Chuang-Yuan Chiu

Dr. Chuang-Yuan Chiu BMath. MMath. PhD.



Dr Chuang - Yuan Chiu is a Researcher at the Centre for Sports Engineering Research (CSER) and works in the area of applied computing. Chuang-Yuan’s research interests include sports technology, anthropometry and computer vision.


Dr Chuang - Yuan Chiu is a researcher at the Centre for Sports Engineering Research (CSER) and works in the area of applied computing. Chuang-Yuan’s research interests include sports technology, anthropometry and computer vision. He completed his PhD at the University of Edinburgh in 2016. During his PhD, he developed a cost-efficient 3D human scanning system for anthropometric analysis. His development has been used in the sports talent development project at the sports high schools in Australia. He also collaborated with an international team at the Centre for Aquatics Research and Education (CARE) to install performance analysis systems and conduct leading biomechanics research for Scottish swimming team. He is familiar to apply the latest technology in sports research and development.

Areas of interest

  • 3D imaging and human measurement
  • 3D data-processing 
  • Computer vision


Research centre:

Research theme groups:

Current research projects:

  • Understanding 3D Body Shape   
  • Markerless Motion Capture

Collaborators and sponsors:

  • English Institute of sport Innovation and Technology partnership


Journal articles

Oliveira, N., Keating, C.J., Chiu, C.-.Y., & Stavres, J. (2023). Increased hip flexion gait as an exercise modality for individuals with obesity. European Journal of Applied Physiology.

Chiu, C.-.Y., Dunn, M., Heller, B., Churchill, S., & Maden-Wilkinson, T. (2022). Modification and refinement of three-dimensional reconstruction to estimate body volume from a simulated single-camera image. Obesity Science and Practice.

Chiu, C.-.Y., Ciems, R., Thelwell, M., Bullas, A., & Choppin, S. (2021). Estimating Somatotype from a Single-camera 3D Body Scanning System. European Journal of Sport Science.

Thelwell, M., Chiu, C.-.Y., Bullas, A., Hart, J., Wheat, J., & Choppin, S. (2020). How shape-based anthropometry can complement traditional anthropometric techniques: a cross-sectional study. Scientific Reports, 10 (1), 12125.

Chiu, C.-.Y., Thelwell, M., Senior, T., Choppin, S., Hart, J., & Wheat, J. (2019). Comparison of depth cameras for three-dimensional reconstruction in medicine. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 233 (9), 938-947.

Chiu, C.-.Y., Pease, D.L., Fawkner, S., & Sanders, R.H. (2018). Automated body volume acquisitions from 3D structured-light scanning. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 101, 112-119.

Chiu, C.-.Y., Pease, D.L., Fawkner, S., Dunn, M., & Sanders, R.H. (2018). Comparison of automated post-processing techniques for measurement of body surface area from 3D photonic scans. Computer methods in biomechanics and biomedical engineering, 7 (2), 227-234.

Chiu, C.-.Y., Pease, D., Fawkner, S., & Sanders, R. (2016). Validation of Body Volume Acquisition by Using Elliptical Zone Method. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 37 (14), 1117-1123.

Chiu, C.-.Y., Pease, D.L., & Sanders, R.H. (2016). Effect of different standing poses on whole body volume acquisition by three-dimensional photonic scanning. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 10 (6), 553-556.

Chiu, C.-.Y., Pease, D.L., & Sanders, R.H. (2016). The effect of pose variability and repeated reliability of segmental centres of mass acquisition when using 3D photonic scanning. Ergonomics, 59 (12), 1673-1678.

Oliveira, N., Chiu, C.-.Y., & Sanders, R. (2015). Kinematic Patterns Associated with the Vertical Force Produced during the Eggbeater Kick. Journal of Sports Sciences, 33 (16), 1675-1681.

Sanders, R.H., Chiu, C.-.Y., Gonjo, T., Thow, J., Oliveira, N., Psycharakis, S.G., ... McCabe, C.B. (2015). Reliability of the Elliptical Zone Method of Estimating Body Segment Parameters of Swimmers. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 14 (1), 215-224.

Chiu, C.-.Y., & Sanders, R.H. (2009). Quantifying obesity from anthropometric measures and body volume data. International journal of design, analysis and tools for circuits and systems, 1 (1), 1-4.

Conference papers

Chiu, C.Y., Thelwell, M., Goodwill, S., & Dunn, M. (2020). Accuracy of Anthropometric Measurements by a Video-Based 3D Modelling Technique.


Dr Chuang-Yuan Chiu is a Researcher in the Centre for Sports Engineering research (CSER). He completed his PhD at the University of Edinburgh in 2016. Chuang-Yuan’s main research area is in sports technology, anthropometry and computer vision. During his PhD, he developed a cost-efficient 3D human scanning system for anthropometric analysis. He also collaborated with an international team at the Centre for Aquatics Research and Education (CARE) to conduct leading biomechanics research for Scottish swimming team.

The Centre for Sports Engineering Research (CSER) is led by Dr David James. It is the world's largest academic group in sports engineering and an internationally renowned centre of excellence for research and knowledge transfer. The centre's work is based on four research disciplines; applied computing, biomechanics, design engineering, and skill acquisition. In each area, researchers develop fundamental knowledge and deliver applied solutions to enhance athletic performance, reduce injury and promote physical activity.

CSER works in partnership with many sport, health and commercial organisations. We are immensely proud of our work with Team GB Olympic, and Paralympic athletes, and we enjoy research partnerships with global organisations such as the International Tennis Federation, FIFA, and Adidas.

Areas of expertise:

  • Sport and engineering
  • 3D imaging and human measurement
  • 3D data-processing
  • Computer vision

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