Kate Morse

Kate Morse MSc. MIH.

Assistant Dean (Global and Academic Partnerships), College of Business, Technology & Engineering


As Assistant Dean (Global and Academic Partnerships) in the College of Business, Technology & Engineering, Kate provides visible strategic leadership of global engagement and academic partnerships within the college, in a way which supports and enables the ambition to be the world's leading applied university taking into consideration the external environment. Kate is accountable to the Dean of College for ensuring a coherent and integrated approach to international recruitment within the college, improving the global dimension of both the student and staff experience and leading on the strategic development of academic partnerships and global relations, both in the UK and internationally, in support of the University's strategic aims and operational priorities.


Professional  Qualifications: 
MSc. International  
Hospitality  Management  
Member of Institute of Hospitality 

Kate's role is to:

• Provide leadership and direction at a college level on matters relating to global engagement, including international development and recruitment, partnerships, student and staff mobility and bring a wider global dimension into the curriculum and life of the University.  
• Work with the PVC Global and Academic Partnerships, the Director of Global Development and Partnerships, the leadership of Recruitment, Communications and Marketing (RCM) and Business Engagement, Skills and Employability and other colleagues across the University to identify clear, targeted, comprehensive actions to deliver and grow recruitment, global and academic partnerships activity, in line with the relevant cross-university plans and the University strategy, whilst meeting the standards of appropriate national/ international quality assurance bodies. 
• Provide the strategic leadership for the college's work on international recruitment, working with the Head of Recruitment to ensure effective operational support is in place for the direct recruitment of international students.  
• Work with the Dean of College, Director of Global Development and Partnerships, Group Director of Business Engagement, Skills and Employability and Head of Academic Quality and Standards to ensure that academic partnerships and related academic provision are of the requisite quality, standards and strategic value and meet business objectives of the college and wider University. 
• Work with colleagues within Global Development and Partnerships, International Student Experience Teams and across college and departmental leadership teams to build, promote and celebrate a global perspective within the curriculum and wider student and staff experience. 
• Be accountable for the global student experience within the college and promote equality, diversity and inclusion within all aspects of the student experience, working closely with the Dean of Students and the Director of Development and Diversity as required.  
• Represent the University with strategic partners to promote the college's and University's interests.  
• Work with the PVC Global and Academic Partnerships and the Dean of College to ensure clear and measurable targets are set within the college for partnership performance, and that measures and incentives are used to drive improved performance and outcomes. 

Kate's specialist areas of interest are:

• Global engagement, international recruitment, and academic partnership development
• International Culinary Arts and Wine
• Maximising Customer Experience – closing perception gaps.
• The importance of trust in transnational education partnership development 
• Food Retail Professional Training and Product Development  
• Emotional Capital and cultural empathy    


Journal articles

Morse, K. (2013). Internationalisation - Hospitality Education. EuroChrie Newsletter, 0.

Case studies

Doole, I., & Morse, K. (2012). International Marketing Strategy.


Morse, K. (2012). Presentation - Effective promotion of the Master & MBA Programs.

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