David Laughton

Dr David Laughton

Assistant Dean, Academic Development


I have 25 year years experience of working in higher education and during this time have had a variety of roles: module leader, course leader, Assistant Director for Quality and Standards,  Head of Learning, Teaching Assessment and the Student Experience, and Assistant Dean: Academic Development. In this role I am responsible for the strategic development of learning, teaching and assessment within the business school and the school's academic quality assurance. In addition, during 2005-10 I had a cross university role as Director of the Centre for Excellence for Employability, a HEFCE funded project which received £5 million of funding. My teaching interests are in international business and economics, and my last module leadership was for a final year undergraduate Global Governance module. My research interests are in business education (curriculum and pedagogy) and employability and I have published in a variety of journals and books on these themes. My current research focuses on exploring ways in which universities can enhance the quality of assessment feedback provided to students and the level of academic support. I am a paper and book reviewer for the EDINEB network (Education Innovation in Business and Economics). I am a visiting professor at Grenoble Ecole de Management and the International Graduate Centre of the Fachoschule, Bremen, and am also currently an External Adviser for the Open University's undergraduate business programme in professional development.



  • 2016: Doctorate - Public Works, Middlesex University
  • 2013: Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Other, United Kingdom
  • 2004: M Ed, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
  • 1987: MA Economics, University of Leeds, United Kingdom
  • 1980: BA Politics and Economics, University of Leicester, United Kingdom

Member of professional body


  • 2013: , Higher Education Academy (HEA)

Assistant Dean Academic Development

Teaching expertise

  • International Business


  • Business Education
  • International business, Economics and Entrpreneurship

Industry Links

  • Member of prof body


Department of Management

Sheffield Business School

International Business


Journal articles

Laughton, D. (2013). Using Voice Files to Enhance the Quality of Feedback to Students. Student Experience and Engagement Journal.

Laughton, D.J. (2011). CETL for employability: identifying and evaluating institutional impact. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, 1 (3), 231-246. http://doi.org/10.1108/20423891111179632

Laughton, D. (2005). The Development of International Business as an Academic Discipline: Some Implications for Students and Teachers. Journal of Teaching in International Business, 6 (3).

Laughton, D. (2003). Developing Leadership Skills in a Cross-Cultural Setting: the Contribution of Action Research. Educational Action Research, 11 (3).

Laughton, D. (2003). Why was the QAA Approach to Teaching Quality Assessment Rejected by Academics in the UK? Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 28 (3).

Laughton, D. (2000). Developing Cross-Cultural Capability in Undergraduate Business Education: Implications for the Student Experience. Education and Training, 42 (6).

Laughton, D. (2000). East Meets West: Using Groupwork to Develop Cross-Cultural Capability. Journal of Teaching in International Business, 12 (1).

Laughton, D. (1999). Enhancing Student Understanding of the Business World: The Contribution of Commissioned Projects. Industry and Higher Education.

Laughton, D. (1998). Values and Norms in British Undergraduate Business Education - Implications for the Student Experience. Journal of European Business Education, 8 (1), 51-61.

Laughton, D., & Ottewill, R. (1998). Laying foundations for effective learning from commissioned projects in business education. Education + Training, 40 (3), 95-101. http://doi.org/10.1108/00400919810214551

Laughton, D., & Montanheiro, L. (1996). Core skills in higher education: the student perspective. Education + Training, 38 (4), 17-24. http://doi.org/10.1108/00400919610122456

Book chapters

Laughton, D. (2012). Work Based Learning Versus Work-related Learning - An Exploration of the Possibilities of Work-relation Learning Through a Review of the Venture Matrix at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. In Bossche, P. (Ed.) Advances in Business Education and Training. New York: Springer

Laughton, D. (2011). What Type of Knowledge is Required in the Business Curriculum? Pedagogic and Curriculum Responses to New Knowledge. In Bossche, P. (Ed.) Advances in Business Education and Training. New York: Springer

Laughton, D. (2008). Leadership Development in the New Millennium. In From International Management to Leadership: Implications for Cross-Cultural Leadership Development. Icfai University Press

Laughton, D. (2007). Effective Leadership: Lessons in a Cross Cultural Context. In From International Management to Leadership: Implications for Cross-Cultural Leadership Development. Icfai University Press

Laughton, D. (1997). The Internationalisation Process' and 'Small Firms and International Business'. In Dawes, B., Laughton, D., Ivanov, D., Foster, N., Barclay, J., & Ping Wu, W. (Eds.) International Business: A European Perspective. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes

Laughton, D. (1997). Privatization, Internationalization and Organizational Structure - Reviewing the Transformation of British Telecom and British Gas. In Effective Organizations. London: Cassell


Laughton, D., & Revill, J. (2016). Exploring the role and modus operandi of business education developers within institutional change projects - towards best practice.

Laughton, D. (2015). Critically questioning the educational development practice of business education innovators - reappraising what we do and how we do it.

Laughton, D. (2014). What Kind of Learning Experience do Students Value in a Business Degree?

Laughton, D. (2013). Feedback to students on their exam performance - should we do it and if so how?

Laughton, D. (2012). Using Voice Files to Provide Feedback to Students on Assessed Work - an Evaluation of Efficiency and Effectiveness Perspectives.

Laughton, D. (2011). University Alumni Feedback on Employability Skills Development - What's Done Well and Not So Well?

Laughton, D. (2010). Developing Universities Through Change Initiatives - Sheffield Hallam University and the Centre for Excellence for Employability.

Laughton, D. (2010). Work-Based Learning Versus Work-Related Learning - an Exploration of the Possibilities of Work-Related Learning Through a Review of the Venture Matrix at Sheffield Hallam University.

Laughton, D. (2009). What Type of Knowledge is Required in the Business Curriculum? The Nature, Role and Position of 'Mode 2' Knowledge.

Laughton, D. (2008). Approaches to Educational Change in Higher Education Institutions - The Case of the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning in Employability at Sheffield Hallam University, UK.

Laughton, D. (2005). An Approach to Embedding, Enhancing and Integrating Employability in Higher Education - The Sheffield Hallam University Experience.

Laughton, D. (2004). An Exploration of the Process of Educational Transition and Development of International Students (Indian Nationality) on Postgraduate Business Courses in the School of Business and Finance: the Pedagogic Challenge of Globalisation.

Laughton, D. (2002). Why did UK Academics Reject the Teaching Quality Assessment Exercise of the QAA.

Laughton, D. (2000). Developing Leadership Skills in a Cross-Cultural Setting.

Laughton, D. (1999). East Meets West- Using Multicultural Groupwork to Develop the Cross Capability of Tomorrow's Managers.

Laughton, D. (1998). Commissioned Projects and the World of Work.

Laughton, D. (1997). Privatization, Internationalization and Organizational Structure - Reviewing the Transformation of British Telecom and British Gas.

Laughton, D. (1997). Values and Norms in British Undergraduate Business Education - Implications for the Student Experience.

Laughton, D. (1996). Privatization, Internationalization and Organizational Structure - Reviewing the Transformation of British Telecom and British Gas.

Other publications

Laughton, D. (2013). Using audio feedback to enhance assessment practice - an evaluation of student and tutor experiences. Sheffield Hallam University: http://doi.org/10.7190/seej.v2i2.68

Laughton, D. (2010). e3i CETL for Employability- Interim Evaluation Report for HEFCE - Research Report - http://employability.shu.ac.uk/resources.html.

Laughton, D. (2010). e3i CETL for Employability- Final Evaluation Report for HEFCE.

Laughton, D. (2007). e3i CETL for Employability- Interim Evaluation Report for HEFCE - Research Report - http://employability.shu.ac.uk/resources.html.

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