Kerry Stubbins

Kerry Stubbins RN | FHEA | MSc Healthcare Ed | BMedSci Professional Nursing Practice | PGCE

Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing


I am a senior lecturer in Adult Nursing and Course Leaders for MSc Nursing.

My clinical background is in critical care, and I have held the post of Senior Sister in an Adult Intensive Care Unit and led the Critical Care Outreach Team supporting interprofessional education within the NHS.


I joined the nursing profession in 1990. Since then, I have held various senior roles in the field of critical care within the South and West Yorkshire regions.

Initially working in a general Intensive care and coronary care units in West Yorkshire I made the move to Rotherham to set up the Critical Care Outreach Service. After developing the role of Critical Care Outreach within the Trust, I began to focus on interprofessional education in the NHS. I have a passion for widening participation to Higher Education and Nursing. I have extensive experience of working with students from diverse backgrounds in further education and currently support foundation degree pathways collaboratively working with partner colleges in the region. Within Higher Education I teach into Level 4, 5, 6 in the BSc Nursing courses and Level 7 in the MSc Nursing courses. Within this time I have gained an MSc in Healthcare Education.



School of Health and Social Care

College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences

Foundation Degree collaboration with partner FE colleges to expand widening participation opportunities.

Subject area

Nursing & Midwifery



 - BSc Adult Nursing
 - MSc Nursing (Adult & Mental Health pathways)


 - Creating Original Practice Level 7
 - Developing Nursing Practice Level 5
 - Fundamentals of Nursing Level 4 and Level 7
 - Nursing Leadership Level 7
 - The Advancing Professional Level 6
 - Transition to Registration in Adult Nursing Level 6


Current research

Widening participation opportunities in Nursing

I work Collaboratively with partner Further Education Colleges 

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