John Dunning

Dr John Dunning

Principal Lecturer Of Hospitality Management


I teach across a range of courses at Sheffield Hallam, in particular food and beverage management, gastronomy and culinary arts and wines, with a particular interest and expertise in customer service.

I studied hospitality management at Cambridge and then Norwich Hotel School. This was followed by several years working at Claridge's and the Savoy in London in both food and beverage and rooms division positions. The London experience was followed by working abroad for several years, returning to London as the training and development manager for Gordon Ramsay Holdings. As well as setting up and managing training for the group, I developed consultancy services for Gordon Ramsay, working with a wide-range of blue chip companies.

Subject areas

- hospitality management

- food and beverage management

- restaurant management

- food and wine

- customer service

Teaching interests

- international culinary arts and wines

- food and beverage management

Research interests

- professionalism

- restaurant management

- customer service

- food and wine


- undergraduate and postgraduate dissertation supervisor

Research/Consultancy Interests:

Professionalism, Restaurants and Hotels; Customer Service; Food and Wine

Languages: English (native), French (fluent), Italian (general level of understanding).



  • 2015: PhD Professionalism: A study of English post-1992 university hospitality management academics, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
  • 2008: Post Graduate Certificate in Education, Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom
  • 1999: BA Education, Anglia Ruskin University

Validation Panel Member

External validation panel member

  • 2016: , University of Essex
  • 2016: , University of Brighton

Principal Lecturer of Hospitality Management


Department of Service Sector Management

Sheffield Business School



Journal articles

Zetzsche, G., & Dunning, J. (2024). C’ing is believing: An investigation of how wines with more characteristics on the bottle are featured on the Web. Journal: Research in Hospitality Management, , Volume 13, 121-127.

Dunning, J. (2019). Professional superheroes: Are changes in higher education stretching hospitality management academics' professionalism to the limit? Journal of hospitality, leisure, sport & tourism education, 25, 100200.

Dunning, J. (2017). Are You A True Professional? Professionalism in the hospitality industry. Hospitality Quarterly. Institute of Hospitality, Issue 46/Autumn 2017, p.19.

Dunning, J. (2010). The professional higher education hospitality management lecturer - an interpretive approach. Perspectives on European Educational Policy and Practice. Papers from the Erasmus Intensive Programme Summer Schools, Haapsalu, Estonia, 35-46.

Dunning, J. (2010). What does professional mean for higher education hospitality management lecturers? Hospitality Review, 12, 40-46.

Dunning, J. (2010). The professional academic - Changing times in higher education. Praxis, 4 (3), 4-10.

Conference papers

Crilley, E., & Dunning, J. (2024). The Art of Service redefined: Exploring Strategies and Barriers towards the Integration of Emerging Technology within Food Service Operations. In Council for Hospitality Management Education, Leeds, 21 May 2024 - 24 May 2024.

Dunning, J. (2024). Where have all the amateurs gone? From Professionalism to Amateurism – the new way forward for hospitality management education? In Council for Hospitality Management Education, Leeds, 21 May 2024 - 24 May 2024.

Dunning, J. M. and Smith Maguire, J., , & Dunning, J. (2023). Gifting of Wine: A Study of Chinese Expat Consumers. In Council for Hospitality Management Education (CHME), Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Leeuwarden, Netherlands.

Zetzsche, G. C. and Dunning, J. M., , & Dunning, J. (2023). C'ing is believing: Internet Wine Marketing. In Council for Hospitality Management Education (CHME), Stenden, University of Applied Sciences, Leeuwarden, Netherlands.

Dunning, J. (2022). Wine service in restaurants: changing trends and the impact on the professional wine steward. In International Conference on Tourism (ICOT), Rethymnon, Crete, Greece.

Ma, D. and Dunning, J. M., , & Dunning, J. (2022). Wine consumer behaviour and attitudes: a focus on Australian Chardonnay. In Council for Hospitality Management Education (CHME), Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Dunning, J. (2021). Professionalism traits: Hospitality management academics' experiences of working in a changing higher education sector. In Council for Hospitality Management Education (CHME), Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England.

Dunning, J. (2021). Is sommelier professionalism being eroded? A traits approach. In Council for Hospitality Management Education (CHME), Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England.

Dunning, J.M. (2018). The Changing Nature of HE Provision in the UK and how this is Impacting upon the Professionalism of Hospitality Management Academics. In The Council for Hospitlaity Management Education (CHME), Bournemouth University.

Graham, D., & Dunning, J. (2011). The professional chef - from behind the scenes to front of house; an amalgam of roles?

Dunning, J. (2010). High Tide or Low Tide? - The professional "higher education hospitality management lecturer".

Book chapters

Smith Maguire, J., & Dunning, J. (2022). Gifting dynamics of calibrating and aligning: an exploratory study of Chinese wine gifting. In Howland, P. (Ed.) Wine and The Gift: From Production to Consumption. Routledge


Smith Maguire, J., McCormicj, S., Dunning, J., & Hipsz, P. (2021). Innovation Opportunities and Digital Story Telling: An Exploratory Study of the Midlands and North Wine Region.

Smith Maguire, J., McCormicj, S., Dunning, J., & Hipsz, P. (2021). Innovation Opportunities and Digital Story Telling: An Exploratory Study of the Midlands and North Wine Region.

Dunning, J., Smith Maguire, J., McCormick, S., & Hipsz, P. (2021). Innovation Opportunities and Digital Story Telling Report of Findings.

Dunning, J., Smith Maguire, J., McCormick, S., & Hipsz, P. (2021). Innovation Opportunities and Digital Story Telling Report of Findings.

Smith Maguire, J., Dunning, J., McCormick, S., & Hipsz, P. (2021). Innovation Opportunities and Digital Storytelling: An Exploratory Study of the Midlands and North Wine Region. Report of Findings. Sheffield Hallam University.

Theses / Dissertations

Dunning, J.M. (2015). Professionalism : A study of English post-1992 university hospitality management academics. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Boylan, M., Merchant, G., & Garland, P.

Dunning, J. (2015). Professionalism: A Study of English Post-1992 University Hospitality Management Academics. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Merchant, P.G., & Boylan, D.M.


Dunning, J. (2024). Keynote: Excellence in Customer Service. Charity Networking Feast. Help to Grow Management Course. Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University. Presented at: Charity Networking Feast. Help to Grow Management Course. Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield

Dunning, J. (2019). Wine Tasting: A Sensory Approach. Presented at: VNU Wines, Dohlmuhle Winery, An Der Dohlmuhle 7, 55237, Flonheim, Rheinhessen, Germany

Gibb, R. and Dunning, J. M., (2019). Champagne. Presentation and Tutored Tasting. Presented at: Sparkling Symposium, Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University

Dunning, J. (2019). Hospitality - The Consumer Meal Experience.

Dunning, J. (2019). The Professional Wine Waiter and their Role in the Restaurant.

Dunning, J. (2019). Culinary Arts: The Use and Importance of Restaurant Guides for Effective Service Management.

Dunning, J. (2019). Professionalism and the role of the sommelier: achieving restaurant wine sales.

Dunning, J.M. (2018). Professionalism: Achieving Wine Sales in Restaurants and the Role of the Sommelier.

Dunning, J.M., & Dunning, J.M. (2018). Wine Service Professionalism: A Sensory Perspective to Food and Wine Matching. Presented at: HRC Culinary Institute, 59 Tsar Boris III, Blvd, 1612, Bulgaria

Dunning, J.M. (2018). A Professional Approach to Food and Beverage Management: Principles and Practices. Presented at: HRC Culinary Institute, 59 Tsar Boris III, Blvd., 1612 Sofia, Bulgaria

Dunning, J. (2018). Examining Hospitality Management Academics' Professionalism: Challenging Times in Higher Education.

Dunning, J. (2018). Hospitality Education in the UK and China. Focus Group Discussion. Presented at: Macau, Institute for Tourism Studies, The Tourism College, Macau

Dunning, J. (2018). Trends in Restaurants: The Influence of Restaurant Guides. Presented at: Hospitality and Catering METIS Approved, Chelmsford College, Princes Road, Chelmsford

Dunning, J. (2017). Changing Restaurant Trends and the Role of Restaurant Guides: A Fine Dining Case Study.

Dunning, J. (2017). Restaurants and Service: Past Trends and Future Initiatives. Presentation at SIHRE, Catering and Hospitality Industries.

Dunning, J. (2016). Professionalism and changing restaurant needs: a case study of fine dining restaurants. Presented at: Institute of Tourism Studies, Malta, Institute of Tourism Studies, Malta

Dunning, J. (2016). Hospitality Management and Professional Service. Presented at: TARC. Malaysia, Jalan Genting Kelang, Setapak, 53300, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Dunning, J. (2016). Professionalism and Changing Restaurant Needs: case study of fine dining restaurants. Presentation at Institute of Tourism Studies (ITS), Bajja San Gorg, San Giljan, Malta. Presented at: Institute of Tourism Studies (ITS), Bajja San Gorg, San Giljan, Malta

Dunning, J. (2012). HE Professionalism - The Learners Perspective.

Dunning, J. (2012). Professionalism - Hospitality Guest Service.

Dunning, J. (2012). Professionalism in Higher Education.

Dunning, J. (2012). The 'Professional' Hospitality Management Academic.

Dunning, J. (2012). The 'professional hospitality management academic - capturing views and sharing experiences.

Dunning, J. (2012). Professionalism and Hospitality Management: Service and Careers. Presented at: Dania Danish Academy of Business and Technology, Randers SO, Denmark

Dunning, J. (2012). Dunning, J. M. (2012) Skills for Service Sheffield. Restaurant Service Masterclass. University of Sheffield (9-10 July 2012). Presented at: Skills for Service Sheffield, Sheffield

Dunning, J. (2011). Professionalism in Hospitality Management.

Dunning, J. (2011). The 'professional' academic - German and English Contexts. Presented at: Paeddagogische Hochschule Freiburg, University of Education, Freiburg, Germany

Dunning, J. (2011). The professional university academic: A question of "loving it" or "just beam me the knowledge"?

Dunning, J. (2011). The Professional Academic: Reflections on Practice and Placements in China. Presentation on International Academic Professional Practice in relation to Teaching, Learning and Placements. Presented at: Academic Practice. Learning and Teaching Institute, Sheffield Hallam University

Dunning, J. (2011). Professionalism in Hospitality Management. Presentation: Hospitality Management, Service Sector Management, Sheffield Business School. Hospitality Alumni Event. The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), Parliament Square, London. Presented at: Hospitality Symposium, London

Dunning, J. (2011). Professionalism in Hospitality Management. Presented at: Hospitality Alumni Event, The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, Parliament Square, London

Dunning, J. (2010). Professional Practice: an Alternative Approach.

Dunning, J. (2010). Professionalism - what do we mean by this? An academic understanding.

Dunning, J. (2010). Professionalism in an Educational Context - an International context. Presented at: Faculty of Education, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

Dunning, J. (2010). So you think that you are professional? - Views and perceptions of the higher education lecturer. Presented at: University College Birmingham, Political Economy of Tertiary Education, Austin Court, Birmingham

Dunning, J. (2010). The 'professional' higher education hospitality management lecturer - an interpretive perspective.

Dunning, J. (2010). Professionalism in an educational context: an international perspective. Presented at: Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, Charles University (Univerztia Karlova v Praze), Prague, Czech Republic

Dunning, J. (2010). The 'professional' higher education hospitality management lecturer: professionalisation or professionalism rhetoric. Presented at: Tallinn University, Estonia, Tallinn University, Estonia

Dunning, J. (2009). The 'professional' higher education hospitality management lecturer - an interpretive perspective. Presented at: University of Tallinn, Estonia

Dunning, J. (2009). The Professional HE Hospitality Management Lecturer - an interpretive approach.

Dunning, J. (2008). New Realities in the Academy - an Investigation of professional hospitality lecturer identities. Presented at: CHME, University of Brighton

Other publications

Dunning, J. (2024). Symposium. Teaching and Learning: Simulations - Hotel Operations Tactics Strategy (HOTS). Zoe Santiago-Font, Universidad Ana G. Mendez (UAGM), Puerto Rico; David Graham, Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University; John Dunning, Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University (3rd May 2024).

Dunning, J. (2024). Visiting Fellow, Symposium and Wine Knowledge Exchange. (8th April 2024). Dr Stella Kladou, Hellenic Mediterranean University; Dr Olga Polyakova, Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University; Dr John Dunning, Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University.

Dunning, J. (2024). Visiting Fellow, Symposium and Wine Knowledge Exchange. (8th April 2024). Dr Stella Kladou, Hellenic Mediterranean University; Dr Olga Polyakova, Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University; Dr John Dunning, Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University.

Dunning, J. (2024). Keynote Presentation: The Meaning of Professionalism. 6th International Research Roundtable conference. César Ritz Colleges Switzerland (CRCS), Brig, Switzerland (5-7 March 2024).

Dunning, J. (2024). The Changing Nature of HE Provision in the UK and how this is Impacting upon the Professionalism of Hospitality Management Academics? Learning, Teaching and Assessment in Hospitality Seminar, The Council for Hospitality Management Education (CHME) Conference, Bournemouth University.

Dunning, J., Kladu, S., & Zetzsche, G. (2024). Wine Research and Tourism - Wine Business and Wine Marketing Colloquium Colloquium (On-line).

Dunning, J., Kladu, S., & Zetzsche, G. (2024). Wine Research and Tourism - Wine Business and Wine Marketing Colloquium Colloquium (On-line).

Dunning, J. (2023). EDUTech Europe 2023. International Education Conference. Higher Education Leadership Panel: Professional development: evaluating processes and tools to meet the evolving needs of faculty.

Dunning, J. (2023). EDUTech Europe 2023. International Education Conference. Higher Education Leadership Panel: Professional development: evaluating processes and tools to meet the evolving needs of faculty.

Dunning, J. (2023). EDUTech Europe 2023. International Education Conference. Higher Education Leadership Panel: Professional development: evaluating processes and tools to meet the evolving needs of faculty.

Dunning, J. (2023). EDUTech Europe 2023 International Education Conference Higher Education Leadership Panel: Professional development: evaluating processes and tools to meet the evolving needs of faculty.

Dunning, J. (2023). EDUTech Europe 2023 International Education Conference Higher Education Leadership Panel: Professional development: evaluating processes and tools to meet the evolving needs of faculty.

Dunning, J., Smith Maguire, J., & Millman, C. (2023). Sustainable Food and Drink: An immersive tasting and learning event.

Dunning, J., Smith Maguire, J., & Millman, C. (2023). Sustainable Food and Drink: An immersive tasting and learning event.

Dunning, J., Graham, D., & Rivera, D. (2023). Rum Masterclass and Tasting (On-line). Universidad Ana G. Mendez (UAGM), Puerto Rico and Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University (SHU).

Dunning, J., Graham, D., & Rivera, D. (2023). Rum Masterclass and Tasting (On-line). Universidad Ana G. Mendez (UAGM), Puerto Rico and Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University (SHU).

Dunning, J., & Smith Maguire, J. (2023). Sparkling Wine Symposium - Sparkling in the 21st Century: Looking Back and Thinking forward.

Dunning, J., & Smith Maguire, J. (2023). Sparkling Wine Symposium - Sparkling in the 21st Century: Looking Back and Thinking forward.

Dunning, J., & Smith Maguire, J. (2023). English and Welsh Wine Symposium.

Dunning, J., & Smith Maguire, J. (2023). English and Welsh Wine Symposium.

Dunning, J., Graham, D., & Rivera, D. (2022). Wines of the World, Masterclass and Tasting (On-line). Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) and Universidad Ana G. Mendez (UAGM), Puerto Rico.

Dunning, J., Graham, D., & Rivera, D. (2022). Wines of the World, Masterclass and Tasting (On-line). Sheffield Business School, Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) and Universidad Ana G. Mendez (UAGM), Puerto Rico.

Smith Maguire, J., Mccormick, S., & Hipsz, P. (2021). Research Report: Innovation Opportunities and Digital Storytelling: An Exploratory Study of the Midlands and North Wine Region.

Dunning, J. (2017). Are you a true professional? Professionalism in the hospitality industry. Institutute of Hospitality:

Dunning, J. (2011). Teaching and Learning in China: The Four-Stage Competency model and professional practice in the context of placements - sharing experiences. Presentation

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I have completed the Wine and Spirits Education Trust Diploma in Wines and Spirits (DipWSET) which is a high-level qualification involving proficiency in tasting and theory.

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