Dr Eleanor Lockley

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  4. Dr Eleanor Lockley

Dr Eleanor Lockley

Senior Lecturer


I have 15+ years of experience in designing and implementing research, including conducting user centred studies, usability studies, co-designing evaluation studies for impact, and designing ethical frameworks. I have used a range of qualitative and quantitative approaches to conduct interdisciplinary research projects, including commercial consultancy through knowledge exchange and have worked across sociology, media, human-computer interaction, and cultural studies.



My research interests loosely fit under the scope of 'digital society' and consider the impact of technology and digital media on individuals, and community groups. As well as considering critical digital literacies, I am interested in how technology can contribute towards not only social inclusion but also citizenship, and democracy, and how it can be used for social good and inclusion.

I am currently working with Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research on an AHRC-funded project (£2.1m) as a part of their Mobilising Community Assets to tackle Health Inequalities programme which aims to develop an innovative model to make arts, culture and creativity a core part of health and care services across the UK. Starting on a local level (in Doncaster) we aim to establish a "Creative Health Board" where voluntary and organisations such as charities, museums, and theatres will work with the NHS, local councils, and the private sector to improve the integration of creative activities into health services. Ultimately we aim to make arts and cultural programs more accessible to people who are at higher risk of poor health.

Previously I have worked as a part of an interdisciplinary team at Hallam to establish the digital literacy needs of nurses and allied health professionals in a local NHS integrated care partnership (2022). I have also previously worked on an EU (Horizon 2020) project entitled CultureLabs (2018-2021) which developed a digital platform to support heritage institutions (such as libraries, museums, and theatres) to work with communities from immigrant, refugees, or migrant backgrounds to share cultural heritage and understanding, through co-design.

I have been a co-investigator on a Nuffield-funded project entitled 'Me and My Big Data: Developing Citizens data literacies’ (2019-2021 led by the University of Liverpool and in association with Glasgow University) which explored the levels of and variations in UK citizens data literacy with an aim of informing UK policy. So my research very generally encompasses people, communities, and technology!

My academic work experience spans twenty years and includes teaching at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels. 



Sheffield Creative Industries Institute

College of Social Sciences and Arts


  • Culture and Creativity Research Institute


Journal articles

Guo, J., & Dong, X. (2024). Digital approaches to inclusion and participation in cultural heritage: insights from research and practice in Europe. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 30 (2), 260-261. http://doi.org/10.1080/13527258.2023.2284742

Giglitto, D., Ciolfi, L., Lockley, E., & Cesaroni, F. (2023). Understanding the needs of institutional stakeholders in participatory cultural heritage and social innovation projects. Museum and Society, 21 (3), 78-95. http://doi.org/10.29311/mas.v21i3.4093

Spinello, A.O., Giglitto, D., & Lockley, E. (2021). Management of open access research infrastructures in large EU projects: The “CultureLabs” case. CNR-IRCrES Working Paper, 9/2021. http://doi.org/10.23760/2421-7158.2021.009

Yates, S., Carmi, E., Lockley, E., Pawluczuk, A., French, T., & Vincent, S. (2020). Who are the limited users of digital systems and media? An examination of UK evidence. First Monday, 25 (7). http://doi.org/10.5210/fm.v25i7.10847

Carmi, E., Yates, S.J., Lockley, E., & Pawluczuk, A. (2020). Data citizenship: Rethinking data literacy in the age of disinformation, misinformation, and malinformation. Internet Policy Review, 9 (2). http://doi.org/10.14763/2020.2.1481

Ciolfi, L., & Lockley, E. (2018). From Work to Life and back again: Examining the digitally-mediated work/life practices of a group of knowledge workers. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 27 (3-6), 803-839. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10606-018-9315-3

Yates, S., & Lockley, E. (2018). Social media and social class. American Behavioral Scientist, 62 (9), 1291-1316. http://doi.org/10.1177/0002764218773821

Yates, S., Kirby, J., & Lockley, E. (2015). Digital media use: differences and inequalities in relation to class and age. Sociological research online, 20 (4), 12. http://doi.org/10.5153/sro.3751

Bowen, S., Mcseveny, K., Lockley, E., Wolstenholme, D., Cobb, M., & Dearden, A. (2013). How was it for you? Experiences of participatory design in the UK health service. CoDesign, 9 (4), 230-246. http://doi.org/10.1080/15710882.2013.846384

Lockley, E. (2013). Mobile Lives. Information, Communication & Society, 16 (10), 1696-1697. http://doi.org/10.1080/1369118x.2011.642403

Green, G., & Lockley, E. (2012). Communication practices of the Karen in Sheffield: Seeking to navigate their three zones of displacement. Asian Journal of Communication, 22 (6), 566-583. http://doi.org/10.1080/01292986.2012.717095

Conference papers

Giglitto, D., Ciolfi, L., Claisse, C., & Lockley, E. (2019). Bridging cultural heritage and communities through digital technologies: Understanding perspectives and challenges. The 9th International Conference on Communities & Technologies - Transforming Communities (C&T 2019), June 3--7, 2019, Vienna, Austria, 81-91. http://doi.org/10.1145/3328320.3328386

Ciolfi, L., & Lockley, E. (2019). Exploring flash fiction for the collaborative interpretation of qualitative data. Proceedings of the 17th European conference on computer-supported cooperative work: the international venue on practice-centred computing an the design of cooperation technologies - exploratory papers, reports of the European Society for Socially Embedded. http://doi.org/10.18420/ecscw2019_ep03

Ciolfi, L., & Lockley, E. (2018). From Work to Life and back again: Examining the digitally-mediated work/life practices of a group of knowledge workers. ECSCW 2018 - Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work.

Yates, S., Kirby, J., Lockley, E., & Potts, S. (2015). Digital cultural capital. In MeCCSA Annual Conference : Generations, Northumbria University, 7 January 2015 - 9 January 2015.

Yates, S., Kirby, J., Lockley, E., & Potts, S. (2015). Affordances, effectivities and efficacies : theorising digital engagements. In MeCCSA Annual Conference : Generations, Northumbria University, 7 January 2015 - 9 January 2015.

Yates, S., Kirby, J., & Lockley, E. (2014). Digital inclusion and exclusion : engaging communities and local government. In ICA Seattle Preconference: Communication and "The Good Life" : Around the World After Two Decades of the Digital Divide, Seattle, Washington, 22 May 2014 - 25 May 2014.

Green, G., & Lockley, E. (2013). From bullets to blogs : how the Karen of Sheffield had their new ‘weapons’ turned against them. In Intersectional Conflict and Dialogue in Transnational Migrant and Digital Diaspora Networks, Hull, UK, 11 April 2013 - 12 April 2013. http://www.mignetproject.eu/?p=608

Langley, J., Le Maitre, C., Vernon-Parry, K., Lockley, E., Westerman, J., Smith, J., ... Choppin, S. (2012). Being interdisciplinary..... creating a culture for the academics of tomorrow. In Understanding Interdisciplinarity: theory and practice - An International Conference, Sheffield, 12 June 2012 - 14 June 2012.

Rodriguez, L., & Lockley, E. (2012). Interdisciplinary working in service design: case studies for designing touch points. In ServDes 2012, Helsinki, Fimland, 8 February 2012 - 10 February 2012.

Uruchurtu, E., Lockley, E., Roast, C., Keefe, T., & Williams, N. (2010). Understanding user requirements and expectations of digital learning resources. Workshop Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computers in Education, ICCE 2010, 158-166.

Uruchurtu, E., Lockley, E., Roast, C., & De Bleecker, I. (2009). Usability evaluation of OpenWeb transcoding. In 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, Bonn, Germany, 15 September 2009 - 18 September 2009. http://mobilehci.uni-siegen.de/proceedings2009/ic318-uruchurtu.pdf

Uruchurtu, E., Lockley, E., Roast, C., & De Bleecker, I. (2009). Usability evaluation of OpenWeb transcoding. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series.

Yates, S., Kirby, J., & Lockley, E. (2015). Digital divides in the UK : separating issues of life stage, class, access and use. In Communication across the Life Span, San Juan, Porto Rico, 21 May 2015 - 24 May 2015.

Yates, S., Mills, S., Lockley, E., & Doherty, K. (2005). Gender, 'face' management and mediated interaction. In 9th International Pragmatics Conference, Riva del Garda, Italy, 1 July 2005.

Book chapters

Cere, R., Giglitto, D., & Petrelli, D. (2023). Uncovering colonial legacy in a British digital archive: The Pitt Rivers Museum case. In Giglitto, D., Ciolfi, L., Lockley, E., & Kaldeli, E. (Eds.) Digital Approaches to Inclusion and Participation in Cultural Heritage. Insights from Research and Practice in Europe. (pp. 141-159). London: Routledge: http://doi.org/10.4324/9781003277606-8

Giglitto, D., Ciolfi, L., & Lockley, E. (2023). Introduction: Digital approaches to inclusion and participation in cultural heritage. In Giglitto, D., Ciolfi, L., Lockley, E., & Kaldeli, E. (Eds.) Digital Approaches to Inclusion and Participation in Cultural Heritage. Insights from Research and Practice in Europe. (pp. 1-7). London: Routledge: http://doi.org/10.4324/9781003277606-1

Giglitto, D., Ciolfi, L., & Lockley, E. (2023). Introduction: Digital approaches to inclusion and participation in cultural heritage. In Giglitto, D., Ciolfi, L., Lockley, E., & Kaldeli, E. (Eds.) Digital Approaches to Inclusion and Participation in Cultural Heritage. Insights from Research and Practice in Europe. (pp. 1-7). London: Routledge: http://doi.org/10.4324/9781003277606-1

Kaldeli, E., Giglitto, D., Lockley, E., & Ciolfi, L. (2023). CultureLabs: Recipes for social innovation. In Giglitto, D., Ciolfi, L., Lockley, E., & Kaldeli, E. (Eds.) Digital Approaches to Inclusion and Participation in Cultural Heritage. Insights from Research and Practice in Europe. (pp. 76-97). London: Routledge: http://doi.org/10.4324/9781003277606-5

Kaldeli, E., Giglitto, D., Lockley, E., & Ciolfi, L. (2023). CultureLabs: Recipes for social innovation. In Giglitto, D., Ciolfi, L., Lockley, E., & Kaldeli, E. (Eds.) Digital Approaches to Inclusion and Participation in Cultural Heritage. Insights from Research and Practice in Europe. (pp. 76-97). London: Routledge: http://doi.org/10.4324/9781003277606-5

Yates, S.J., & Lockley, E. (2020). Workplace “Digital Culture” and the Uptake of Digital Solutions. (pp. 368-402). Oxford University Press: http://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190932596.013.13

Yates, S.J., & Lockley, E. (2020). Digital Engagement and Class. (pp. 425-448). Oxford University Press: http://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190932596.013.25

Yates, S.J., Kirby, J., & Lockley, E. (2015). ‘Digital-by-default’: reinforcing exclusion through technology. In Foster, L., Brunton, A., Deeming, C., & Haux, T. (Eds.) In defence of welfare 2. Bristol: Policy Press: http://www.social-policy.org.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/IDOW-Complete-text-4-online_secured-compressed.pdf

Green, G., & Lockley, E. (2014). Surveillance without borders : the case of Karen refugees in Sheffield. In Akhgar, B., & Arabnia, H.R. (Eds.) Emerging trends in ICT security. (pp. 519-533). Waltman, MA: Morgan Kaufmann: http://world-comp.org/elsevier-morgan-kaufman-ICT/

Lockley, E., & Akhgar, B. (2014). Understanding the situational awareness in cybercrimes. In Cyber Crime and Cyber Terrorism Investigator's Handbook. (pp. 101-121). Elsevier: http://doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-12-800743-3.00009-8

Tabatabaei, F., Nasserzadeh, S.M.R., Yates, S., Akhgar, B., Lockley, E., & Fortune, D. (2013). From local to global: Community-based policing and national security. In Strategic Intelligence Management: National Security Imperatives and Information and Communications Technologies. (pp. 85-92).

Yates, S., & Lockley, E. (2008). Moments of separation: gender, (not so remote)relationships, and the mobile phone. In Jones, S. (Ed.) Remote relationships in a small world. (pp. 74-97). New York ; Oxford: Peter Lang Publishing


Giglitto, D., Ciolfi, L., Lockley, E., & Kaldeli, E. (Eds.). (2023). Digital Approaches to Inclusion and Participation in Cultural Heritage. Insights from Research and Practice in Europe. London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003277606

Giglitto, D., Ciolfi, L., Lockley, E., & Kaldeli, E. (Eds.). (2023). Digital Approaches to Inclusion and Participation in Cultural Heritage. Insights from Research and Practice in Europe. London: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003277606

Akhgar, B., Yates, S., & Lockley, E. (2013). Introduction: Strategy formation in a globalized and networked age-a review of the concept and its definition.


Croall, H., Crone, S., Lockley, E., Taylor, B., & Yates, S. (2015). Sheffield Doc/Fest : digital art spaces research and development report. London: Digital R&D Fund for the Arts.

Yates, S., Kirby, J., & Lockley, E. (2014). Supporting digital engagement : final report to Sheffield City Council. Liverpool: Institute of Cultural Capital.

Theses / Dissertations

Lockley, E. (2009). The face of the phone: studies of public and private mobile-phone use. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Yates, S.


Lockley, E., & Green, G. (2012). Surveillance without borders : the case of Karen refugees in Sheffield. Presented at: 5th Biannual Surveillance and Society Conference "Watch This Space: Surveillance Futures", Sheffield, UK

Lockley, E. (2009). Interaction management strategies for mobile phone use in public. Presented at: 1st Autumn Conference of Interpersonal Communication and Social Interaction Section of ECREA, University of Tampere, Finland, 2009

Ciolfi, L., & Lockley, E. (n.d.). Flash Fiction Exploring the Blurring of Work and Life. Presented at: Workshop Design Fiction for Mixed-Reality Performances at CHI 2017, Denver, 2017

Other activities

I am a parent governor at Willow Tree Academy in Rotherham and sit on the school improvement board for Herringthorpe Junior School.

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