Doctor Laurie Hirsch
Senior Lecturer in Computing
I am a senior lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University in the department of computing.
I teach in a variety of subject areas including machine learning, programming, database systems and web-based systems.
I enjoy working with students from foundation to PhD level.
My research has been in quite a wide range of topics including an IoT system to process signals coming from the brain,
sentiment analysis on social media data posted by people in a crisis situation and dynamic visualisations of text data using co-occurrence networks.
I am interested in biologically inspired computing with a focus on genetic algorithms and genetic programming.
For some years I have been involved in developing applications for classifying and clustering collections of text documents
using evolved search queries.
School of Computing and Digital Technologies
College of Business, Technology and Engineering
Smart computing
Foundation, smart computing.
Python programming, Database Administration and Security, Artificial Intelligence
Journal articles
Ogunleye, B., Maswera, T., Hirsch, L., Gaudoin, J., & Brunsdon, T. (2023). Comparison of topic modelling approaches in the banking context. Applied Sciences, 13 (2), 797.
Hirsch, L., & Brunsdon, T. (2018). A comparison of Lucene search queries evolved as textclassifiers. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 32 (7-8), 768-784.
Domdouzis, K., Akhgar, B., Andrews, S., & Gibson, H. (2016). A social media and crowd-sourcing data mining system for crime prevention during and post-crisis situations. Journal of Systems and Information Technology, 18 (4), 364-382.
Hirsch, L., Saeedi, M., & Hirsch, R. (2005). Evolving text classification rules with genetic programming. Applied Artificial Intelligence: An International Journal, 19 (7), 659-676.
Hirsch, L., Saeedi, M., & Hirsch, R. (2004). Evolving Text Classifiers with Genetic Programming. .
Hirsch, L., Saeedi, M., Cornillon, J., & Litosseliti, L. (2004). A structured dialogue tool for argumentative learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 20 (1), 72-80.
Conference papers
Fernandes, C., Zasada-James, J., Adhikari,, K., Ul Hasan, N., Baldwin, J., & Hirsch, L. (2024). Fog Computing Assisted Anaesthesia Monitoring to Enhance Realtime Surgical Efficiency. In 4th International Symposium on Sensing and Instrumentation in IoT Era, Azores, Portugal, 29 August 2024 - 30 August 2024. IEEE:
Ogunleye, B., Brunsdon, T., Maswera, T., Hirsch, L., & Gaudoin, J. (2024). Using Opinionated-Objective Terms to Improve Lexicon-Based Sentiment Analysis. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 1-23.
Hirsch, L., Di Nuovo, A., & Prasanna, H. (2021). Document Clustering with Evolved Single Word Search Queries. In IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Krakow, Poland (Virutal), 28 June 2021 - 1 July 2021. IEEE:
Haddela, P., Hirsch, L., Gaudoin, J., & Brunsdon, T. (2021). Human Friendliness of Classifiers: A Review. In 2nd International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Data Mining and Information Security, Kolkata, West Bengal, India, 2 July 2020 - 4 July 2020 (pp. 293-303). Springer:
Kankanamalage, P.H., Hirsch, L., Brunsdon, T., & Gaudoin, J. (2020). Use of interpretable evolved search query classifiers for sinhala documents. Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2020, 790-804.
Baldwin, J., Brunsdon, T., Gaudoin, J., & Hirsch, L. (2018). Towards a social media research methodology: Defining approaches and ethical concerns. International journal on advances in life sciences, 10.
Hirsch, L., & Di Nuovo, A. (2017). Document clustering with evolved search queries. In 2017 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), Proceedings : 5-8 June 2017, Donostia - San Sebastián, Spain, (pp. 1239-1246). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE:
Robert Wilson, B.M., Khazaei, B., & Hirsch, L. (2017). Towards a cloud migration decision support system for Small and Medium enterprises in Tamil Nadu. 2016 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Computational Intelligence (CINTI).
Robert Wilson, B.M., Khazaei, B., & Hirsch, L. (2016). Cloud adoption decision support for SMEs Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). 2016 IEEE 4th Workshop on Advances in Information, Electronic and Electrical Engineering (AIEEE).
Andrews, S., & Hirsch, L. (2016). A tool for creating and visualising formal concepttrees. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1637, 1-9.
Hirsch, L., & Andrews, S. (2016). Visualising text co-occurrence networks. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1637, 19-27.
Robert Wilson, B.M., Khazaei, B., & Hirsch, L. (2016). Enablers and barriers of cloud adoption among Small and Medium Enterprises in Tamil Nadu. In IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing for Emerging Markets, Bangalore, India, 25 November 2015 - 27 November 2015 (pp. 140-145). IEEE:
Robert Wilson, B.M., Khazaei, B., Hirsch, L., & Kannan, S.T. (2015). CMDSSI : a decision support system for cloud migration for SMEs in India. In IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research (ICCIC), Coimbatore, India, 2014 - 2014. IEEE:
Wilson, B.M.R., Khazaei, B., Hirsch, L., & Kannan, S.T. (2015). CMDSSI: A decision support system for cloud migration for SMEs in India. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research, IEEE ICCIC 2014, 293-299.
Gibson, H., Andrews, S., Domdouzis, K., Hirsch, L., & Akhgar, B. (2014). Combining Big Social Media Data and FCA for Crisis Response. In 2014 IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, (pp. 690-695). The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers:
Brewster, B., Andrews, S., Polovina, S., Hirsch, L., & Akhgar, B. (2014). Environmental Scanning and Knowledge Representation for the Detection of Organised Crime Threats. In Hernandez, N., Jäschke, R., & Croitoru, M. (Eds.) Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning, (pp. 275-280). Springer International Publishing:
Domdouzis, K., Andrews, S., Gibson, H., Akhgar, B., & Hirsch, L. (2014). Service-Oriented Design of a Command and ControlIntelligence Dashboard for Crisis Management. In Big Data, Intelligence Management and Analytics Workshop (BDIMA 2014), 7th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2014), London, 2014 - 2014.
Andrews, S., Akhgar, B., Yates, S., Stedmon, A., & Hirsch, L. (2013). Using formal concept analysis to detect and monitor organised crime. In Larsen, H.L., Martin-Bautista, M.J., Vila, M.A., Andreasen, T., & Christiansen, H. (Eds.) Flexible Query Answering Systems, (pp. 124-133). Heidelberg: Springer:
Hirsch, L., & Tian, D. (2013). Txt2vz: a new tool for generating graph clouds. In 20th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2013, Mumbai, India, 10 January 2013 - 12 January 2013 (pp. 322-331). Berlin: Springer:
Hirsch, L. (2010). Evolved Apache Lucene SpanFirst Queries are Good TextClassifiers. Evolutionary Computation, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 1-8.
Hirsch, L., Saeedi, M., & Hirsch, R. (2007). Evolving Lucene search queries for text classification. In Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, London.
Hirsch, L., Saeedi, M., & Hirsch, R. (2005). Evolving rules for document classification. In 8th European Conference, EuroGP 2005, Lausanne, Switzerland, 30 March 2005 - 1 April 2005 (pp. 85-95). Berlin: Springer:
Hirsch, L., & Saeedi, M. Modelling exchange using the prisoner’s dilemma and genetic programming. In Proceedings of the Computer Society of Iran Computing Conference 1999.
Robert Wilson, B.M., Khazaei, B., & Hirsch, L. (2016). A cloud migration decision support system for SMEs in Tamil Nadu (India) using AHP. In International Symposium of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, London, United Kingdom, 4 August 2016 - 7 August 2016.
Book chapters
Andrews, S., Day, T., Domdouzis, K., Hirsch, L., Lefticaru, R.-.E., & Orphanides, C. (2017). Analyzing crowd-sourced information and social media for crisis management. In Akhgar, B., Staniforth, A., & Waddington, D. (Eds.) Application of social media in crisis management : advanced sciences and technologies for security applications. (pp. 77-96). Springer International Publishing:
Hill, R., Hirsch, L., Lake, P., & Moshiri, S. (2013). Guide to cloud computing: principles and practice. London: Springer.
Theses / Dissertations
Haddela Kankanamalage, P.S. (2023). An analysis of search query evolution in document classification and clustering. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Hirsch, L.
Ogunleye, B.O. (2022). Statistical learning approaches to sentiment analysis in the Nigerian banking context. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Gaudoin, J., Brunsdon, T., Maswera, T., & Hirsch, L.
Postgraduate supervision
Sentiment analysis, text summarisation, text clustering and classification, text visualisation.