probation with people who commit sex crimes’ In  P. Priestley & Vanstone, M. Probation and Politics: Academic Reflections from Former Practitioners. Basingstoke; Palgrave Macmillan

2015: ‘Sex offenders’ in Wright, J. D. (ed) International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (2nd ed), Vol 21. Oxford; Elsevier Inc.  pp672-677 (with Myers, S.) ISBN 978-0-08-097087-5

2013: ‘Postmodernism and criminological thought: ‘whose science, whose knowledge? (with Liz Austen). In Cowburn, M., Duggan, M., Robinson, A. & Senior, P.  Values in Criminology & Community Justice. Bristol, Policy Press

2013:‘Working with different values: extremism, hate and sex crimes  (with  Duggan, M. & Pollock, E.) In Cowburn, M., Duggan, M., Robinson, A. & Senior, P.  Values in Criminology & Community Justice.  Bristol, Policy Press

2013: ‘Introduction’. In Cowburn, M., Duggan, M., Robinson, A. & Senior, P.  Values in Criminology & Community Justice.  Bristol, Policy Press

2013: ‘Men researching violent men: epistemologies, ethics and emotions in qualitative research.’ In Pini, B. & Pease, B. Men, masculinities and methodologies. Basingstoke; Palgrave

Other publications and reports

2024: Sam Whitaker – Letter from New Zealand Accessed 1st October 2024 (with John Cowburn)

2023: Postcards to the Whitakers (1903-1919) Bod-Kin Journal of the Bradford Family History Society, 15 (3), 6-14. (with John Cowburn)

2019: Beaford Hidden Histories: Oral History Project. Devon History News, No. 24 September 2019; 22-25. (with Emma Down)      

2019: Times remembered: photographs from the Beaford Archive, voices from North Devon. In Cardui, V. ‘HERE: uncovering north devon’. [Exhibition catalogue] Beaford;

2017: A volunteer helper reflects on transference in working with a terminally ill man. Marie Curie Helper & Companion South West Region News and updates for volunteers; December 2017

2014: Dunkelfeld: Response to Professor Beier. NotaNews No. 72, March/April, pp 5-6. 

Other activities

2024 - ongoing:  Bradford Family History Society Committee Member

2022 - ongoing: York Oral History Society, Committee Member.                        

2021-2024: Oral History Society (UK): Member of the Board of Trustees

2019: Oral History Society (UK): Member of the Governance Sounding Board.

2014 -2017: Independent Chair – Safeguarding Commission Buckfast Abbey.

2014 - 2017: South-West - Exeter NRES Committee Health Research Authority (Alternate Vice-Chair).


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