Laura Pedata

Dr Laura Pedata PhD, MArch, BArch, ARB

Senior Lecturer in Architecture and Environmental Architecture


Laura Pedata is an Architect and a researcher. Her past and current research and interests lie in architectural, ecological, and social sustainability. She graduated in 2005 from "La Sapienza" University in Rome, where she earned her BSc in Architecture and MArch degrees, specialising in Environmental Design. In 2007 she won a Fulbright Scholarship and attended a MArchII Program at UCLA in Los Angeles. In 2018 she earned her PhD degree in Landscape Architecture at the "International Doctorate in Architecture and Urban Planning" IDAUP XXX cycle, University of Ferrara – POLIS University. From 2009 to 2011, she was an Adjunct Professor at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", School of Architecture. From 2013 to 2020, she was a Full-Time Lecturer in Environmental Architecture and Landscape Architecture at POLIS University in Tirana (AL), where she was also Master Programs Coordinator from 2013 to 2016. She is a Licensed Architect in Italy and the UK. As an Architectural professional, she cofounded the architecture office 'ungroup' in 2005. In 2012 she was employed by SOM in San Francisco as Architectural Professional.


Laura's past and current research and interests lie in architectural, ecological, and social sustainability. She is interested in a holistic approach toward environmental issues in Architecture and Landscape Architecture.
She graduated in 2005 from "La Sapienza" University in Rome, Graduate School in Architecture UE (Master of Architecture Equiv.), where she earned her BSc in Architecture and MArch degrees, developing her final dissertation in Dubai (UAE) and specializing in Environmental Architecture. In 2007 she won a Fulbright Scholarship and attended a MArchII Program at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). During my Graduate studies in Italy, UAE, and the US, she learned the importance of environmental factors in building design and city planning in different climatic, social, and cultural contexts.

In 2018 she earned her PhD degree in Landscape Architecture at the "International Doctorate in Architecture and Urban Planning" IDAUP XXX cycle, University of Ferrara – POLIS University, with research focused on observation, surveying, and analysis of urban Residual Landscapes in transitioning cities, intending to reassess their role within the urban context, and considering them as a potential ground for future urban development.

She is a Licensed Architect in Italy and the UK. As an Architectural professional, in 2005, she cofounded the architecture office 'ungroup' in Rome. In 2012 she was employed by SOM - Skidmore Owings & Merrill LLP in San Francisco, CA, as Architectural Professional - D Level.

From 2009 to 2011, she was an Adjunct Professor at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", School of Architecture, where she was the tutor of the "Architectural Design" module of the Final Synthesis Studio in Environmental Architecture, module leader for the "Materials and Components for Outdoor Spaces" course of the Graduate School in Landscape and Garden Design, and TA in two Technology Courses. During her time at La Sapienza, Laura cooperated with the Department of Architecture, Technology and Environment as a Co-Investigator for the drafting of EU collaborative research project proposals on the theme of "Building's energy efficiency" and "Innovative Social Housing Retrofitting.

From 2013 to 2020, she was a Full-Time Lecturer at POLIS University in Tirana (AL), where she was also Masters Programs Coordinator from 2013 to 2016. Among other courses, she led the Third Year Environmental Architecture Studio - dealing with topics such as off-the-grid living units, efficient scale and form, and climate responsive design - and the Graduate Landscape Architecture Studio. At POLIS, Laura also tutored several workshops dealing with small-scale self-built constructions and a sustainable approach to urban landscape design. The workshops were aimed at using design and education to help students shape their environment while addressing social, economic, and environmental challenges. During her years at POLIS, she took part in research projects at the Applied Research Unit (IKHZ). She was also a bioclimatic and landscape design consultant for the Architecture Office Metropolis and the NGO Co_PLAN in Tirana.
In 2018 Laura was Curator of the POLIS University Architecture Biennale (Tirana Architecture Week), entitled "[CO]HABITATION TACTICS. Imagining future spaces in architecture, city, and landscape".

Laura's main interest lies in observation, analysis and representation of urban landscape conditions and environmental regeneration strategies. She has published several conference papers, book chapters and articles in Peer-reviewed Journals. Her latest book is entitled "From Climate to Building: Sustainable Design SCALES" (2019). The book stresses the importance of the different project scales and their interdependence when dealing with Sustainability issues in architecture and Urban Design.


Sheffield Creative Industries Institute

College of Social Sciences and Arts

Subject area


Courses taught

BArch Architecture
MArch Architecture

Modules taught

Architectural Design Studio 3a&3b (Module Leader)
Cultural Context 3
Cultural Context 1
Histories and Theories 1
Environment and Technology 2
Environment and Technology 3
Architectural Design Studio 1 (Module Leader)
Architecture Studio 1 (Module Leader)
Architectural Design Studio 1

Postgraduate Modules:
Design Studio 6


  • Culture and Creativity Research Institute

2010 Dental Clinic + Private Villa in Fermo, Marche (IT), Jan 2010 - Architectural and Construction design and project management.

Activities: Architectural Design and Drawings, Construction drawings, Artistic Coordination.

Client: Private.

2010 “EGO” gym in Aprilia, Rome (IT), May 2010 – Architectural renovation project, Construction design, project management.

Activities: Architectural Design and Drawings, Artistic Coordination.

Client: Private.

2009 "Paico Ind. Showroom", Aprilia, Rome (IT), December 2009 - Architectural renovation project, Construction design, project management.

Activities: Architectural Design and Drawings, Artistic Coordination.

Client: Private.

2009 Apartment in via di San Gallicano, Rome (IT), March 2009 - Architectural renovation project, Construction design, project management.

Activity: Architectural Design and Drawings, Artistic Coordination, Work Supervision.

Client: Private.

2008/2009 Apartment in via Manfredi Azzarita, Rome (IT) – Architectural Renovation project, Construction design and project management.

Activity: Architectural Design and Drawings, Artistic Coordination, Work Supervision.

Client: Private.

2006/2007 “Requalification of standard area in Padule”, La Maddalena (Sardinia - IT) -

Project consultant for the landscape project: recreation area for children - responsabile del procedimento Ing. Pasquale Russo - Progettisti incaricati: Arch. Alessandra Battisti, Ing. Giovanni Lopes.

Activity: Architectural Design, 3D modeling.

Client: Eng. Giovanni Lopes.

Selected Architecture Competitions & awards:

Nov. 2015 Tirana (AL) – International Landscape Design Competition “Tirana Park of Faith”. Promoters, Municipality of Tirana, Ministry of Urban Development, Ministry of Culture, Altelier Albania.

Role: Landscape Design consultant and team coordinator – with POLIS University and Felixx.

Result: Shortlisted - Phase 1

May 2015 Korcia (AL) – “Korcia Social Housing” – Promoter, private developer.

Role: Sustainable Design Consultant – with Metropolis Architecture and Planning l.t.d.

Result: Winner (project completed).

Mar. 2015 Berat (AL) – International Competition “Exploring Resilience. Test site Osumi Island in Berat, Albania”. Promoters, AKPT (National Territorial planning Agency), Atelier Albania. Project title “Reactive Riviera”.

Role: Landscape Design consultant – with Metropolis Architecture and Planning l.t.d., 3ti_lab, dsb landscape Design Office.

Result: Shortlisted - Phase 1

Oct. 2014 Tirana (AL) – International Urban Design Competition “Southern Coast Strip and Surrounding Villages - RIVIERA” Lot n. 2. Promoters, Ministry of Urban Development and Tourism, Atelier Albania. Project title “Reactive Riviera”.

Role: Landscape Design consultant – with Metropolis Architecture and Planning l.t.d. and Sealine.

Result: Short listed – Second prize winner

Jan. 2014 Vlora (AL) – Urban Design Competition “Vlora Waterfront Competition”. Promoters, Ministry of Urban Development and Tourism, Atelier Albania. Project title “Hypernatural Vlora”.

Role: Sustainable Design Consultant – with Metropolis Architecture and Planning l.t.d., Sealine.

Result: First Prize Winner for Local Teams

Dec. 2010 Campobasso (IT) - “Concorso Internazionale per la Progettazione della Nuova Sede del la Regione Molise” (International Competition for the New Regione Molise Building).

Role: Designer – ungroup office, with Benthem Crowel Architekten.

Result: Admitted to the SECOND PHASE

Jun. 2010 Gallipoli (IT) - “Riqualificazione della Fascia Costiera Sud di Gallipoli dal Piazzale Torre San Giovanni alla Torre di Punta Pizzo – Seconda Fase” (architecture competition for the Redevelopment of Gallipoli’s Southern Coast). Role: Designer – with Arch. Annarita Cornaro (Design Team Leader) and Arch. Valerio De Divitiis.


Mar. 2010 Maribor (SLO) - “The New Maribor Art Gallery (UGM)” International Architectural Ideas Competition EPK, European Capital of Culture, Drava river 2012.


Journal articles

Rossi, L., Pedata, L., Porfido, E., & Resta, G. (2017). Fragile Edges and Floating Strategies along the Albanian Coastline. The Plan Journal, 2 (2).

Book chapters

Pedata, L., Altamura, P., & Rossi, L. (2024). Turning Heritage Railway Architecture into an Infrastructure for Resilience and Circularity: An Opportunity for Sustainable Urban Regeneration. In Designing Environments. (pp. 329-359). Springer Nature Switzerland:


Battisti, A., & Baiani, S. (Eds.). (2024). ETHICS: Endorse Technologies for Heritage Innovation. Springer Nature Switzerland.

Other activities

Registered Architect ARB- Registered Architect - “Ordine degli Architetti Pianificatori, Paesaggisti e Conservatori di Roma e Provincia” (IT) - SITdA Member, Società Italiana della Tecnologia dell'Architettura (Italian Society of Architecture Technology) - Project proposal Evaluator for MIUR (the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research) for Calls to fund fundamental research projects.

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