Lucy Mottram

Lucy Mottram MSc, SFHEA

Associate Head of School (recruitment, outreach and marketing)


I am an adult nurse by background, having worked in Critical Care and Community Nursing. I have worked in Healthcare Education since 2014 and have a special interest in simulation, leadership and service improvement. I am currently undertaking a Doctorate in Education.


I qualified as a nurse in 2003 and have experience in critical care and community nursing. I have undertaken the North Trent Critical Care Network Course. Since coming to SHU in 2014 I have undertaken an MSc in Healthcare Education. My dissertation focused on the impact of interprofessional education on patient care. I have experience in course leadership, interprofessional education and simulation.

I have previously worked as EDI lead, Student Experience lead and Business and Enterprise lead for Nursing and Midwifery, as well as the Simulation lead. I implemented Simulated Placements, which is now an integral part of the Nursing curriculum. I now lead of recruitment, outreach and marketing for Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work within the School of Health and Social Care. I am also currently undertaking a Doctorate in Education, with a focus on "student nurses' sense of belonging on clinical placement". 


School of Health and Social Care

College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences

Subject Area

  • Adult Nursing

Courses taught

  • BSc Nursing (adult)
  • MSc Nursing (adult)

Modules taught

  • The Advancing Professional, post graduate dissertation modules.


Kirkham, L (2022) Partnership working between nurses and patients’ families in the critical care environment. Nursing Standard doi: 10.7748/ns.2022.e11669

Delves- Yates, C (Editor) (2022) Essentials of Nursing Practice. Sage Publishing UK

Recognised contributor and editor of the accompanying online teaching resources

Kirkham, L and Clark, D (2022) The implementation of simulated placements in undergraduate healthcare courses during the Covid 19 pandemic. International Journal of Healthcare Simulation 2021;00(Suppl 00):A1–A84

Kirkham, L (2021) Providing interprofessional education for pre- and post-registration nurses. Nursing Standard 36 (2) dio:10.7748/ns.2021.e11590

Clark, R and Kirkham, L (2021) How Long Should a Healthcare Practitioner Feel for a Pulse- A Literature Review. International Journal of Clinical Skills (2021) 15(2), 401-406 IJOCS.1000169

Saunders, L and Kirkham L (20/1/21) Innovative approaches to moving practical learning online. THE Campus, Times Higher Education

Kirkham L (2020) Understanding leadership for newly qualified nurses. Nursing Standard. doi: 10.7748/ns.2020.e11589

Kirkham L (2018) Exploring the use of high-fidelity simulation training to enhance clinical skills. Nursing Standard 32 (24), 44-53.

Day, P; Peckover, S; Hazelby, G; Chauhdry, H; Kirkham, L and McAleavey, J (2018) Putting new therapeutic communication skills into public health nursing practice: the student experience. British Journal of School Nursing Oct 2018 13(8)

La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia


Other activities

External Examiner University of York

External Examiner Manchester Metropolitan University

Reviewer Nursing Standard

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