Chloe Froggatt

Chloe Froggatt BA(Hons) MRes AFHEA

Doctoral Researcher and Graduate Teaching Assistant


I am an Associate Lecturer in Sociology, Criminology and Public Health. My research interests include sexualities, sexual expression, sexual health/well-being, gender, the body, intersectional feminism and feminist research principles.



My PhD research is titled ‘A Qualitative Exploration of Women’s Sexual Expression’. The study is underpinned by intersectional feminist debates on re-claiming sexuality and gender expression within patriarchal Western socio-political climates. Utilising feminist research principles and storytelling methods, the project aims to listen to and empower self-identifying women’s stories, experiences and perceptions.
I currently work within the Sociology and Criminology departments at SHU as an Associate Lecturer and Dissertation Supervisor. I am also a research assistant on the ASPIRE Programme, led by Sheffield Hallam University in partnership with Manchester Metropolitan University and Advance HE, aiming to address the underrepresentation of black and black heritage research students. Alongside this, I am a researcher on a project which focuses on young people’s sexual health/well-being and access to sex education. We have subsequently produced two publications (see below) and an annual sexualities symposium which takes place in the summer.
I studied MRes Social Science, undertaking commissioned research for the Sheffield Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Task Group as part of a research team. We designed and implemented a research framework to gather insight into local teacher’s readiness to implement the new RSE guidance, producing a report of findings in 2019. I also completed a dissertation titled ‘Advocating for a Comprehensive, Rights-Based Approach - A Mixed-Method Study of Teacher’s Readiness to Implement the New Statutory Relationships & Sex Education’.



Department of Psychology, Sociology and Politics

College of Social Sciences and Arts

SHU Sexualities, Sexual Health and Education Symposium (2023)
The ASPIRE Programme (Sept 2023- Present)
Sex Work Research Hub (Summer 2022)
Ministry of Justice Funded: Evaluation of Investment Package to Reduce Re-offending (2021-22)
Sheffield Sex & Relationships Task Group (2018-2019)

Sociology, Criminology, Public Health MSc





Deputy Module Leader - Shaping Societies
Dissertation Supervisor - Public Health MSc, Sociology BA(hons), Criminology BA(hons)
Associate Lecturer -
Power, Sex and the Body
Researching Societies
Education: Theory, Policy and Practice
Education, Power and Control
Sex, Violence and Extremism
Simulating Justice Practice
Deviance, Order and Protest
Introduction to Social Sciences
PGCE Social Science



Pickles, J., Hirst, J., Kenny, M. & Froggatt, C. (2023) Perceptions of young women who engage in anal sex: A sociological inquiry. Journal of Positive Sexuality, Vol. 9, No. 1.
Hirst, J., Pickles, J., Kenny, M., Beresford, R. & Froggatt, C. (2022) A qualitative exploration of perceptions of anal sex: implications for sex education and sexual health services in England, Culture, Health & Sexuality, DOI: 10.1080/13691058.2022.2037020

Sex Work Research Hub
Sheffield Sex and Relationships Education Task Group
Manchester Metropolitan University
University of Sheffield
Advance HE
SAYiT Sheffield
Learn Sheffield
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals
Sheffield City Council


Other activities

Post Graduate Representative on Sheffield Hallam University's Research Ethics Committee

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