Grace Davis

Grace Davis RN, RM, RHV, CertEd, BA (Hons), MA, FHEA

Senior Lecturer


I am a lecturer in Adult Nursing with an interest and background in Community and Primary Care Nursing. I am currently a module leader for the Fundamentals in Public Health Science and Practice (level 4) in the BSc in Nursing curriculum.


I also hold the role as Lead Link Lecturer for community and pre reg nursing placements for one of the local areas, one recent aspect of this role has been involvement with the current regional project seeking to boost the number of pre registration nursing placements within the primary care setting.



Journal articles

Cockayne, D., Davis, G., & Kenyon, L. (2007). Two levels of practice: meeting professional or workforce needs. Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), 21 (27), 44-47.

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