Jude Langdon

Jude Langdon MSc

Senior Lecturer


Jude worked extensively within the sport development industry prior to moving into academia having roles within local authorities, National Governing Bodies and School Sport Partnerships.

Her current roles involves teaching and learning mainly within BSc (Hons) Sport Development with Coaching degree as well as BSc (Hons) Sport Coaching and Sport Business Management degrees, where her expertise centres particularly around professional skills, developing sport in education, event management and enterprise. She has completed her MSc in Coaching and Mentoring within the Sheffield Hallam Business School and actively uses her skills in her Student Experience role within the university.

Jude is an active tennis and racketball player and is ladies 1st team captain at Hallamshire Tennis Club and plays an active role on the tennis committee.


Academy of Sport and Physical Activity

BSc (Hons)
Sport Development with Coaching
Sport Business Management
Sport Coaching

Marketing for Sport Development
Developing Sport in Education
Applied Professional Development
Event Management
Enterprise for Sport Development


Current projects 

Student Experience Lead
SHU Gamechangers Project


Book chapters

Marsden-Heathcote, J., & Langdon, J. (2018). Community sport event management. In Wilson, R., & Platts, C. (Eds.) Managing and Developing Community Sport. (pp. 109-125). London: Taylor and Francis: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9781317201106

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