Claire Ketnor

Dr Claire Ketnor BSc (Hons), PGCertHE, MSc, PhD, SFHEA, MIMA

Principal Lecturer


Claire joined Sheffield Hallam University in 2011 and is the Teaching and Learning Portfolio Lead for the Department of Engineering and Mathematics. Claire's research area is teaching and learning pedagogy. She is innovative in her teaching methods and received a Vice-Chancellor's teaching award in 2010.





Claire joined the Department of Engineering and Mathematics at Sheffield Hallam University in 2011 after completing a PhD at the University of York in Semigroup Theory. Having also done an MSc in Applied Mathematics, she is interested in a wide range of mathematical topics.

Claire has a national and international reputation for her teaching and learning pedagogic research. Claire’s interest in student views of mistake-making led to her creating an international Psychology of Mathematics Education research cluster.

Claire is the Teaching and Learning Portfolio Lead for the Department of Engineering and Mathematics. She organises Departmental seminars, coordinates development sessions and co-leads Ideas Exchanges with La Trobe University. Claire has previously been the Acting Subject Group Leader for the Mathematics Subject Group (2018-2020) and the Course Leader for BSc Mathematics (2015-2018)

Claire uses a variety of innovative teaching, learning and assessment approaches to make her practice inclusive. These include the use of Rubik’s cubes to teach abstract concepts, whiteboards for group work and video assignments. In 2010, Claire received a vice-chancellor's teaching award at the Department of Mathematics at the University of York whilst doing her PhD.



Department of Engineering and Mathematics

College of Business, Technology and Engineering



Courses taught:

BSc Mathematics

BSc Mathematics with Foundation Year

Modules taught:

Number and Structure, Explorations in Mathematics, Functions and Calculus



Claire’s research area is teaching and learning pedagogic research. She is particularly interested in the following areas: 

Teaching and learning pedagogic research. 
Inclusive practice
Innovative teaching and assessment methods
Student choice and mistake making


Journal articles

Steckles, K., Ketnor, C., Porter, R., Shukie, A., & Corner, A.S. (2024). Lecturers don’t know everything: students listening to the thought processes of lecturers on unfamiliar ground. Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications.

Ketnor, C., Shaker, A., Raghupati, K., & Pham, V.T. (2022). PeerWise: students creating questions for their peers. MSOR Connections, 20 (2), 37-49.

Hargreaves, J., Ketnor, C., Marshall, E., & Russell, S. (2022). Peer-Assisted Learning in a pandemic. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology.

Gillard, J., Ketnor, C., Mac an Bhaird, C., & Smith, C. (2021). Special issue editorial: restarting the new normal. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA, 40 (4), 249-253.

Cornock, C., Shukie, A., Porter, R., & O'Sullivan, D. (2021). Students being set up to make mistakes in class through an error-eliciting task. MSOR Connections, 19 (2), 4-9.

Cornock, C. (2021). Student-Generated Examples and Group Work in Mathematics. MSOR Connections, 19 (1), 31-39.

Cornock, C., & Crombie, A. (2021). Introduction of a video assignment: advantages and disadvantages from the students’ perspective. MSOR Connections, 19 (1), 41-45.

Cornock, C., Marshall, E., & Hargreaves, J. (2019). Work-related learning: benefits and challenges. New Directions in the Teaching of Physical Sciences, 14 (1).

Shukie, A., Majin, W., Cornock, C., & Robinson, M. (2019). Student use of whiteboards in the classroom. MSOR Connections, 17 (2).

Corner, A., & Cornock, C. (2018). Applications and props: the impact on engagement and understanding. MSOR Connections, 17 (1), 3-15.

Cornock, C. (2017). Development of a Course Community. MSOR Connections, 16 (1), 15.

Waldock, J., Rowlett, P., Cornock, C., Robinson, M., & Bartholomew, H. (2017). The role of informal learning spaces in enhancing student engagement with mathematical sciences. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 48 (4), 587-602.

Cornock, C. (2016). Teaching mathematics to Business and Enterprise students in a module based around Excel. MSOR Connections, 15 (1), 22.

Cornock, C. (2016). The evaluation of an undergraduate peer assisted learningscheme at Sheffield Hallam University. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education.

Cornock, C. (2015). Teaching group theory using Rubik's cubes. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 46 (7), 957-967.

Cornock, C. (2015). Maths arcade at Sheffield Hallam University: developments made in a new space. MSOR Connections, 14 (1), 54.

Cornock, C., & Gould, V. (2012). Proper two-sided restriction semigroups and partial actions. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 216 (4), 935-949.

Book chapters

Cornock, C., & Baxter, E. (2015). Sheffield Hallam University 'Maths Arcade' - Feedback on a Trial and Plans to Include in Peer Assisted Learning. In Maths Arcade: Stretching and Supporting Mathematical Thinking.

Theses / Dissertations

Cornock, C. (2012). Restriction Semigroups: Structure, Varieties and Presentations. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Gould, V.

Internet Publications

Cornock, C., & Robinson, M. (2015). Use of video: thinking outside the lecture.

Other publications

Ketnor, C., & Boswell, A. (2022). Maths Engagement Case Study: Turing Tumble - Programming with Marbles.

Ketnor, C., & Ugonna, A. (2022). Maths Engagement Case Study: Sheffield Hallam University Girls in Maths Day.

Cornock, C. (2021). Book review: Fundamentals of Graph Theory by Allan Bickle, American Mathematical Society, 2020. London Mathematical Society Newsletter

Other activities

External Examiner (Nottingham Trent University).


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