Larissa Povey

Dr Larissa Povey BA, MA, PhD

Senior Lecturer, Criminology Course Leader


Larissa is a Senior Lecturer in Criminology and delivers teaching sessions across the undergraduate programme including graduate skills, research methods, social justice, criminal justice policy and professional placements. 

She is also engaged in academic research, primarily in relation to criminal justice policy and welfare policy and their impact on women and their families. She is currently undertaking research in to the experience of ethnic minority birth mothers experiences of child removal. 





Larissa completed a BA in Business and Management at Sheffield Hallam University. She completed her MA in International Studies at the University of Sheffield. 

In 2013 Larissa secured Sheffield Hallam University's Vice Chancellor's PhD Studentship, she undertook her doctoral studies at the Centre for Regional, Economic and Social Research (CRESR) at Sheffield Hallam University investigating women at the nexus of welfare conditionality and criminal justice policy interventions in England. 

Larissa has a wealth of professional experience having worked in internal communications and as a bid writer at A4E, Working Links and esg., securing government contracts to provide welfare, skills and criminal justice services across England and Wales and in the UAE. 

Larissa has sat on West Yorkshire Police's domestic abuse advisory panel. 

She joined Sheffield Hallam University as a Lecturer in Criminology in 2018.


Sheffield Institute of Law and Justice

College of Social Sciences and Arts

I am the Criminology Course leader and work closely with the criminology module teams and students to deliver the criminology degree programme.

I teach on the Punishment and Practice in Context module and Real World Research (Dissertation) module at Level 6 and the Professional Practice on Placement module at L5. I am developing the new L5 Gender and Power module. 

I am Academic Adviser for several cohorts of students at Level 5 and Level 6. 


BA Criminology 
BSc Criminology with Psychology
BA Criminology with Sociology

Professional Practice on Placement
Punishment and Practice in Context
Real World Research 


Welfare Conditionality: Sanctions, Support and Behaviour Change
Culturally competent? Rethinking child welfare policy and interventions for marginalised mothers

Pains of Placement: Exploring Criminology Students' Experiences on Placements in the Criminal Justice System



Theses / Dissertations

Povey, L. (2023). Governing marginalised women: Gendered dimensions of the ‘carceral-assistential net’. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Fletcher, D., Crisp, R., & Gore, T.

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