Jacqueline Launders BEd (Hons), MSc, FHEA
Senior Lecturer
Senior Lecturer Primary Education, teaching primarily mathematics education. I am an Academic Tutor and my work also involves visiting schools to supervise students on school placements for School Direct, PGCE and undergraduate programmes.
At Sheffield Hallam I teach both undergraduate and postgraduate trainees. The majority of my teaching focuses on primary mathematics working with those on their initial teacher training courses.
Prior to my work with Hallam, I was Numeracy Coordinator, a Deputy Head Teacher and spent time as an acting Head Teacher in a local Primary School. I taught in a number of schools, including schools in Newcastle upon Tyne and Nottinghamshire. I have taught across the whole Primary range.
Department of Teacher Education
College of Social Sciences and Arts
My research at Master's level related to children’s attitudes to mathematics and how this impacts on their attainment.
I have focused on ways to support trainees develop their mathematics subject knowledge through peer assisted learning
At present I am interested in the mastery approach to teaching mathematics and how schools are developing this approach.
Other activities
NCETM Professional Development Lead
FHEA - Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.