Dr Elizabeth Speake BA (Hons), MA, PhD
Research Associate
Dr Elizabeth Speake is a Research Associate at the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. Elizabeth's research interests and expertise are focused around the impact of social security policy design and implementation on marginalised groups; gendered violence, abuse, and trauma; and inclusive conceptualisations of violence.
Beth's broad research interests lie in the areas of welfare policy, the impact of social policy design on marginalised groups, social harm, gendered violence, and mental health and trauma. Her PhD analysed the experiences of survivors of gendered violence and their interactions with the social security system, using the concepts of structural and cultural violence. Her doctoral research provides insight into how social security austerity constitutes a form of violence.
Research interests
- Social security policy and practice
- Conceptualisations of violence
- Austerity and social harm
- Gender-based violence and abuse
- Trauma, disability, and mental health
- Homelessness
- Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research
- Social and Economic Research Institute
2022-2024 Holding onto Home: Tenancy Sustainment in Social Housing, Nuffield Foundation.
2019-2031 Social Impact Audit. Man GPM.
2021 The National Village Halls Survey, Action for Communities in Rural England.
2021-2022 An evaluation of the Rough Sleeper Drug and Alcohol Treatment Grant, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities
2020-2022 Evaluation of Ask and Act, Welsh Government.
2019-2020 Motherhood and Homelessness - Intersectional challenges of Parenting, Health and Identity, Sheffield Hallam University.
2020-2021 Research into local authority enforcement in the private rented sector and property guardianship, MHCLG.
2019-2021 Walking with Energy: overcoming energy invisibility through research participation, Swedish Energy Agency.
2021-2022 Domestic abuse and mothers in prison or on release: an evidence review, Nuffield Foundation.
Journal articles
Ambrose, A., Palm, J., Parkes, S., & Speake, B. (2024). Oral histories of domestic heating transitions in England and Sweden: lessons on how heating transitions play out across place and time. International Journal of Housing Policy, 1-20. http://doi.org/10.1080/19491247.2024.2350135
Rogers, M., Lockwood, K., Speake, B., & Campbell, F. (2023). PROTOCOL: domestic abuse interventions for mothers in or exiting prison: an evidence and gap map. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 19 (1). http://doi.org/10.1002/cl2.1313
Book chapters
Ambrose, A., Palm, J., Parkes, S., & Speake, B. (2024). Histories of heating: looking back, moving forwards. In Horne, R., Ambrose, A., Walker, G., & Nelson, A. (Eds.) Post Carbon Inclusion: transitions built on justice. (pp. 36-52). Bristol: Bristol University Press: https://bristoluniversitypress.co.uk/post-carbon-inclusion
Hickman, P., Reeve, K., Wilson, I., Thomas, P., Kilby, L., Lamb, M., ... Prestwich, J. (2025). Tenancy sustainment in social housing: Key findings. Sheffield Hallam University. http://doi.org/10.7190/h2h.2024.9113866259
Hickman, P., Reeve, K., Wilson, I., Thomas, P., Kilby, L., Lamb, M., ... Prestwich, J. (2025). Promoting tenancy sustainment in social housing: a guide for social landlords. Sheffield Hallam University. http://doi.org/10.7190/h2h.2024.1332637625
Hickman, P., Reeve, K., Wilson, I., Thomas, P., Kilby, L., Lamb, M., ... Prestwich, J. (2025). Tenancy sustainment in social housing: Final report - additional information about the research methods used by the study team. Sheffield Hallam University. http://doi.org/10.7190/h2h.2024.840719544
Hickman, P., Reeve, K., Bimpson, E., Lamb, M., Manzi, T., & Speake, B. (2023). Engaging with tenants to sustain their tenancies: insights from interviews with case study stakeholders. Nuffield Foundation. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/engaging-with-tenants-to-sustain-their-tenancies
Ambrose, A., Gilbertson, J., Speake, B., Bimpson, E., Mccarthy, L., & Ramsden, S. (2021). Cross-sector review of affordability support: an evidence review for the Consumer Council for Water. Sheffield Hallam University, Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research. http://doi.org/10.7190/cresr.2021.6894611266
Speake, B., & Gilbertson, J. (2020). An evaluation of Prioritise Me. Sheffield Hallam University. http://doi.org/10.7190/cresr.2020.3985880565
Archer, T., Parkes, S., & Speake, B. (2020). The English Village and Community Hall Survey 2020. Sheffield: Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research, Sheffield Hallam University. https://www.shu.ac.uk/centre-regional-economic-social-research/publications/the-english-village-and-community-hall-survey-2020