David Smith MSc, PgDip, BSc, FHEA
Senior Lecturer in Diagnostic Imaging
I joined Sheffield Hallam as a full-time Senior Lecturer in February 2021. I worked previously as a Senior Radiographer, Practice Educator and eventually as the Training & Development Manager for medical imaging within a large local hospital trust. I have always been proud to be a Diagnostic Radiographer and have worked to promote the profession throughout my career.
I was previously involved in clinical education and development as part of my former role. As part of the role I was responsible for the development and delivery of a robust and comprehensive programme of mandatory training teaching staff in a range of topics including infection control, clinical governance and BLS/CPR. As part of this role I was heavily involved with student support across all specialties within the directorate.
Clinically, I worked as a Senior Radiographer working across plain film (x-ray) in a variety of clinical settings. As part of my role, I was also required to undertake a full range of Computed Tomography (CT) scans as well as working within a specialist Neuro Angiography department. This has given me a wide range of clinical experience and I remain clinically active which helps to ensure my delivery on the diagnostic radiography programmes remains focused, relevant and up to date.
I have recently completed my MSc with a dissertation focused on the effect of a training intervention on the confidence of student diagnostic radiographers when commenting on the position of a NG tube on a chest radiograph. The results of which has been published in a poster at UKIO in 2021.
Department of Allied Health Professions
College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences
BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography
Degree Apprenticeship BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography
Radiographic Practice 1,2,3
Working with Complexity in Practice
Assessing and Addressing Complexity in Practice
Clinical Practice
Alternative Imaging Modalities
Abdominal Imaging
Awareness of Errors in Diagnostic Imaging