David Smith

Professor David P Smith FRSB, NTF, PFHEA

Professor of Bioscience Education / Head of Research - Bioscience and Chemistry Department


David Smith is a Professor of Bioscience Education at Sheffield Hallam University and Head of Research in the Department Bioscience and Chemistry. He gained his National Teaching Fellow in 2017, and his innovative practice has been awarded the Royal Society of Biology HE Educator of the Year award 2019. David's practice is based on student engagement, Generative AI and technology-enhanced learning methods in both the classroom and laboratory setting. His biological research interests combine protein chemistry, cell culture and mass spectrometry to investigate the molecular basis of Parkinson's disease and cancer spheroid models.


David is a National Teaching Fellow and a Principle Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He is currently Head of Research in the Department Bioscience and Chemistry. His innovative practice has been awarded the Royal Society of Biology HE Educator of the Year award 2019 and recognised by his students with the Sheffield Hallam University Inspirational Teaching Award for the last ten years. David actively collaborates to develop and disseminate his own and others teaching practices, working both within his university and across the sector in learning, teaching and assessment groups. Through these activities, he builds technology-enhanced learning methods for student engagement in both the classroom and laboratory. Pedagogical publications are centred on student interaction and engagement and Generative AI and technology-enhanced learning methods in both the classroom and laboratory setting. His biological research interests combine protein chemistry, cell culture and mass spectrometry to investigate the molecular basis of Parkinson's disease and cancer spheroid models. Studies focus on developing 3D cell culture models and investigating these through proteomics, metabolomics, and imaging technologies.

Specialist areas of interest

Biochemistry / Biotechnology
Ion Mobility Spectrometry - Mass Spectrometry
Protein Chemistry
Amyloid formation
Teaching Innovations


David teaches core biochemistry and the molecular biosciences and is currently course leader for MSc Molecular and Cellular Biology.

Bioscience and Chemistry

Courses taught:

BSc Biochemistry

BSc Biology

BSc Human Biology

BSc Biomedical Science

MSc Analytical Science

MSc Pharmaceutical Analysis

MSc Biotechnology and Pharmacology

MSc Cancer Biology

MSc Microbiology

MSc Biomedical science

Modules taught:

L7 Advanced Laboratory and Research Practice
L7 Molecular Biotechnology
L6 Applied Biochemistry
L6 Advanced Analytical Chemistry


David's research is focussed on understanding the structure and function of amyloid oligomers thought to be responsible for cell death in Parkinson's disease.

Parkinson's disease (PD)

PD occurs in 0.17% of the general population affecting ~1 to 2 per cent of those over 80 years old. Although rare heritable forms of PD have been documented, the sporadic form is far more common and this is possibly connected to environmental factors. The molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration in PD are mostly unknown and the lack of preventative treatments for PD is undoubtedly a result of our limited understanding of the underlying aetiology. A critical step is the formation of metal rich Lewy bodies, in which alpha-synuclein in the form of amyloid-like aggregates has been identified as a major component. Soluble alpha-synuclein oligomers populated during amyloid assembly have been implicated as the causative agent in PD. David's group is developing novel 3D cell culture systems to investigate the molecular basis of the Lewy body formation brought about by exposure to metals and these oligomers.

Ion mobility mass spectrometry of non-covalent complexes

Detailed knowledge of the tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins and protein complexes is of immense importance in understanding their functionality. To investigate this, David carries out research using electrospray ionisation - ion mobility spectrometry - mass spectrometry (ESI-IMS-MS). This is an analytical technique used to characterise the conformational states of monomeric proteins and large non-covalent complexes such as amyloid oligomers. ESI-IMS-MS is used to assess the size (molecular weight) and shape distribution (CCS) of the oligomers and any covalent modification to the protein. By comparison with models, estimates of the degree of compactness and general shape adopted by the oligomers is possible. Through this work the structural and conformation of differing forms of alpha-synuclein oligomers as well as the effect of phosphorylation and metal binding is being addressed. The results gained raise the possibility of intervention via small molecule inhibition, as differences between toxic and non-toxic oligomeric forms are identified.

Emending Generative AI as a digital literacy in BSc and MSc teaching.

The use of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) in education has brought about a transformation in the assessment process. Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT are being used to explore the potential of AI in bioscience education, both in the classroom and beyond. By evaluating the capabilities of AI models, we can adapt our assessment strategies and improve learning outcomes.

Parkinson's disease (PD)

PD occurs in 0.17% of the general population affecting ~1 to 2 per cent of those over 80 years old. Although rare heritable forms of PD have been documented, the sporadic form is far more common and this is possibly connected to environmental factors. The molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration in PD are mostly unknown and the lack of preventative treatments for PD is undoubtedly a result of our limited understanding of the underlying aetiology. A critical step is the formation of metal rich Lewy bodies, in which alpha-synuclein in the form of amyloid-like aggregates has been identified as a major component. Soluble alpha-synuclein oligomers populated during amyloid assembly have been implicated as the causative agent in PD. David's group is developing novel 3D cell culture systems to investigate the molecular basis of the Lewy body formation brought about by exposure to metals and these oligomers.

Pedagogical Research

David has developed teaching and learning and led on a range of college and University funded teaching projects. These projects include the effective use of physical and digital learning spaces; research enriched learning; addressing the BME attainment gap and embedding digital technologies into practical delivery. Themes have involved student engagement in the lecture theatre (Smith DP et al 2018), the effect of group dynamics on attainment within the laboratory (Lacey MM et al 2020) the use of simulations in the laboratory (Bassindale et al 2021) and video for engagement (Smith & Francis 2022). The output of these projects has led to changes in teaching practices and student interaction with the 2018 paper having an Altermetric score of 209 putting it in the top 5% of research outputs. To disseminate his practice and teaching innovations he regularly blogs to an international readership over 1000 per month. His articles have been adopted as reference texts on PGCert courses at several institutions.


Journal articles

Francis, N.J., Jones, S., & Smith, D. (2025). Generative AI in Higher Education: Balancing Innovation and Integrity. British Journal of Biomedical Science, 81. http://doi.org/10.3389/bjbs.2024.14048

Owyong, T.C., Shippey, L.E., Ding, S., Owen, D.S., Zhang, S., White, J.M., ... Hong, Y. (2024). Development of NIAD-4 derivatives for fluorescence-based detection of protein aggregates †. Sensors & Diagnostics. http://doi.org/10.1039/d4sd00182f

Takita, S., Nabok, A., Mussa, M., Kitchen, M., Lishchuk, A., & Smith, D. (2024). Ultrasensitive prostate cancer marker PCA3 detection with impedimetric biosensor based on specific label-free aptamers. Biosensors and Bioelectronics: X, 18. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosx.2024.100462

Pearce, S., Cross, N.A., Smith, D.P., Clench, M., Flint, L.E., Hamm, G., ... Cole, L. (2024). Multimodal Mass Spectrometry Imaging of an Osteosarcoma Multicellular Tumour Spheroid Model to Investigate Drug-Induced Response. Metabolites, 14 (6). http://doi.org/10.3390/metabo14060315

Lacey, M., Francis, N.J., & Smith, D.P. (2024). Redefining online biology education: a study on interactive branched video utilisation and student learning experiences. FEBS Open Bio. http://doi.org/10.1002/2211-5463.13767

Lacey, M., & Smith, D. (2023). Teaching and assessment of the future today: higher education and AI. Microbiology Australia. http://doi.org/10.1071/ma23036

Smith, D., & Hubbard, K. (2023). A beginner’s guide to evidencing your teaching practice. The Biochemist, 45 (2), 6-10. http://doi.org/10.1042/bio_2023_110

Takita, S., Nabok, A., Lishchuk, A., Mussa, M., & Smith, D. (2023). Enhanced performance electrochemical biosensor for detection of prostate cancer biomarker PCA3 using specific aptamer. Eng Journal, 4 (1), 367-379. http://doi.org/10.3390/eng4010022

Lacey, M.M., Shaw, H., Abbott, N., Dalton, C.J., & Smith, D.P. (2022). How students’ inspirations and aspirations impact motivation and engagement in the first year of study. Education Sciences, 12 (12). http://doi.org/10.3390/educsci12120885

Shippey, L.E., Campbell, S.G., Hill, A.F., & Smith, D.P. (2022). Propagation of Parkinson's disease by extracellular vesicle production and secretion. Biochemical Society Transactions. http://doi.org/10.1042/bst20220204

Sanami, S., Purton, T.J., Smith, D.P., Tuite, M.F., & Xue, W.-.F. (2022). Comparative analysis of the relative fragmentation stabilities of polymorphic alpha-synuclein amyloid fibrils. Biomolecules, 12 (5). http://doi.org/10.3390/biom12050630

Smith, D.P., & Francis, N.J. (2022). Engagement with video content in the blended classroom. Essays in Biochemistry. http://doi.org/10.1042/ebc20210055

Takita, S., Nabok, A., Lishchuk, A., & Smith, D. (2021). Optimization of Apta-Sensing Platform for Detection of Prostate Cancer Marker PCA3. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22 (23), e12701. http://doi.org/10.3390/ijms222312701

Flint, L.E., Hamm, G., Ready, J.D., Ling, S., Duckett, C.J., Cross, N.A., ... Clench, M.R. (2021). Comparison of Osteosarcoma Aggregated Tumour Models with Human Tissue by Multimodal Mass Spectrometry Imaging. Metabolites, 11 (8). http://doi.org/10.3390/metabo11080506

Takita, S., Nabok, A., Smith, D., & Lishchuk, A. (2021). Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Detection of Prostate Cancer Bio-Marker PCA3 Using Specific Non-Labeled Aptamer: Comparison with Electrochemical Detection. Chemistry Proceedings, 5 (1), 65. http://doi.org/10.3390/csac2021-10453

Bassindale, T., LeSuer, R., & Smith, D. (2021). Perceptions of a program approach to virtual laboratory provision for analytical and bioanalytical sciences. The Journal of Forensic Science Education, 3 (1). https://jfse-ojs-tamu.tdl.org/jfse/index.php/jfse/article/view/46

Nabok, A., Abu-Ali, H., Takita, S., & Smith, D.P. (2021). Electrochemical Detection of Prostate Cancer Biomarker PCA3 Using Specific RNA-Based Aptamer Labelled with Ferrocene. Chemosensors, 9 (4). http://doi.org/10.3390/chemosensors9040059

Spencer, C.E., Flint, L.E., Duckett, C., Cole, L., Cross, N., Smith, D., & Clench, M. (2021). Role of MALDI-MSI in combination with 3D tissue models for early stage efficacy and safety testing of drugs and toxicants. Expert Review of Proteomics, 17 (11-12), 827-841. http://doi.org/10.1080/14789450.2021.1876568

Stollar, E.J., & Smith, D.P. (2020). Uncovering protein structure. Essays Biochem, 64 (4), 649-680. http://doi.org/10.1042/EBC20190042

Stafford, P., Henri, D., Francis, N., Smith, D., & Turner, I. (2020). Practical thinking in a pandemic. The Biologist. https://www.rsb.org.uk/biologist-features/reshaping-education-practical-thinking-in-a-pandemic

Stafford, P., Henri, D., Francis, N., Smith, D., & Turner, I. (2020). Practical thinking in a pandemic. The Biologist. https://www.rsb.org.uk/biologist-features/reshaping-education-practical-thinking-in-a-pandemic

Stafford, P., Henri, D., Turner, I., Smith, D., & Francis, N. (2020). Reshaping education. Part 1: Practical Thinking in a Pandemic. The Biologist, 67 (5), 24-29. https://thebiologist.rsb.org.uk/biologist-features/reshaping-education-practical-thinking-in-a-pandemic

Beal, D.M., Tournus, M., Marchante, R., Purton, T., Smith, D., Tuite, M.F., ... Xue, W.-.F. (2020). The division of amyloid fibrils – Systematic comparison of fibril fragmentation stability by linking theory with experiments. iScience, 101512. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2020.101512

Flint, L.E., Hamm, G., Ready, J.D., Ling, S., Duckett, C.J., Cross, N.A., ... Clench, M.R. (2020). Characterization of an Aggregated Three-Dimensional Cell Culture Model by Multimodal Mass Spectrometry Imaging. Analytical Chemistry. http://doi.org/10.1021/acs.analchem.0c02389

Lacey, M.M., Campbell, S.G., Shaw, H., & Smith, D. (2020). Self-selecting peer groups formed within the laboratory environment have a lasting effect on individual student attainment and working practices. FEBS Open Bio. http://doi.org/10.1002/2211-5463.12902

Lewis, F.W., Fairooz, S., Elson, J.L., Hubscher-Bruder, V., Brandel, J., Soundararajan, M., ... Pienaar, I.S. (2020). Novel 1-hydroxypyridin-2-one metal chelators prevent and rescue ubiquitin proteasomal-related neuronal injury in an in vitro model of Parkinson’s disease. Archives of Toxicology, 94 (3), 813-831. http://doi.org/10.1007/s00204-020-02672-y

Giannella, L. (2019). A day in the life of a Higher Education lecturer. The Biochemist, 41 (6), 46-47. http://doi.org/10.1042/bio04106046

Palubeckaitė, I., Crooks, L., Smith, D., Cole, L., Bram, H., Le Maitre, C., ... Cross, N.A. (2019). Mass spectrometry imaging of endogenous metabolites in response to doxorubicin in a novel 3D osteosarcoma cell culture model. Journal of Mass Spectrometry. http://doi.org/10.1002/jms.4461

Taylor-Whiteley, T.R., Le Maitre, C.L., Duce, J.A., Dalton, C.F., & Smith, D.P. (2019). Recapitulating Parkinson's disease pathology in a three-dimensional human neural cell culture model. Disease Models & Mechanisms, 12 (4). http://doi.org/10.1242/dmm.038042

Hogeling, S.M., Cox, M., Bradshaw, R., Smith, D., & Duckett, C.J. (2019). Quantification of proteins in whole blood, plasma and DBS, with element-labelled antibody detection by ICP-MS. Analytical biochemistry, 575, 10-16. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ab.2019.03.006

Beal, D., Tournus, M., Marchante, R., Purton, T., Smith, D., Tuite, M., ... Xue, W.-.F. (2018). The division of amyloid fibrils – Systematic comparison of fibril fragmentation stability by linking theory with experiments. . http://doi.org/10.1101/506386

Smith, D. (2018). Evidencing your lifelong learning with e-Portfolio. Biochemist, 40 (5), 22-24. https://portlandpress.com/biochemist/article/40/5/22/307/Evidencing-your-lifelong-learning-with-e-Portfolio

Smith, D., Hoare, A., & Lacey, M. (2018). Who goes where? The importance of peer groups on attainment and the student use of the lecture theatre teaching space. FEBS Open Bio, 8 (9), 1368-1378. http://doi.org/10.1002/2211-5463.12494

Duce, J., Wong, B., Durham, H., Devedjian, J.-.C., Smith, D., & Devos, D. (2017). Post translational changes to α-synuclein control iron and dopamine trafficking; a concept for neuron vulnerability in Parkinson's disease. Molecular neurodegeneration, 12 (45), 1-12. http://doi.org/10.1186/s13024-017-0186-8

Mason, R., Paskins, A., Dalton, C., & Smith, D. (2016). Copper Binding and Subsequent Aggregation of α-Synuclein Are Modulated by N-Terminal Acetylation and Ablated by the H50Q Missense Mutation. Biochemistry, 55 (34), 4737-4741. http://doi.org/10.1021/acs.biochem.6b00708

Smith, D.P. (2016). Active learning in the lecture theatre using 3D printed objects. F1000Research, 5 (61), 1-18. http://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.7632.2

Harvey, A., Day, R., Cole, L.M., Bartlett, M., Warwick, J., Bojar, R., ... Clench, M.R. (2016). MALDI-MSI for the analysis of a 3D tissue-engineered psoriatic skin model. Proteomics, 16 (11-12), 1718-1725. http://doi.org/10.1002/pmic.201600036

Leonenko, Z., Smith, R.A.S., Nabok, A., Blakeman, B.J.F., Xue, W.-.F., Abell, B., & Smith, D.P. (2015). Analysis of toxic amyloid fibril interactions at natively derived membranes by ellipsometry. PLOS ONE, 10 (7), e0132309. http://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0132309

Greggio, E., Leong, S.L., Hinds, M.G., Connor, A.R., Smith, D., Illes-Toth, E., ... Cappai, R. (2015). The N-Terminal residues 43 to 60 form the interface for dopamine mediated α-synuclein dimerisation. PLoS ONE, 10 (2), e0116497. http://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0116497

Illes-toth, E., Ramos, M., Cappai, R., Dalton, C., & Smith, D. (2015). Distinct higher-order alpha-synuclein oligomers induce intracellular aggretation. Biochemical Journal, 468 (3), 485-493. http://doi.org/10.1042/BJ20150159

Illes-Toth, E., Dalton, C.F., & Smith, D. (2013). Binding of Dopamine to Alpha-Synuclein is Mediated by Specific Conformational States. Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 24 (9), 1346-1354. http://doi.org/10.1007/s13361-013-0676-z

Illes-Toth, E., & Smith, D. (2013). Conformations and Assembly of Amyloid Oligomers by Electrospray Ionisation - Ion Mobility Spectrometry - Mass Spectrometry. Current Analytical Chemistry, 9 (2), 165-180. http://doi.org/10.2174/157341113805218992

Cole, L.M., Mahmoud, K., Haywood-Small, S., Tozer, G.M., Smith, D.P., & Clench, M.R. (2013). Recombinant "IMS TAG" proteins - A new method for validating bottom-up matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation ion mobility separation mass spectrometry imaging. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 27 (21), 2355-2362. http://doi.org/10.1002/rcm.6693

Kriechbaumer, V., Nabok, A., Widdowson, R., Smith, D., & Abell, B. (2012). Quantification of ligand binding to g-protein coupled receptors on cell membranes by ellipsometry. PLoS ONE, 7 (9), e46221.

Kriechbaumer, V., Nabok, A., Mustafa, M., Al-Ammar, R., Tsargorodskaya, A., Smith, D., & Abell, B. (2012). Analysis of protein interactions at native chloroplast membranes by ellipsometry. PLoS ONE, 7 (3), e34455. http://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0034455

Smith, D., Woods, L.A., Radford, S.E., & Ashcroft, A.E. (2011). Structure and dynamics of oligomeric intermediates in β2-microglobulin self-assembly. Biophysical Journal, 101 (5), 1238-1247. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.bpj.2011.07.023

Kriechbaumer, V., Tsargorodskaya, A., Mustafa, M., Vinogradova, T., Lacey, J., Smith, D., ... Nabok, A. (2011). Study of receptor-chaperone interactions using the optical technique of spectroscopic ellipsometry. Biophysical Journal, 101 (2), 504-511. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.bpj.2011.06.011

Smith, D.P., Radford, S.E., & Ashcroft, A.E. (2010). Elongated oligomers in β2-microglobulin amyloid assembly revealed by ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107 (15), 6794-6798. http://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0913046107

Ladner, C.L., Chen, M., Smith, D., Platt, G.W., Radford, S.E., & Langen, R. (2010). Stacked sets of parallel, in register beta-strands of beta-2-microglobulin in amyloid fibrils revealed by site-directed spin labelling and chemical labelling. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285 (22), 17137-17147. http://doi.org/10.1074/jbc.M110.117234

Knapman, T., Smith, D., Campuzano, I., Malham, R., Berryman, J., Radford, S., & Ashcroft, A. (2009). Deciphering drift time measurements from travelling wave ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry studies. European Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 15 (5), 113. http://doi.org/10.1255/ejms.947

Smith, D.P., Anderson, J., Plante, J., Ashcroft, A.E., Radford, S.E., Wilson, A.J., & Parker, M.J. (2008). Trifluoromethyldiazirine : an effective photo-induced cross-linking probe for exploring amyloid formation. Chemical Communications, (44), 5728. http://doi.org/10.1039/B813504E

Barnham, K.J., Kenche, V.B., Ciccotosto, G.D., Smith, D.P., Tew, D.J., Liu, X., ... Cappai, R. (2008). Platinum-based inhibitors of amyloid-beta as therapeutic agents for Alzheimer's disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105 (19), 6813-6818. http://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0800712105

Giannakis, E., Pacifico, J., Smith, D.P., Hung, L.W., Masters, C.L., Cappai, R., ... Barnham, K.J. (2008). Dimeric structures of α-synuclein bind preferentially to lipid membranes. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 1778 (4), 1112-1119. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.bbamem.2008.01.012

Smith, D.P., Tew, D.J., Hill, A.F., Bottomley, S.P., Masters, C.L., Barnham, K.J., & Cappai, R. (2008). Formation of a high affinity lipid-binding intermediate during the early aggregation phase of α-synuclein. Biochemistry, 47 (5), 1425-1434. http://doi.org/10.1021/bi701522m

Tew, D.J., Bottomley, S.P., Smith, D.P., Ciccotosto, G.D., Babon, J., Hinds, M.G., ... Barnham, K.J. (2008). Stabilization of neurotoxic soluble beta-sheet-rich conformations of the Alzheimer's disease amyloid-beta peptide. Biophysical journal, 94 (7), 2752-2766. http://doi.org/10.1529/biophysj.107.119909

Smith, D.P., Giles, K., Bateman, R.H., Radford, S.E., & Ashcroft, A.E. (2007). Monitoring copopulated conformational states during protein folding events using electrospray ionization-ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry. Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 18 (12), 2180-2190. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasms.2007.09.017

Fodero-Tavoletti, M.T., Smith, D.P., McLean, C.A., Adlard, P.A., Barnham, K.J., Foster, L.E., ... Villemagne, V.L. (2007). In vitro characterization of Pittsburgh compound-B binding to Lewy bodies. The Journal of Neuroscience, 27 (39), 10365-10371. http://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0630-07.2007

Smith, D.P., Ciccotosto, G.D., Tew, D.J., Fodero-Tavoletti, M.T., Johanssen, T., Masters, C.L., ... Cappai, R. (2007). Concentration dependent Cu2+ induced aggregation and dityrosine formation of the Alzheimer's disease amyloid-beta peptide. Biochemistry, 46 (10), 2881-2891. http://doi.org/10.1021/bi0620961

Smith, D.P., Smith, D.G., Curtain, C.C., Boas, J.F., Pilbrow, J.R., Ciccotosto, G.D., ... Barnham, K.J. (2006). Copper-mediated amyloid-beta toxicity is associated with an intermolecular histidine bridge. The Journal of biological chemistry, 281 (22), 15145-15154. http://doi.org/10.1074/jbc.m600417200

Cappai, R., Leck, S.-.L., Tew, D.J., Williamson, N.A., Smith, D.P., Galatis, D., ... Hill, A.F. (2005). Dopamine promotes alpha-synuclein aggregation into SDS-resistant soluble oligomers via a distinct folding pathway. FASEB journal : official publication of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 19 (10), 1377-1379. http://doi.org/10.1096/fj.04-3437fje

Jones, S., Smith, D.P., & Radford, S.E. (2003). Role of the N and C-terminal strands of beta 2-microglobulin in amyloid formation at neutral pH. Journal of molecular biology, 330 (5), 935-941. http://doi.org/10.1016/s0022-2836(03)00688-0

Kad, N.M., Myers, S.L., Smith, D.P., Smith, D.A., Radford, S.E., & Thomson, N.H. (2003). Hierarchical assembly of beta2-microglobulin amyloid in vitro revealed by atomic force microscopy. Journal of molecular biology, 330 (4), 785-797. http://doi.org/10.1016/s0022-2836(03)00583-7

Smith, D.P., Jones, S., Serpell, L.C., Sunde, M., & Radford, S.E. (2003). A systematic investigation into the effect of protein destabilisation on beta 2-microglobulin amyloid formation. Journal of molecular biology, 330 (5), 943-954. http://doi.org/10.1016/s0022-2836(03)00687-9

Trinh, C.H., Smith, D.P., Kalverda, A.P., Phillips, S.E.V., & Radford, S.E. (2002). Crystal structure of monomeric human beta-2-microglobulin reveals clues to its amyloidogenic properties. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 99 (15), 9771-9776. http://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.152337399

Kad, N.M., Thomson, N.H., Smith, D.P., Smith, D.A., & Radford, S.E. (2001). Beta(2)-microglobulin and its deamidated variant, N17D form amyloid fibrils with a range of morphologies in vitro. Journal of molecular biology, 313 (3), 559-571. http://doi.org/10.1006/jmbi.2001.5071

Smith, D.P., & Radford, S.E. (2001). Role of the single disulphide bond of beta(2)-microglobulin in amyloidosis in vitro. Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society, 10 (9), 1775-1784. http://doi.org/10.1110/ps.4901

Smith, D.P. (n.d.). Bringing experiential learning into the lecture theatre using 3D printed objects. F1000Research, 5, 61. http://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.7632.1

Conference papers

Francis, N.J., Smith, D.P., & Turner, I.J. (2022). Practical approaches to delivering pandemic impacted laboratory teaching. In Domenech, J. (Ed.) Eighth International Conference on Higher Education Advances, 14 June 2022 - 17 June 2022 (pp. 521-529). Valencia, Spain: Editorial Universitat Politécnica de Valéncia: http://doi.org/10.4995/head22.2022.15652

Takita, S., Nabok, A., Lishchuk, A., Mussa, M., & Smith, D. (2022). Detection of Prostate Cancer Biomarker PCA3 with Electrochemical Apta-Sensor. MDPI Engineering Proceedings, 16 (1). http://doi.org/10.3390/IECB2022-12257

Takita, S., Nabok, A., Smith, D., & Lishchuk, A. (2021). Comparison of The Performances of Two RNA-Based Geno-Sensing Principles for The Detection of lncPCA3 Biomarker. In Piro, B. (Ed.) CSAC2021: 1st International Electronic Conference on Chemical Sensors and Analytical Chemistry session Biosensors, Basel, Switzerland, 1 July 2021 - 15 July 2021. Sciforum-MDPI: https://sciforum.net/paper/view/10453


Book chapters

Smith, D., & Francis, N. (2024). Process not product in the written assessment. In Using Generative AI Effectively in Higher Education. (pp. 115-126). Routledge: http://doi.org/10.4324/9781003482918-17

Giannakis, E., Hung, L.-.W., Camacaro, K.P., Smith, D., Barnham, K., & Wade, J.D. (2008). Analysis of Aβ interactions using ProteinChip Technology. In Otvos, L. (Ed.) Peptide-based drug design. (pp. 71-86). Humana Press: http://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-59745-419-3_5


Barber, M. (2021). Gravity assist: propelling higher education towards a brighter future. https://www.officeforstudents.org.uk/publications/gravity-assist-propelling-higher-education-towards-a-brighter-future/

Smith, D., Woodroofe, N., Little, L., Slay, O., Handforth, R., Beckingham, S., ... Ludwig, F. (2019). Research Informed Teaching a Post Graduate perspective. Sheffield Hallam University.

Theses / Dissertations

Flint, L.E. (2021). Imaging Three-Dimensional Cell-Culture Models for Pre-Clinical Biopharmaceutical Testing. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Clench, M., Cross, N., Cole, L., & Smith, D. http://doi.org/10.7190/shu-thesis-00406

Taylor-Whiteley, T.R. (2020). Recapitulating Parkinson’s diseasepathology in a three-dimensional neuralcell culture model. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Smith, D. http://doi.org/10.7190/shu-thesis-00321

Mason, R. (2018). Conformational changes and the self-assembly of alpha-synuclein. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Smith, D. http://doi.org/10.7190/shu-thesis-00151

Paskins, A.R. (2017). Aggregation and conformation of alpha-synuclein: effects of ligand binding and phosphomimetics. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Smith, D. http://doi.org/10.7190/shu-thesis-00071

Smith, R.A.-.S. (2015). Detection of protein interactions at cellular membranes using total internal reflection ellipsometry. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Abell, B., & Smith, D.

Illes-Toth, T.E. (2013). Linking the structure of alpha-synuclein oligmers to function in Parkinson's disease. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Smith, D., & Dalton, C.

Internet Publications

Smith, D., & Francis, N. (2023). Using Generative Artificial Intelligence - A Student Guide. http://doi.org/10.25416/ntr.24259597

Smith, D., & Francis, N. (2023). Guidelines on Using AI in Academic Assessments. http://doi.org/10.25416/ntr.24259600

Smith, D., & Francis, N. (2023). Generative AI in assessment. http://doi.org/10.25416/ntr.24121182

Smith, D. (2023). AI 101 – a short guide to good prompts. https://davethesmith.wordpress.com/2023/07/04/ai-101-a-short-guide-to-good-prompts/

Sevens, T., Smith, D., Watkins, N., & Foulkes, D. (2021). The use of simulated learning to enhance and increase diagnostic radiography placement experience.

Smith, D. (2021). How to Write an UnGoogleable Exam Question - Part 2. https://wordpress.com/post/davethesmith.wordpress.com/1659

Smith, D. (2021). How to Write an UnGoogleable Exam Question – Part 1.

Cramman, H., Burnham, J.A.J., Campbell, C.D., Francis, N.J., Smith, D.P., Spagnoli, D., ... Turner, I.J. (2021). COVID as a catalyst: Uncovering misaligned power dynamics and the importance of new Professional Learning Networks for Higher Education science laboratory teaching. http://doi.org/10.35542/osf.io/tjphr

Cramman, H., Burnham, J.A.J., Campbell, C.D., Francis, N.J., Smith, D.P., Spagnoli, D., ... Turner, I.J. (2021). COVID as a catalyst: Uncovering misaligned power dynamics and the importance of new Professional Learning Networks for Higher Education science laboratory teaching. http://doi.org/10.35542/osf.io/tjphr

Francis, N., Turner, I., & Smith, D. (2021). #DryLabsRealScience – together stronger. https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/news-and-views/drylabsrealscience-together-stronger

Francis, N., Turner, I., & Smith, D. (2021). #DryLabsRealScience – together stronger. https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/news-and-views/drylabsrealscience-together-stronger

Turner, I., Smith, D., & Francis, N. (2020). #DryLabsRealScience: Teaching practicals without labs. https://www.labnews.co.uk/article/2030973/drylabsrealscience-teaching-practicals-without-labs

Turner, I., Smith, D., & Francis, N. (2020). #DryLabsRealScience: Teaching practicals without labs. https://www.labnews.co.uk/article/2030973/drylabsrealscience-teaching-practicals-without-labs

Francis, N., Smith, D., & Turner, I. (2020). It’s a brave new (educational) world. Advance HE. https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/news-and-views/its-brave-new-educational-world

Francis, N., Smith, D., & Turner, I. (2020). It’s a brave new (educational) world. Advance HE. https://www.advance-he.ac.uk/news-and-views/its-brave-new-educational-world

Smith, D. (2020). 10 lessons I learned about online learning by running an online conference. https://thebiochemistblog.com/2020/09/28/10-lessons-i-learned-about-online-learning-by-running-an-online-conference/

Smith, D. (2020). Rapid Feedback Generator. https://wordpress.com/page/davethesmith.wordpress.com/1487

Smith, D. (2019). Engaging the Silent Majority. https://blog.rsb.org.uk/engaging-the-silent-majority/

Smith, D. (2019). Multiple choice questions for higher order thinking and active learning. https://wordpress.com/pages/davethesmith.wordpress.com

Smith, D. (2019). What do postgraduate students think about Research-Informed Teaching? https://davethesmith.wordpress.com/2019/01/17/what-do-postgraduate-students-think-about-research-informed-teaching/

Smith, D. (2017). Thesis Tips and Tricks. https://davethesmith.wordpress.com/thesis-tips/

Smith, D. (2017). Object Based Learning. https://wordpress.com/page/davethesmith.wordpress.com/332


Smith, D. (2024). AI in Bioscience: Unleashing Potential in Teaching and Assessment. Presented at: FEBS Training and Educational Conference, Turkey

Smith, D., & Francis, N. (2024). Process over product: Incorporating AI into assessment. Presented at: Biochemistry Society Webinar, Online

Smith, D. (2023). Generative AI in Chemistry. Presented at: RSC Chemistry Outreach Lecture

Smith, D. (2023). Surviving and thriving as a dyslexic in academia.

Smith, D. (2023). Promise and Peril of AI in Bioscience Education – using these tools for effective learning. Presented at: SYMPOSIUM ON PEDAGOGICAL INNOVATION IN BIOSCIENCES, Aveiro, Portugal

Smith, D. (2023). Embedding Generative AI in bioscience education. Presented at: Invited Seminar

Smith, D. (2023). Promise and Peril of AI in Education. Presented at: Slovenia Biochemical Society - meeting, Slovenia

Smith, D. (2023). AI in assessment. Presented at: COFSE Remote Forensic CSI symposium, Forensic CSI

Smith, D. (2023). Assessment styles and approaches (and what a happens now? (Invited Speaker).

Smith, D. (2023). Promise and Peril of AI in Education (Invited Speaker).

Smith, D. (2023). How has artificial intelligence answered the UnGoogleable exam question and what happens next? (Keynote). Presented at: FEBS Education Ambassadors, Vilnius University Lithuania

Smith, D. (2023). How AI has solved the UnGoogleable Question.

Smith, D. (2023). Beyond the Chat: Understanding the Impact of ChatGPT in Higher Education (Keynote).

Smith, D. (2023). How AI has solved the UnGoogleable Question (Keynote). Presented at: #DryLabsRealScience

Smith, D. (2023). Pedagogy and Practice when Teaching and Learning Online (invited speaker).

Smith, D. (2022). Surviving and Thriving as a Dyslexic in Academia. Presented at: Dyslexia Scotland Network, Online

Smith, D. (2022). Online assessment and approaches. Presented at: Biosummit, Cardiff

Smith, D., & Francis, N. (2022). Perfecting Practical Pandemic Pedagogy. Presented at: International Federation of National Teaching Fellows, Online

Lacey, M., & Smith, D. (2022). Peer group interactions with a blended  learning space, how students are using social  media to answer assessment questions. Presented at: Horizons in STEM Higher Education, University College London

Lacey, M., Smith, D., & Francis, N. (2022). Online video content with embed active learning  enhances students’ learning experience. Presented at: Horizons in STEM Higher Education, University College London

Smith, D. (2022). Online assessment styles and approaches (Keynote). Presented at: RSB Accreditation Conference 2022, London

Smith, D. (2021). #DryLabsRealScience a collaborative network addressing the virtual delivery of the practical experience, lessons learned and COVID keepers(Invited Speaker). Presented at: Laboratory Animal Science Associate Annual Conference

Smith, D. (2021). Authentic and Innovative Assessment in STEM(Invited Speaker).

Smith, D. (2021). Practical Thinking during COVID 19(Keynote / Internation). Presented at: Practical Engineering Education 21, University of Sheffield

Smith, D. (2021). Cross-disciplinary perceptions of research-informed teaching. Presented at: Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference

Lacey, M., & Smith, D. (2021). Visibility and accessibility of science research in post-16 and higher education Biosciences and Chemistry students and the impact on career aspirations. Presented at: Creating Knowledge Conference SHU, online

Lacey, M., & Smith, D. (2021). Perceptions of science research: visibility and accessibility of science research as a career in post-16 Biosciences and Chemistry students. Presented at: Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference, online

Lacey, M., & Smith, D. (2021). How students' inspirations and aspirations impact motivation and engagement in the first year of study. Presented at: Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference, online

Smith, D. (2021). Interacting with your students in the physical and virtual spaces.(Keynote). Presented at: Biochemical Society Educational Meeting

Smith, D. (2021). Engaging in the Physical and Virtual Worlds(Invited Speaker).

Lacey, M., & Smith, D. (2021). How to make exam questions ungoogleable. Presented at: Microbiology teachers symposium, online

Smith, D. (2021). Practical Tips for Engaging Education.(Keynote). Presented at: HUBS new to teaching workshop

Lacey, M., & Smith, D. (2020). How Students' inspirations and aspirations impact motivation and engagement in the first year of study. Presented at: Biosummit 2020, online

Smith, D. (2020). The duel role of the academic(Keynote speaker / Internation). Presented at: AdvancedHE Webinar

Smith, D. (2020). Capstone Masters projects(Invited speaker). Presented at: Swansea University inter University webinar, Swansea University

Smith, D. (2020). Object-based learning to engage and enthuse.(Invited Speaker).

Smith, D. (2020). Engaging the Silent Majority(Invited Speaker).

Smith, D. (2019). Engaging the Silent Majority(Keynote). Presented at: Bioscience summit, Kingston University

Smith, D. (2019). Who Goes Where(Invited Speaker).

Smith, D. (2019). Engaging the Silent Majority. Presented at: HUBS Annual General meetings

Smith, D. (2019). Engaging With TEL(Invited Speaker).

Smith, D. (2019). Peer / Friendship groups and the effect on attainment. Presented at: Advance HE STEM Conference, Newcastle Centre For Life

Smith, D. (2019). Aligning research and teaching? Presented at: Royal Society of Biology Early Careers Lectures Workshop, Edinburgh Napier

Lacey, M., Smith, D., & Campbell, S. (2018). How peer / friendship groups form, and their effect on engagement and attainment. Presented at: Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Sheffield Hallam University

Lacey, M., & Smith, D. (2018). Lecture theatre: where people sit and why. Presented at: Annual Learning and Teaching Conference, Sheffield Hallam University

Smith, D. (2018). The importance of friendship groups in learning. Presented at: Horizon STEM, University of Hull

Smith, D. (2018). Object-based learning to engage and enthuse. Presented at: HEA STEM

Smith, D. (2017). Who goes where - the importance of friendship groups in learning. Presented at: Society of Experimental Biology annual meeting, Gothenburg

Smith, D. (2016). Enquiry Driven Research Is Not Just for Final Years. Presented at: Society of Experimental Biology annual meeting, Brighton

Smith, D. (2015). Bringing experiential learning into the lecture theatre through the use of 3D models. Presented at: Society of Experimental Biology annual meeting, Prague

Smith, D. (2012). Ion-Mobility-Spectrometry Mass-Spectrometry for Undergraduates. Presented at: American Society of Mass Spectrometry Annual Meeting

Other activities

Chair of the Biochemical Society Education and Outreach Group.

The Biochemist: Editor Education Section Biochemistry Society publication

Bioscience Educators Network: David leads the BEN, which is supported by the Heads of University Biosciences (HUBS) and provides a UK-wide support network for bioscience educators from all career stages as a forum in which to discuss career progression, fellowship opportunities and pedagogical research.

Postgraduate supervision

Previous supervision:

Lucy Flint - Biopharmaceutical quantification by mass spectrometry imaging

Teresa Whiteley - Recapitulating Parkinson's disease pathology in a 3D neural cell culture model

Ieva Palubeckaite - Imaging of the micro-environment of cells cultured as 3D spheroids using quantitative mass spectrometry imaging

Becky Mason - Investigating the dynamics and assembly of alpha-synuclein amyloid oligomers by electrospray ionisation-ion mobility-mass spectrometry

Aimee Paskins - Metal homeostasis, phosphorylation and the effect on the aggregation of α-synuclein

Nicola Wright - Nanog as a Functional Marker of Cancer Stem Cells

Rebecca Day - The Mechanisms of Aquaporin Expression and Translocation in Cellular Homeostasis.

Rachel Smith - Detection of protein interactions at cellular membranes using total internal reflection ellipsometry.

Eva Illes Toth - Linking the structure of α-synuclein oligomers to function in Parkinson’s disease


David is particularly interested in how proteins, the molecular machines within the brain, change their shape and come together, creating neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. Current research interests are centred on linking the structure of complexes to their toxic of function.

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