Joan Rodriguez-Amat

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  4. Joan Rodriguez-Amat

Dr Joan Ramon Rodriguez-Amat PhD

Principal Lecturer, Department Research and Innovation Lead


I joined SHU in 2015. Here, I teach and research about the politics of Media Technologies and Industries, with particular attention to how they shape the conditions for social communicative interactions. 

My international record of posts, publications and research includes a postdoc at the University of Vienna (2011-2015), and guest research and teaching experience in more than a dozen universities including Germany, France, Austria, Spain, Catalonia, Argentina, and Malaysia.


I teach in the Media Undergraduate Course and I lead the MA. in Media and Global Communications. I am also Subject Group Leader for Media and Photography. 

My research focuses on the factors that shape the communicative spaces: this is, the integration of social interactions with mobile and digital social platforms, with the physical-geographic space. 

To study communicative spaces I use digital methods and qualitative and quantitative analysis of the communicative activity around social events/moments.

I have been invited and participated in teaching and research exchanges in more than ten different universities around Europe including Austria, Germany, France, Spain and Catalunya and of course, the United Kingdom; and I have presented more than 50 research papers in International Conferences. 

As a social scientist, I fight monsters of social injustice, social discrimination and social inequalities reproduced by technologies and by wrong decisions; and as a teacher I find personal pleasure in learning, that is for me a form of changing the ways of thinking. Perhaps this explains why I study technology, and why science is for me also a way of creativity more than a Techne, or why I am so terribly scared of monkeys with weapons.


Governance of Media Technologies.


My work is structured around the three aspects that shape the communicative space: 1. The Infrastructures and media materialities -physical and virtual 2. Communities and their practices of definition and identification 3. The governance of the communicative spaces -including regulation, policies and the structures of property and media industries.



Journal articles

Rodriguez-Amat, J. (2024). Platforms, influencers and distributed narratives. Obra digital, (25), 10-24.

Atteneder, H., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. (2024). Ideologies in Geospatial Futurism: a computational and critical discourse inquiry into the Arcgis and ESRI-blogs. Media and Communication, 12.

Brantner, C., Rodriguez-Amat, J., & Stewart, J. (2024). Gauging the Google gaze: A digital visual analysis of images of a semi-peripheral town. Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, 16 (1).

Galletero-Campos, B., Saiz-Echezarreta, V., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. (2023). Pensar la reforma mediática desde las zonas despobladas: análisis de las percepciones sociales sobre el periodismo local (Thinking about media reform from depopulated areas:analysis of social perceptions about local journalism). Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, 82, 1-22.

Madrid-Morales, D., Rodriguez-Amat, J.R., & Lindner, P. (2023). A Computational Mapping of Online News Deserts on African News Websites. Media and Communication, 11 (3).

Rodriguez-Amat, J., & Duller, N. (2023). Space sex-machines: trans-planetary ethics and the mediatization of things. MedienJournal, 47 (1).

Oliveira, E., Rodriguez-Amat, J., Ruiz-Mora, I., & Zeller, I. (2023). The fluid and disruptive shape of activism. Strategic communication in #Fridaysforfuture. International Journal of Strategic Communication.

Fernandez, J.L., Rodriguez-Amat, J., & Scolari, C. (2022). Mediatización(es). Un libro para acelerar la circulación transatlántica de sus discursos científicos. DeSignis: Publicación de la Federación Latinoamericana de Semiótica ( FELS ), (37), 281-288.

Rodriguez-Amat, J., & Belinskaya, Y. (2022). ‘No Coronavirus Can Leave Us without Sex’: Relations of Complicity and Solidarity on Pornhub. Porn Studies.

Morris, P., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. (2022). Collaborative design in kinetic performance: safeguarding the uilleann pipes through inertial motion capture. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 6 (11).

Rodriguez-Amat, J. (2022). Hacia una gobernanza de los datos de las plataformas. Explorando los desajustes entre los datos y el sentido (Towards platform data governance. Exploring the mismatches between data and meaning). RAE-IC. Journal of the Spanish Association for Communication Research, 9 (18), 45-74.

Gindin, I., Cingolani, G., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. (2021). Autoridades interpretativas: una perspectiva teórica sobre datificación y producción de sentido. Palabra Clave, 24 (3).

Belinskaya, Y., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. (2021). Strip-Teasing COVID-19 Porn: A promising silhouette of a community, or the dark alley of a platformized industry? First Monday, 26 (10).

Brantner, C., Rodriguez-Amat, J., & Belinskaya, Y. (2021). Structures of the public sphere: Contested spaces as assembled interfaces. Media and Communication, 9 (3), 16-27.

Rodriguez-Amat, J., Belinskaya, Y., & Brantner, C. (2020). Revisitando la esfera pública (urbana): un modelo de análisis. Letra, Imagen y Sonido. Ciudad Mediatizada, (20), 106-133.

Rodriguez-Amat, J., & Duller, N. (2019). Sex Machines as Mediatized Sexualities -Ethical and Social Implications. .

Scolari, C., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. (2018). A Latin American approach to mediatization: specificities and contributions to a global discussion about how the media shape contemporary societies. Communication Theory, 28 (2), 131-154.

Rodriguez-Amat, J., & Jeffery, R. (2017). Student protests. Three periods of university governance. tripleC. Communication, Capitalism and Critique, 15 (2), 526-542.

Rodriguez-Amat, J.R., & Brantner, C. (2016). Occupy the squares with tweets. A proposal for the analysis of the governance of communicative spaces. Obra Digital, (11), 2-19.

Rodriguez-Amat, J., & Brantner, C. (2016). Ocupar las plazas con tuits. Una propuesta para el análisis de la gobernanza de los espacios comunicativos. Obra Digital, 11, 1-19.

Rodriguez-Amat, J., & Brantner, C. (2016). Space and place matters : a tool for the analysis of geolocated and mapped protests. New Media & Society, 18 (6), 1027-1046.

Brantner, C., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. (2016). New “Danger Zone” in Europe: Representations of Place in Social Media–Supported Protests. International Journal of Communication, 10, 299-320.

Sarikakis, K., Krug, C., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. (2015). Defining authorship in user-generated content : copyright struggles in The Game of Thrones. New Media & Society, 542-559.

Sarikakis, K., & Rodriguez-Amat, J.R. (2014). Intellectual property law change and process : the case of Spanish Ley Sinde as policy laundering. First Monday, 19 (3).

Humphreys, P., Phelan, S., & Rodriguez-Amat, J.R. (2012). BOOK REVIEWS. International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics, 8 (1), 127-135.

Belinskaya, Y., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. (n.d.). The Choreographic City: Flows, Streams and Trajectories of Bodies in Space. Journal Festival Chania Dance Days.

Galletero-Campos, B., Saiz Echezarreta, V., & Rodriguez-Amat, J.R. (n.d.). Percepciones sobre un periodismo valioso para las comunidades de zonas despobladas: oportunidades para una reforma mediática. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (82).

Conference papers

Duller, N., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. (2021). Heteromatic Robots on Mars: Ethics of going Outer Space. In Austrian Robotics Workshop 2021, Vienna, 10 June 2021 - 11 June 2021 (pp. 57-63). Vienna: University of Applied Sciences:

Belinskaya, Y., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. (2020). Interfaces of Political Participation: Challenging the Analysis of Communicative Spaces. SOTICS 2020, The Tenth International Conference on Social Media Technologies, Communication, and Informatics, 1-7.

Rodriguez-Amat, J. (2017). Games of piracy and fandom: technology, copyright and industry [abstract only]. In Game of Thrones Conference 2017, Hertfordshire, UK, 6 September 2017 - 8 September 2017.

Book chapters

Belinskaya, Y., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. (2025). Discourses of misinformation in the Russian diaspora: Building trust across instant messaging channels. In Udupa, S., & Wasserman, H. (Eds.) WhatsApp in the World:Disinformation, Encryption and Extreme Speech. New York University Press

Belinskaya, Y., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. (2023). Discourses of misinformation: building trust across instant messaging channels (WhatsApp Volume). In Udupa, S., & Wasserman, H. (Eds.) WhatsApp Volume. WhatsApp Volume

Rodriguez-Amat, J., & Belinskaya, Y. (2022). Desflecando Telegram: un campo de batalla en la esfera pública desbordada rusa. In Iranzo Cabrera, M. (Ed.) Congreso Mediaflows 2021 (provisional). Tirant Lo Blanch, Valencia

Rodriguez-Amat, J., Gindin, I., & Cingolani, G. (2022). ¿Puede la mediatización ayudar a entender la datificación? In Berman, M., & Tobi, X. (Eds.) Interacciones mediatizadas: contactos y vínculos antes y durante la pandemia. (pp. 21-36). Rosario : UNR Editora:

Rodriguez-Amat, J. (2021). Geodatification: epistemologies of a metahuman presence. In Valdettaro, S. (Ed.) Mediatization (s) Studies. CIM 10th Anniversary. (pp. 399-429). Universidad Nacional de Rosario:

Rodriguez-Amat, J., & Belinskaya, Y. (2021). #Germancinema in the Eye of Instagram: showcasing a method combination. In Herrschner, I., Stevens, K., & Nickl, B. (Eds.) Transnational German Cinema: Encountering Germany Through Films and Events. (pp. 109-131). Cham, Switzerland: Springer:

Rodríguez-Amat, J.R., Scolari, C.A., & Fernández, J.L. (2020). Introduction: Resuming the conversation. In Mediatization(s): Theoretical Conversations between Europe and Latin America. (pp. 1-13).

Rodríguez-Amat, J.R., Fernández, J.L., & Scolari, C.A. (2020). Conclusion: On the possibility of intellectual trading zones. In Mediatization(s): Theoretical Conversations between Europe and Latin America. (pp. 200-212).

Rodriguez-Amat, J. (2020). Monstruos y Plataformas del Dataceno(1). In Valdettaro, S. (Ed.) Conversaciones en PanMedia. (pp. 45-54). Universidad Nacional de Rosario (Argentina) UNR:

Brantner, C., & Rodriguez-Amat, J.R. (2015). Mediatisierung und Visualisierung von Ort und Raum : zur Erforschung partizipativer digitaler Praktiken in Geomedien im Rahmen sozialer Proteste. In Lobinger, K., & Geise, S. (Eds.) Visualisierung und Mediatisierung : Bildliche Kommunikation und bildliches Handeln in mediatisierten Gesellschaften. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag:

Sarikakis, K., & Rodriguez-Amat, J.R. (2014). COPYRIGHT "POLICY LAUNDERING": NOTES ON AN EVASIVE OBJECT OF RESEARCH. (pp. 33-38).

Sarikakis, K., & Rodriguez-Amat, J.R. (2014). iAuthor : the fluid state of creativity rights and the vanishing author. In Lievrouw, L.A. (Ed.) Challenging Communication Research. (pp. 141-155). New York: Peter Lang:

Sarikakis, K., & Rodriguez-Amat, J.R. (2013). Regulating Media Convergence: Supranational and Global Paradigms. In Media and Convergence Management. (pp. 337-350). Springer Berlin Heidelberg:

Sarikakis, K., & Rodriguez-Amat, J.R. (2013). Regulating media convergence : supranational and global paradigms. In Diehl, S., & Karmasin, M. (Eds.) Media and Convergence Management. (pp. 337-350). Berlin: Springer:

Sarikakis, K., & Rodriguez-Amat, J.R. (2013). Copyright and Privacy Governance: Policy Intersections and Challenges. In Communication and Media Policy in the Era of the Internet. (pp. 147-159). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG:

Rodriguez-Amat, J.R., & Sarikakis, K. (2012). The Fandom menace or the Phantom author? : on sharecropping, crossmedia and copyright. In Ibrus, I., & Scolari, C.A. (Eds.) Crossmedia innovations : texts, markets, institutions. (pp. 128-146). London: Peter Lang:

Montiel, F.J., Peña, J., & Rodríguez, J.R. (n.d.). Country-Branding als Identitätsmetapher. In Anspruchsgruppenorientierte Kommunikation. (pp. 421-438). VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften:


Scolari, C., Fernandez, J.L., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. (Eds.). (2021). Mediatization(s). Theoretical Conversations between Europe and Latin America. Bristol: Intellect.

Scolari, C., Fernandez, J.L., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. (Eds.). (2021). Mediatization(s). Theoretical Conversations between Europe and Latin America. Bristol: Intellect.


Rodriguez-Amat, J., Brantner, C., & Lynch, J. (2023). Geomedia Podcast, Karlstad University. [Podcast online]. Geomedia Studies


Trentham-Black, S., & Rodriguez-Amat, J.R. (2023). Contested understandings of technology in cultural and heritage site engagement. Presented at: IAMCR 23. Inhabiting the planet: challenges for media, communication, and beyond, Lyon, France, 2023

Rodriguez-Amat, J., Zhang, H., & Deller, R. (2023). Waka Waka and the Platform Influencers Labor in the Spanish Speaking Music Industry. Presented at: Global Perspectives on Platforms and Cultural Production, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Deller, R., Murphy, K., Rodriguez-Amat, J., & Zhang, H. (2022). Siblings that vlog together brand together: analysing networked connections between YouTuber siblings. Presented at: 9th European Communication Conference, Aarhus, Denmark

Rodriguez-Amat, J.R., & Belinskaya, Y. (2022). Digital cultures of protest in the TikTok-sphere. Presented at: 9th ECREA Conference, Aarhus University, Denmark

Zhang, H., Deller, R., Kathryn, M., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. (2022). Are real-life siblings also algorithmic siblings? Mapping algorithmic connections between YouTuber brothers and sisters. Presented at: Global Perspectives on Platforms and Cultural Production, University of Amsterdam, 2022

Rodriguez-Amat, J., & Belinskaya, Y. (2022). Controlling beyond the Reach: Inside the Russian Telegram Channels. Presented at: ICA Conference, Paris

Rodriguez-Amat, J., & Belinskaya, Y. (2022). The Tik tok Sphere - Russian encounters. Presented at: ICA Conference, Paris, 2022

Rodriguez-Amat, J., & Belinskaya, Y. (2022). Can AI EveR Be as Smart as Sherlock Holmes? Presented at: Fandom Conference, Chicago

Rodriguez-Amat, J. (2021). Contested Urban Spaces: Protests, festivals, and city walks (Keynote). Presented at: Research Week, Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Barcelona

Rodriguez-Amat, J., & Belinskaya, Y. (2021). Inside the Russian Telegram channels: Chat mobs about Navalny. Presented at: Media Flows Conference, Valencia (Spain)

Belinskaya, Y., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. (2021). Russian encounters in the TIKTok-sphere. Presented at: TikTok and Social Movements, Perth, Australia, Online, 2021

Rodriguez-Amat, J. (2021). Exploring the wires: Submarine internet cables and ownership Digital Culture and Communication. Presented at: ECREA Conference 2021, online (Braga, Portugal)

Rodriguez-Amat, J., Ruiz-Mora, I., & Oliveira, E. (2021). Strategic communication beyond organizations. The case of fridays for future. Presented at: ECREA Conference 2021, online (Braga, Portugal)

Duller, N., & Rodriguez-Amat, J. (2021). From SpaceX to Technosex. An Experimental Discussionof MediatizedIntimacy in Outer Space. Presented at: 6th International Congress Love and Sex with Robots, online, 2021

Rodriguez-Amat, J., & Belinskaya, Y. (2021). Silences Under Siege? Conflicting Representations of Navalny’s Poisoning in the Twittersphere. Presented at: ICA Annual Conference, online, 2021

Zhang, H., Rodgers, D., Rodriguez-Amat, J.R., & Belinskaya, Y. (2021). Algorithmic Alchemy: The Power of the Witch on YouTube. Presented at: ICA 2021 - 71st Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado [online]

Rodriguez-Amat, J., & Brantner, C. (2021). Geomediatization of public spheres: Deconstructing geomedia, for a genealogy of the public sphere. Presented at: Conference Off the Grid. Geomedia 2021, online + Siegen (Germany), 2021

Zhang, H., Rodgers, D.A., Rodriguez-Amat, J.R., & Belinskaya, Y. (2021). The Shape of Witchcraft. Analytics of Recommendation Algorithms and the Platformization of Culture. Presented at: Algorithms in Film, Television and Sound Cultures: New Ways of Knowing and Storytelling, Bilgi University, Istanbul [online]

Rodriguez-Amat, J., Gindin, I., & Cingolani, G. (2021). Can mediatization help understanding datification. Presented at: Colloquium CIM, online + Rosario (Argentina), 2021

Rodriguez-Amat, J. (2021). The Relationship between visibility and Attention. Unequal visibility in digital spaces. Presented at: Unequal visibility in digital spaces, online - Bochum. Germany

Rodriguez-Amat, J., & Belinskaya, Y. (2020). Algorithmed Gods of Wine: representations in the Internet. Presented at: 11th nternational Conference on Textual Analysis Trama y Fondo, online

Rodriguez-amat, J., & Brantner, C. (2018). Barriers, Shifts, and Flows: Public Sphere and Structures of Communicative Spaces. Presented at: International Communication Association Annual Conference, Prague, 2018


Hall, C., Rodriguez-Amat, J., Trentham-Black, S., & Turner, D. (2023). Digital skills on/off campus: Learning & Teaching Strategies for International Research Trips. Presented at: Learning, Teaching & Assessment Conference 2023 : Developing Digital Pedagogies and Practice, Sheffield Hallam University, 2023

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Postgraduate supervision

I am happy to supervise PhDs in Cultural and Media Industries and governance, in Media Technologies, and in Datafication and Communication Theories.

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