Emma Richards

Emma Richards

Senior Lecturer In Physiotherapy


Emma Works part-time as a Senior Lecturer with a special interest in Neurological Physiotherapy. Alongside her role at Sheffield Hallam University she works clinically in her own Physiotherapy practice. Currently she is course leader for the MSc Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration) which is currently under development, to commence in January 2017.


Emma has worked in various clinical settings from acute neurological rehab in a Stroke unit and a Head injury unit to out patient and community services and as a Neurological Clinical specialist with a special interest in Bobath Approach and Movement and functional Task Analysis.

She has taught clinicians both Nationally and Internationally and is the Module leader for the Neurological Module in the Post graduate Physiotherapy course.

As Service User Lead she has involved in developing the involvement of Service users in teaching, curriculum development and admissions processes.

Specialist areas of interest

Neurological Clinical specialist with a special interest in Bobath Approach and Movement and functional Task Analysis.


College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences


Development of new MSc Pre-registration
Physiotherapy accelerated registration course which is planned to commence in January 2017.
Developed Specific Handling treatment Videos


Journal articles

Young, R., Richards, E., Darji, N., Velpula, S., Smith, C., Broom, D., & Goddard, S. (2018). Power assisted exercise for people with complex neurological impairment : a feasibility study. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 25 (6), 262-271. http://doi.org/10.12968/ijtr.2018.25.6.262

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