Cristina López Moreno

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Cristina López Moreno

Senior Lecturer and Course Leader for MSc International Business portfolio


I am a Senior Lecturer in Spanish Language and Culture and the current course leader for the MSc International Business programmes at Sheffield Hallam University, where I manage four degrees with large international student cohorts. I oversee course performance and student experience for the degrees I manage, and have introduced numerous initiatives to help our students thrive.

My expertise in international student mobility stems from my years as course leader for our Language degrees, where I managed an extensive 18-month study and work abroad scheme. This involved maintaining strong relationships with European partners and employers, and developing robust support systems for students studying overseas. 

My research interests centre on outward internationalisation in higher education, particularly how international study experiences transform student identities – the focus of my ongoing doctorate. I am also passionate about exploring innovative ways to enhance language learning through digital platforms, especially through social media.



As an experienced course leader of many years, I provide academic leadership for core and hourly-paid academic staff and maintain oversight of most aspects of course delivery . This involves managing complex quality assurance processes and ensuring consistent standards across our courses. I lead course reviews and improvement initiatives, working alongside academic and professional services colleagues to enhance the quality and student outcomes for our courses. 

I am passionate about international student mobility and firmly believe in its potential to improve the personal, academic and professional outcomes of students, particularly those from widening participation backgrounds. These are themes that I am currently exploring in my doctoral studies, where I examine how international experiences shape student identities and career plans. This academic interest complements my practical experience managing study abroad programmes, where I have seen first-hand how international exposure can transform students' confidence and employability skills.

Another area of interest is Spanish language teaching, for which I have explored innovative avenues with the intention of reaching wider audiences, including from non-traditional demographics. This is primarily through the use of social media platforms as language learning tools, where I have built a large following across different channels. I combine traditional pedagogical principles with contemporary digital engagement strategies with the aim of making language learning more accessible and engaging for all. This expertise in digital engagement has led to my current involvement in developing social media strategies for Sheffield Business School, where I advise on the use of social media to reach wider audiences. 

My intellectual contributions include widely-used textbooks on Spanish culture and language, alongside two successful series of bilingual short stories for Spanish learners that has found a global readership.


Senior Lecturer


Sheffield Business School

College of Business, Technology and Engineering

I am currently engaged in a project where I advise on a social media strategy for Sheffield Business School. This involves sharing expertise on effective social media practices and providing technical guidance on content creation, particularly video production. The project aims to bring Sheffield Business School to wider audiences by showcasing our teaching excellence, our facilities and the daily life and achievements of our students.

Subject area

Division of Global Business, Tourism & Hospitality Management


BA (Hons) International Business with Spanish
BA (Hons) International Business


Modules taught 

Introduction to Spanish
Work and Life in Spanish-Speaking Societies
Going Global 
Understanding People and Cultures





LÓPEZ, C. (2024):  Viaje a Barcelona. Bilingual novel for Spanish Beginners. Learn Languages at Home.

LÓPEZ, C. (2022) La Estrella del Flamenco. Bilingual short story for Spanish beginners. Learn Languages at Home.

LÓPEZ, C. (2022) La Bailadora Asesina. Bilingual short story for Spanish beginners. Learn Languages at Home.

LÓPEZ, C. (2021) Viaje a Madrid. Bilingual short story for Spanish beginners. Learn Languages at Home.

LÓPEZ, C (2021) Viaje a Inglaterra. Bilingual short story for Spanish beginners. Learn Languages at Home.

LÓPEZ MORENO, C (2014). España Contemporánea. SGEL.

LÓPEZ MORENO, C (2010). Un Año en España. SGEL

Academic Posters 

Blackburn, M., López Moreno, C. and Rushton, D. (2017): Global Employability Skills: Creating “global” graduates through placements? 2017 ASET Conference, University of Kent.

Research papers

LÓPEZ MORENO, C (2017): Emigración española post-crisis: una visión crítica del discurso mediático. In S. Rocha Selvas, R Morgan-Tamosunas and M. Gómez Bedoya (eds.), ACIS Iberian Connections Conference Proceedings, pps. 221-235. Available from:

LÓPEZ MORENO, C (2017): 'International Work Placements at Sheffield Business School: Transforming (2017). The year abroad: understanding the employability skills of the Global Graduate. In C. Álvarez-Mayo, A. Gallagher-Brett, & F. Michel (Eds), Innovative language teaching and learning at university: enhancing employability (pp. 21-28).

LÓPEZ MORENO, C (2017): Emigración española post-crisis: una visión crítica del discurso mediático. In S. Rocha Selvas, R Morgan-Tamosunas and M. Gómez Bedoya (eds.), ACIS Iberian Connections Conference Proceedings, pps. 221-235. Available from:

LÓPEZ MORENO, C (2016): 'International Work Placements at Sheffield Business School: Transforming our Students into Global Graduates'. In Debbie Siva-Jothy (Ed.) Proceedings of the 2016 Placement and Employability Professionals' Conference (pp. 38-49). Available from:

Conference presentations 

LÓPEZ MORENO, C.: ‘The Year Abroad: Understanding the Employability Skills of the Global Graduate.’ SBS Languages and Cultures SIG. Sheffield 16th May 2017.

LÓPEZ MORENO, C.: ""Outward mobility as the key to enhanced employability: the importance of global competences in post-Brexit Britain."" SBS Learning, Teaching and Assessment Conference. Sheffield 6th July 2017

LÓPEZ MORENO, C.: ‘Outward mobility in Turbulent Times: The relevance of global skills in post-Brexit Britain’. Presented at the 2017 ASET Conference, University of Kent.



Book chapters

López-Moreno, C. (2017). The year abroad: understanding the employability skills of the Global Graduate. In Innovative language teaching and learning at university: enhancing employability. (pp. 21-28).


Lopez-Moreno, C. (2010). Un Año en España. Madrid: SGEL.

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2005). España Contemporánea. Madrid, 2005: SGEL.


Lopez-Moreno, C. (2017). The Year Abroad: Understanding the Employability Skills of the Global Graduate. Presented at: SBS Languages and Cultures SIG

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2017). Outward mobility as the key to enhanced employability: the importance of global competences in post-Brexit Britain.

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2017). Outward mobility as the key to enhanced employability.

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2017). Outward mobility in Turbulent Times: The relevance of global skills in post-Brexit Britain.

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2017). Emigración española post-crisis: una visión crítica del discurso mediático.

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2017). International Work Placements at Sheffield Business School: Transforming our Students into Global Graduates.

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2016). Employability and the Spanish-speaking graduate: are your students selling themselves short?

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2016). Transition into Graduate Employment: Understanding the Employability Skills of the Global Graduate.

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2016). International Work Placements at Sheffield Business School: Transforming our students into Global Graduates.

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2016). Emigración española post-crisis: una visión crítical del discurso mediático. Universidade Católica de Oporto, Portugal.

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2016). Spanish post-2008 migration outflows: media narrative vs statistical "reality".

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2013). El desempleo en España: causas y consecuencias.

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2013). La internacionalización de los estudios universitarios.

Lopez-Moreno, C. (2013). International Work Placements. Good Practice Case Study: Sheffield Hallam University.

Guiney, M., Bower, R., & Lopez-Moreno, C. (2010). Developing a student-centred placement preparation framework.

Other publications

Blackburn, M., Lopez-Moreno, C., & Rushton, D. (2017). Global Employability Skills: Creating 'global' graduates through placements? Canterbury: ASET Conference

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