Cristina Lopez-Moreno

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Cristina Lopez-Moreno BA Hons, MPhil

Senior Lecturer


I am a Senior Lecturer in Spanish Studies and the current Course Leader for the MSc International Business degrees. My time at Sheffield Hallam University has been marked by a successful track record in course management and by a commitment to achieving the highest levels of student experience in the courses I oversee. I have a passion for expanding international education opportunities to students of all backgrounds, and am committed to fostering a culture of inclusivity and diversity in all aspects of my work.


My research interests, including for my doctoral studies, lie in international student mobility and on the employability advantages associated with studying and working abroad. I have presented nationally and internationally and have delivered internal and external CPD sessions on these issues. Other intellectual contributions include authoring highly regarded textbooks on Spanish culture and language, as well as a popular series of bilingual short stories for Spanish learners, which sells globally. My passion for promoting modern language education to all has led me to explore novel approaches, such as leveraging social media networks. With a following of hundreds of thousands, I have successfully utilised social media platforms to extend the benefits of multilingualism to a broader community of learners.


Department of Management

College of Business, Technology and Engineering

Subject area

Languages and Cultures

Modules taught 

Modules related to Spanish Language and Culture


My research interests, including for my doctoral studies, lie in international student mobility and the employability advantages associated with studying and working abroad. I have presented nationally and internationally and have delivered internal and external CPD sessions on these issues. Other intellectual contributions include authoring highly regarded textbooks on Spanish culture and language, as well as a popular series of bilingual short stories for Spanish learners, which sells globally. My passion for promoting modern language education to all has led me to explore novel approaches, such as leveraging social media networks. With a following of hundreds of thousands, I have successfully utilised platforms such as Tik Tok to extend the benefits of multilingualism to a broader community of learners.


LÓPEZ, C. (2022) La Estrella del Flamenco. Bilingual short story for Spanish beginners. Learn Languages at Home.

LÓPEZ, C. (2022) La Bailadora Asesina. Bilingual short story for Spanish beginners. Learn Languages at Home.

LÓPEZ, C. (2021) Viaje a Madrid. Bilingual short story for Spanish beginners. Learn Languages at Home.

LÓPEZ, C (2021) Viaje a Inglaterra. Bilingual short story for Spanish beginners. Learn Languages at Home.

LÓPEZ MORENO, C (2014). España Contemporánea. SGEL.

LÓPEZ MORENO, C (2010). Un Año en España. SGEL

Academic Posters 

Blackburn, M., López Moreno, C. and Rushton, D. (2017): Global Employability Skills: Creating “global” graduates through placements? 2017 ASET Conference, University of Kent.

Research papers

LÓPEZ MORENO, C (2017): Emigración española post-crisis: una visión crítica del discurso mediático. In S. Rocha Selvas, R Morgan-Tamosunas and M. Gómez Bedoya (eds.), ACIS Iberian Connections Conference Proceedings, pps. 221-235. Available from:

LÓPEZ MORENO, C (2017): 'International Work Placements at Sheffield Business School: Transforming (2017). The year abroad: understanding the employability skills of the Global Graduate. In C. Álvarez-Mayo, A. Gallagher-Brett, & F. Michel (Eds), Innovative language teaching and learning at university: enhancing employability (pp. 21-28).

LÓPEZ MORENO, C (2017): Emigración española post-crisis: una visión crítica del discurso mediático. In S. Rocha Selvas, R Morgan-Tamosunas and M. Gómez Bedoya (eds.), ACIS Iberian Connections Conference Proceedings, pps. 221-235. Available from:

LÓPEZ MORENO, C (2016): 'International Work Placements at Sheffield Business School: Transforming our Students into Global Graduates'. In Debbie Siva-Jothy (Ed.) Proceedings of the 2016 Placement and Employability Professionals' Conference (pp. 38-49). Available from:

Conference presentations 

LÓPEZ MORENO, C.: ‘The Year Abroad: Understanding the Employability Skills of the Global Graduate.’ SBS Languages and Cultures SIG. Sheffield 16th May 2017.

LÓPEZ MORENO, C.: "Outward mobility as the key to enhanced employability: the importance of global competences in post-Brexit Britain." SBS Learning, Teaching and Assessment Conference. Sheffield 6th July 2017

LÓPEZ MORENO, C.: ‘Outward mobility in Turbulent Times: The relevance of global skills in post-Brexit Britain’. Presented at the 2017 ASET Conference, University of Kent.


Book chapters

López-Moreno, C. (2017). The year abroad: understanding the employability skills of the Global Graduate. In Innovative language teaching and learning at university: enhancing employability. (pp. 21-28).


Lopez-Moreno, C. (2010). Un Año en España. Madrid: SGEL.

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2005). España Contemporánea. Madrid, 2005: SGEL.


Lopez-Moreno, C. (2017). The Year Abroad: Understanding the Employability Skills of the Global Graduate. Presented at: SBS Languages and Cultures SIG

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2017). Outward mobility as the key to enhanced employability: the importance of global competences in post-Brexit Britain.

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2017). Outward mobility as the key to enhanced employability.

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2017). Outward mobility in Turbulent Times: The relevance of global skills in post-Brexit Britain.

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2017). Emigración española post-crisis: una visión crítica del discurso mediático.

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2017). International Work Placements at Sheffield Business School: Transforming our Students into Global Graduates.

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2016). Employability and the Spanish-speaking graduate: are your students selling themselves short?

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2016). Transition into Graduate Employment: Understanding the Employability Skills of the Global Graduate.

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2016). International Work Placements at Sheffield Business School: Transforming our students into Global Graduates.

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2016). Emigración española post-crisis: una visión crítical del discurso mediático. Universidade Católica de Oporto, Portugal.

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2016). Spanish post-2008 migration outflows: media narrative vs statistical "reality".

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2013). El desempleo en España: causas y consecuencias.

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2013). La internacionalización de los estudios universitarios.

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2013). International Work Placements. Good Practice Case Study: Sheffield Hallam University.

Guiney, M., Bower, R., & Lopez-Moreno, C. (2010). Developing a student-centred placement preparation framework.

Other publications

Blackburn, M., Lopez-Moreno, C., & Rushton, D. (2017). Global Employability Skills: Creating 'global' graduates through placements? Canterbury: ASET Conference

Other activities

Advisor to the Board of Trustees of the Herbert Hughes Memorial Fund

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