Kaisu Koski

Dr Kaisu Koski

Associate Professor of Art and Design


I am a cross-disciplinary artist with a background in performance, film, and biological materials. My work focuses on the climate crisis, multispecies relationships, and the art-science methodology. I received a Doctor of Arts degree from the University of Lapland and hold an MA from the Amsterdam School of the Arts. I am a former recipient of the Academy Research Fellowship of the Academy of Finland.



I am a cross-disciplinary artist with a background in performance, film, and biological materials. My work focuses on the climate crisis, multispecies relationships, and the art-science methodology. I've previously conducted fellowships in medical schools in North America and Europe and developed films for medical curricula on topics such as vaccine hesitancy and breaking bad news. My scholarly output has been published in journals such as Leonardo, Simulation in Healthcare, and the Journal of Bioethical Inquiry. My work has been exhibited and performed in gallery shows and theaters in over 25 countries and received multiple awards in the film festival circuit. These include venues such as Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Lawndale Art Center of Houston, WHO/UNAIDS, Estonian Museum of Applied Arts, UNESCO Art&Science, Czong Institute for Contemporary Art, and COP27.

I have received grants from organizations such as the Academy of Finland, the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts, and the Portuguese National Science Foundation. I serve as an expert evaluator in the European Commission Horizon Programme and UKRI. In 2020, I initiated the Citizen Surgery Collective, an interdisciplinary practice-based research group consisting of artists, critical posthumanists, and anthropologists. Our work concerns surgical literacy, sensory skills acquisition, and the relationship between (non)human animal bodies and food.


College of Social Sciences and Arts


  • Lab4Living
  • Culture and Creativity Research Institute

Multispecies relationships, Climate crisis, Vegan studies

Current Collaborations

Citizen Surgery Collective with Noémie Soula and Anne van Veen

Nocturnal Multispecies Relationships with Nick Dunn, Lancaster University


Journal articles

Koski, K. (2024). Picnic methodology: rethinking multispecies relationships through alfresco meals. Human Geography: a new radical journal. http://doi.org/10.1177/19427786241240397

Koski, K., & Dunn, N. (2024). Introducing a night-blind peer-review: Palpating in the dark. Journal of Imaginary Research, 9, 11-12.

Koski, K. (2023). Challenging animal-based food systems: Citizen Surgery on vegan body simulators. RUUKKU - Studies in Artistic Research, (20). http://doi.org/10.22501/ruu.2025537

Koski, K. (2022). Permafrost refreeze: the reindeer factor. Journal of Embodied Research, 5 (1). http://doi.org/10.16995/jer.8837

Koski, K. (2021). Citizen Surgery: a framework for uncanny operations. Leonardo, 54 (6), 665-666. http://doi.org/10.1162/leon_a_02152

Koski, K., & Ostherr, K. (2021). Ambiguity and uncertainty in 'breaking bad news' simulation: lessons from standardized patients' different personality type. RHiME, 8, 75-82. https://www.rhime.in/ojs/index.php/rhime/article/view/471

Koski, K., & Ostherr, K. (2020). "I Guess I Didn't Like That Word Unfortunately": Standardized Patients' Unscripted Techniques for Training Medical Students. Simulation in Healthcare, Publis. http://doi.org/10.1097/SIH.0000000000000519

Koski, K., & Holst, J. (2020). Conversations on Art–Science Collaboration and Vaccine-Hesitancy. Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies/revue d'études interculturelle de l'image, 11 (2). http://doi.org/10.17742/image.in.11.2.5

Koski, K., Lehto, J.T., & Hakkarainen, K. (2019). Physician self-disclosure and vaccine-critical parents׳ trust: Preparing medical students for parents׳ difficult questions. Health Professions Education, 5 (3), 253-258. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.hpe.2018.09.005

Koski, K., & Holst, J. (2018). Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Vaccine Hesitancy: Developing Trust and Shifting Stereotypes. Journal of Clinical Research & Bioethics, 09 (01). http://doi.org/10.4172/2155-9627.1000320

Koski, K., Lehto, J.T., & Hakkarainen, K. (2018). Simulated Encounters With Vaccine-Hesitant Parents: Arts-Based Video Scenario and a Writing Exercise. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development, 5, 238212051879025. http://doi.org/10.1177/2382120518790257

Koski, K., & Holst, J. (2017). Exploring Vaccine Hesitancy Through an Artist–Scientist Collaboration. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 14 (3), 411-426. http://doi.org/10.1007/s11673-017-9798-5

Koski, K., Heyning, F., & Zwijnenberg, R. (2016). Collaborative meaning-making in arts-based research: data interpretation with an artist, a physician, and an art historian. Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal, 1 (1), 234. http://doi.org/10.18432/r2mw28

Koski, K. (2014). Mapping the female reproductive system: Arts-based inquiry of medical students’ anatomy drawings. Studies in Material Thinking, 10. https://www.materialthinking.org/sites/default/files/papers/SMT_V10_01_Kaisu%20Koski_0.pdf

Koski, K. (2014). Anatomical Self-Portraits as Fieldwork: Observations, Improvisations, and Elicitations in the Medical School. Journal for Artistic Research, (6). http://doi.org/10.22501/jar.56534

Koski, K. (2013). As if the patient were in the classroom: Video-based enquiry into the absent body in medical education. Journal of Applied Arts & Health, 4 (2), 207-222. http://doi.org/10.1386/jaah.4.2.207_1

Koski, K. (2012). Ethics and data collection in arts-based inquiry: Artist-researcher embedded in medical education. International Journal of the Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice. International Journal of the Creative Arts in Interdisciplinary Practice.

Koski, K. (2011). Art portraying medicine. Journal of Research Practice, 7 (11). http://jrp.icaap.org/index.php/jrp/article/view/259/235

Koski, K. (2011). Kunst als een platform voor ethische discussie. Tijdschrift voor Medisch Onderwijs, 30 (3), 106-108. http://doi.org/10.1007/s12507-011-0024-x

Koski, K. (2009). Taiteellista tutkimusta lääketieteestä: taiteilija valkotakissa. KIDE, 2.

Koski, K. (2002). Meta-taideteos Väitöskirjana. Kulttuurintutkimus, 19 (4), 50-51.

Conference papers

Koski, K. (2021). HUG. Creativity and Cognition. http://doi.org/10.1145/3450741.3464392

Weijdom, J., & Koski, K. (2015). Media and performance laboratory: learning by doing, making by playing, sharing by performing. ISEA 2015 Proceedings, 1031-1032. https://www.isea-archives.org/docs/2015/proceedings/ISEA2015_proceedings.pdf

Koski, K. (2011). Dialogues between art, medicine and research. In Arlander, A. (Ed.) CARPA 2 colloquium on Artistic Research in Performing Arts, (pp. 119-126). Uniarts Helsinki: https://taju.uniarts.fi/handle/10024/6979

Koski, K. (2005). Media Figures in a Performative Space. In Salmi, E., & Lantto, J. (Eds.) Cumulus: The Zone: an area of transition, Utrecht Netherlands, (pp. 38-42). University of Art and Design Helsinki

Koski, K. (2003). Non-linear Storytelling in an Environmental Installation. UIAH Publications F25, 45-53.

Book chapters

Koski, K., & Ostherr, K. (2022). Props: Props in breaking bad news simulation. In Making Sense of Medicine: Material Culture and the Reproduction of Medical Knowledge. (pp. 329-343).

Koski, K. (2010). Performing an Avatar: Second Life Onstage. In Mapping Intermediality and Performance. Amsterdam University Press

Theses / Dissertations

Koski, K. (2007). Augmenting Theatre. Engaging With the Content on Intermedial Stages of Performances and Installations. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Eversmann, P., & Timonen, E.


Koski, K., & Van Dierendonck, R. (2022). Hand-Holding Gloves. [Paper, plastic tubes and pouches, arduino circuit boards].

Koski, K. (2022). Interspecies picnic. [Digital photograph/Hahnemühle paper/Kappa mount].

Koski, K. (2021). HUG. [Installation/Photograph].

Koski, K. (2015). Injection Simulator. [Installation].


Koski, K. (2020). Rehearsals for empathy. [Film, video installation, installation]. Lawndale Art Center, Houston.

Koski, K. (2019). Simulated patient. [Film]. Kunsthalle Turku, Finland.

Koski, K. (2015). Living anatomy. [Photo, installation, film]. Art Center Mältinranta, Tampere.


Koski, K., Soula, N., van Veen, A., & Harris, A. (2021). Clinical Dinner: A Virtual Citizen Surgery Training Session. Making and Doing session

Koski, K., Harris, A., & Schrier, B. (2022). Training the Senses: Operation Mango. Marres House for Contemporary Culture, Maastricht, Netherlands Performative workshop.


Koski, K. (2018). Theory of Illness #1-4. [Premium Fine Art Prints, Forex Mount].

Koski, K. (2017). Syringe Sequence #1-2. [Photographs].

Koski, K. (2013). Living anatomy. [Digital C-prints, Diasec mount].


Koski, K., Soula, N., Van Veen, A., & Harris, A. (2023). Citizen Surgery Research Kitchen. Festival Cinéma et Cuisine, Locronan, France

Koski, K. (2023). BoneCracker. [Film]. Vesuvius International Film Festival, Italy

Koski, K. (2022). City Reindeer. [Film]. Inheritance – The Environmental Film Festival

Koski, K. (2022). DermaBread. [Digital Video 4K]. Academia Film Olomouc

Koski, K., Soula, N., Van Veen, A., & Harris, A. (2021). Lunchtime Surgery Class. [Film]. Semi-Finalist at BIDEODROMO International Experimental Film and Video Festival, Bilbao

Koski, K. (2020). Rehearsals for Empathy. [Film]. Science on Screen Film Festival, Galway Ireland

Koski, K. (2019). Standardized Synchronized. [Film (4K). Duration 12’25”]. AVANCA Film Festival, Portugal

Koski, K. (2017). Scenes of disclosure. [Film (HD), 23’06”]. https://vimeo.com/227863178

Koski, K. (2017). Conversations with vaccine-critical parents. [Film (HD) 16’40”]. https://vimeo.com/217632310

Koski, K. (2014). Not to scale at all. [Animation]. Estonian Museum of Applied Arts, Tallinn. Curated exhibition Rhizope

Koski, K. (2013). Four lessons in anatomy. [Film (HD)]. Medical History Museum, Gothenburg

Koski, K. (2012). Preclinical body. [Film (HD)]. Official Selection of the SCINEMA Film Festival, Canberra

Musical compositions

Koski, K., & Dunn, N. (2024). Exit Song. [Music video].


Koski, K. (2024). Picnic Methodology. Presented at: Exploring Human-Animal & Multispecies Relations: Risk Taking in Research Methods, University of Brighton

Koski, K., & Dunn, N. (2024). Pied Piper and Endangered Rats. Presented at: Sheffield Animal Studies Research Centre Conference (ShARC Tales 4), University of Sheffield

Koski, K. (2024). Arts-based Research on Vaccine-hesitancy. Presented at: Vaccine hesitancy in Europe: VAX-TRUST Final Conference, Tampere University, Finland

Dunn, N., & Koski, K. (2023). Climate Crisis in the Shadows: Rethinking Our Relationships with Nocturnal Kin. Presented at: Taboo – Transgression – Transcendence in Art & Science (TTT), Valletta, Malta

Koski, K. (2023). Permafrost Refreeze. Presented at: UK Arctic Science conference, Cambridge

Koski, K. (2022). Science Meets Art in Snow Research. Presented at: National Snow Seminar, Finnish Meteorological Institute

Koski, K. (2022). Permafrost Refreeze: The Reindeer Factor. Presented at: TRANSGENERATIVES2030, Nancy, France

Koski, K. (2022). Art+Science Climate Crisis Research.

Koski, K. (2021). Rehearsals for Empathy. Presented at: Health Humanities Consortium International Conference: Crisis and Community: The Role of Health Humanities

Koski, K. (2019). Arts-based research and medical education. Presented at: Ethics and Knowledge about Health and Illness, University of Turku

Koski, K. (2019). Vaccine-hesitancy. Presented at: Health Psychology Days, Helsinki

Koski, K. (2019). Art of Medical Education. Presented at: Workshop Art & Medicine: Skilling the Senses, Utrecht

Koski, K. (2019). Art-Medicine Dialogue. Presented at: Open Ethics Forum, Joensuu Finland

Koski, K. (2018). Simulating "breaking bad news" scenario in medical education. Presented at: Narrative Matters, Enschede

Koski, K. (2018). Vaccine hesitancy and a ‘natural way of living’. Presented at: GREEN, Copenhagen

Koski, K. (2018). Rehearsals for Empathy: Arts-based Research on Medical Education. Presented at: Narrative Medicine Program, Houston

Koski, K. (2017). Scenes of Disclosure film screening and talk. Presented at: Health Humanities Consortium, Houston

Koski, K. (2015). Arts-based research on medical education. Presented at: Theorizing the Body in Health and Medicine, Maastricht

Koski, K. (2012). Representation of the body in medical education: An arts-based inquiry. Presented at: AMEE International Association for Medical Education, Lyon

Koski, K. (2006). The body in technologically augmented theatrical environments. Presented at: IFTR International Federation for Theatre Research Conference, Helsinki

Koski, K. (2005). Mixed Realities: Interactive Performance Environments. Presented at: IFTR Scenography Working Group Conference, Amsterdam

Koski, K. (2004). Mediated Theatre: Movement in Reactive Environments. Presented at: Consciousness Reframed; Qi and Complexity, Beijing

Koski, K. (2003). Organism-Environment System Theory in Interactive Installations. Presented at: Cross-overs in Audiovisual Arts and Interactive Media, Helsinki

Koski, K. (2003). Non-linear storytelling in an environmental installation system. Presented at: International Nonlinear Science Conference, Vienna

Koski, K. (2002). New Media And Theater: An Intelligent Stage. Presented at: Crossroads in Cultural Studies, Tampere


Koski, K., & van Veen, A. (2024). Cut the meat, Eat the body: Cannibal Fiction in interrogating the Meat Paradox. Presented at: “Meat in the Arts and Culture” Conference, Glasgow, UK, 2024

Koski, K., Lehto, J.T., & Hakkarainen, K. (2017). Practicing for a dialogue with vaccine-hesitant parents: Pilot-testing an arts-based video case. Presented at: AMEE International Association for Medical Education, Helsinki, 2017

Other activities

I serve as an expert evaluator in the European Commission Horizon Programme and UKRI, and a reviewer for several journals. I have also served as an external assessor of vivas and research degrees in organizations such as Drew University and MMU. I am an Adjunct Professor of Arts-based Research at Tampere University.

Postgraduate supervision

Director of Studies for:

Roland van Dierendonck: Becoming Microbial - Sensing Microbes Inside and Outside of Us

Kuang-Yi Ku: Queering Anatomy - Microbial Migration and Unstable Body Borders

Completed in 2019. Lisa Erdman: Performing false hope: Ethical outcomes of fictitious pharmaceutical advertising as a public art intervention. Department of Art, Aalto University, Finland.

Completed in 2020. Kim Plumley: Pharmacists as immunizers: increasing non-influenza adult immunization rates. Medical Humanities, Drew University, US.

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