Hannah Witherstone

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  4. Hannah Witherstone

Dr Hannah L Witherstone BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD, FHEA (PGCert)

Senior Lecturer in Developmental Psychology


I am a permanent, full-time Senior Lecturer in Developmental Psychology at Sheffield Hallam University.

I teach and lead on various Developmental, Cognitive and Educational Psychology modules at both Undergraduate and Postgraduate level. I am also Collaborative Course Leader for our courses that run at partner colleges.


I joined Sheffield Hallam University in 2016 as a permanent Lecturer in Developmental Psychology. Prior to this, I held teaching roles at the University of Sheffield and the University of York. I also completed my Masters Degree (Reading, Language and Cognition) and PhD (Exploring the Cognitive Deficits in Specific Language Impairment) at the University of York.

I teach on various Psychology modules at both Undergraduate and Postgraduate level, with particular expertise in Developmental Disorders, Educational Psychology, Literacy Development and Language Development. I supervise Undergraduate and Postgraduate projects in these areas, usually with an experimental methodology. I also have interests in general Cognitive Psychology and Psycholinguistics.

Senior Lecturer


Sheffield Institute of Social Sciences

College of Social Sciences and Arts




Journal articles

Witherstone, H. (2024). Speed of processing in Developmental Language Disorder (DLD): The case of real-time grammatical processing. International journal of language and communication disorders. http://doi.org/10.1111/1460-6984.13014

Jones, G., & Witherstone, H.L. (2011). Lexical and sublexical knowledge influences the encoding, storage, and articulation of nonwords. Memory & cognition, 39 (4), 588-599. http://doi.org/10.3758/s13421-010-0045-0

Aguado-Orea, J., Witherstone, H., Bourgeois, L., & Baselga, A. (n.d.). Learning to construct sentences in Spanish: a replication of the Weird Word Order technique. Journal of Child Language. http://doi.org/10.1017/S0305000919000448

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