Harvey Anderson

Dr Harvey Anderson MSc PG Cert BSc (Hons) SFHEA

Professional & Accrediting Bodies Lead/ Senior Lecturer Sport Coaching & PE


Harvey has been at Sheffield Hallam since 2012. He is the Professional & Accrediting Bodies Lead for the Academy of Sport and Physical Activity, linking and aligning professional standards and accreditation to each degree programme. He has also managed international collaborative partnerships and Distance Learning, and held several leadership roles including Social Media & Marketing Coordinator, Postgraduate Marketing and Recruitment Lead, and Distance Learning Champion for the Academy of Sport & Physical Activity.

His main areas of interest in teaching and research are around sport coaching, existential psychology, strength & conditioning and biomechanics. He is an active researcher in these fields and has presented at a number of International Conferences (USA, Japan, Italy, Guadeloupe, Spain and across the UK). His research has covered several areas including the biomechanics of fast-bowling in cricket, psychological support approaches for elite cricketers, a strength & conditioning framework and critical reviews of S&C education in the UK. Harvey has also presented extensively about the value of using existential approaches in both sport coaching and sport psychology, as well as the use of feedback approaches in Higher Education.

He has received multiple nominations for an 'Inspirational Teachers Award' for his teaching at Hallam, and is a both a Senior Fellow of the HEA and a Senior HEA Reviewer for the University.

Outside of the University, Harvey is a highly regarded and qualified cricket coach and coach educator, having worked with several first class and international teams and players over the last three decades.


His main areas of interest in teaching and research are around sport coaching, existential psychology, strength & conditioning and biomechanics. He is an active researcher in these fields and has presented at a number of International Conferences (USA, Japan, Italy, Guadeloupe, Spain and across the UK). His research has covered several areas including the biomechanics of fast-bowling in cricket, psychological support approaches for elite cricketers, a strength & conditioning framework and critical reviews of S&C education in the UK. Harvey has also presented extensively about the value of using existential approaches in both sport coaching and sport psychology, as well as the use of feedback approaches in Higher Education.

He has received multiple nominations for an 'Inspirational Teachers Award' for his teaching at Hallam, and is a both a Senior Fellow of the HEA and a Senior HEA Reviewer for the University.

Outside of the University, Harvey is a highly regarded and qualified cricket coach and coach educator, having worked with several first class and international teams and players over the last three decades.

Senior Lecturer

Specialist areas of interest

Sport coaching
Coach Development
Strength and conditioning
Concentration enhancement
Sport Psychology
Experiential Learning
Distance Learning
Work-based Learning


Academy of Sport and Physical Activity

College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences

"Biomechanical investigation of the follow-through phase of fast-bowling"

"Courage in sport: an Existential view"

"Application of a Department of Methodology"

"Representative Experimental Design in Biomechanics"

"Technique variation in fast -bowling: neural networks analysis"

"Front-leg mechanics of amateur and professional fast-bowlers in the West Indies"

Subject area

PE and Sport Coaching


MSc Advanced Sport Coaching Practice
MSc Strength & Conditioning Coaching
MSc Applied Sport & Exercise Science
BSc (Hons) Sport Coaching
BSc (Hons) PE & School Sport
BSc (Hons) Sport & Exercise Science


Applied Coaching Project
Applied Biomechanics
Advanced Coaching Practice
Project in Sport
International Sport Coaching
Coaching Strength and Conditioning
Work-based Learning
Science of PE and Coaching
Scientific Applications to Sport Coaching
High Performance Coaching
Research Methods
Developing Physical Literacy


Current research projects

Systematic literature review of the biomechanics of fast-bowling
Expert cricket coaches sources of knowledge
Expert coaches' experiential knowledge identifies the need for greater representative experimental design in biomechanical analyses
Expert coaches' models of 'good' and 'bad' fast-bowling technique
The S&C Framework
Where's the coaching of S&C coach education? 
Existentialism and courage in sport
Time to take the courage to lose mental toughness
Feedback in HE: It's a relationship and not an audit process

University of West Indies

La Trobe University


Journal articles

Epifano, D.J., Ryan, S., Clarke, A.C., Huynh, M., Anderson, H., & Middleton, K.J. (2022). Comparing tibial accelerations between delivery and follow-through foot strikes in cricket pace bowling. Sports biomechanics, 1-14. http://doi.org/10.1080/14763141.2022.2136582

Conference papers

Anderson, H. (2023). Taking courage to lose mental toughness! [abstract only]. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 45 (S1), S55. http://doi.org/10.1123/jsep.2023-0077

Anderson, H. (2016). The S&C Framework. In 10th International Conference on Strength Training, Kyoto, Japan, 30 November 2016 - 2016. http://icst2016.com/index.html


Anderson, H. (2018). S&C coach education: Where's the coaching? Presented at: 11th International Conference on Strength Training 2018, Perth, Western Australia, 2018

Other activities

Cricket Coach Educator

Thai Boxing Coach Educator

Postgraduate supervision

Harvey has supervised research projects at SHU and with partners at La Trobe University and the University of the West Indies.

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