Hanna Leahy

Hanna Leahy Bsc (Hons), PgDip, MSc

Wellness Business Development Manager


Hanna's main role is as the business development manager for the Y&H-AHSN project, which aims to improve population health through the provision of workplace wellbeing expertise for external clients.

Hanna's academic interests are inter-disciplinary, as reflected by her studies of Sports and Exercise Science, Psychology and Health Psychology. Particular interest and expertise lies in behaviour change, workplace wellbeing and wider health and wellbeing (both physical and mental) with particular reference to physical activity across these. Hanna delivers a number of guest lectures and seminars across the disciplines; for both undergraduate and post-graduate students.


Whilst undertaking her undergraduate degree in Sports and Exercise Science, Hanna joined Sheffield Hallam University to provide research assistance on a number of large-scale physical activity projects.

Upon degree completion, Hanna began delivery of SHUWellness; one-to-one health checks and lifestyle management advice as part of the award winning workplace wellness programme. During the completion of her PgDip and MSc (in Psychology and Health Psychology respectively), Hanna enabled the set-up of, and delivered, SHUWellness on a number of NHS sites.

Due to the resounding success of the service in eliciting significantly improved health and wellbeing in the participating NHS staff, a more sustainable model for delivery was developed: Train the Practitioners. Indicatively, other organisations are trained via a 5 day course to deliver SHUWellness to our exacting standard. Hanna has developed and delivers the 2 day behaviour change workshop (informed by Motivational Interviewing) for the course. Further, she has developed and delivered the associated bespoke assessment procedure.

Hanna's main role is as the business development manager for the Y&H-AHSN project, which aims to improve population health through the provision of workplace wellbeing expertise for external clients. Hanna is responsible for sourcing and enabling engagement with potential clients (both public and private sector) and maintaining existing relationships.

Engagement responsibilities also entail populating the Train the Practitioners course and overseeing the organisation of delivery and logistical requirements.

Other associated duties require presenting at and attending stakeholder board meetings and conferences both for project dissemination and engagement purposes.

Hanna's academic interests are inter-disciplinary, as reflected by her studies. Particular interest and expertise lies in behaviour change, workplace wellbeing and wider health and wellbeing (both physical and mental) with particular reference to physical activity across these. Hanna delivers a number of guest lectures and seminars across the disciplines; for both undergraduate and post-graduate students.

Workplace wellbeing, physical activity, behaviour change, health psychology


YH-AHSN Population Health Theme

SHU wellness workplace wellness programme


Journal articles

Quirk, H., Crank, H., Carter, A., Leahy, H., & Copeland, R. (2018). Barriers and facilitators to implementing workplace health and wellbeing services in the NHS from the perspective of senior leaders and wellbeing practitioners: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health, 18, 1362. http://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-018-6283-y


Shearn, K., Penhall, S., & Leahy, H. (2022). You've Got This (South Tees) Process Evaluation, September 2022. (6).

Danks, K., Shearn, K., Broom, D., & Leahy, H. (2022). You've Got This (South Tees) Process Evaluation, March 2022. (5).

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