Professor Charles Mundye

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  4. Professor Charles Mundye

Professor Charles Mundye BA (Hons), DPhil, FEA

Deputy Director: Research, Innovation and Knowledge Exchange


Deputy Director: Research, Innovation and Knowledge Exchange for Sheffield Creative Industries Institute, President of the Robert Graves Society, and Fellow of the English Association.



I am Professor of Modern Literature at Sheffield Hallam University, working on British and American poetry, and the interrelationships between music and literature. I welcome applications from PhD students on Ezra Pound, Robert Graves, twentieth-century British and American poetry, war poetry, relationships between literature and music; and twentieth-century Welsh poetry written in English. 


Sheffield Creative Industries Institute

College of Social Sciences and Arts

Subject Area


Courses taught



Head of Department of Culture and Media, President of the Robert Graves Society, and Fellow of the English Association.

President of the Robert Graves Society, and Fellow of the English Association.



Journal articles

Mundye, C. (2021). Wilfred Owen in Scarborough. War Poetry Review, 2021, 11-28.

Fainlight, R., & Mundye, C. (2017). Interview with Ruth Fainlight. Gravesiana, 4 (2), 421-438.

Fainlight, R., & Mundye, C. (2017). Interview with Ruth Fainlight. Gravesiana, 4 (2), 421-438.

Mundye, C. (2015). JOHN GOODBY (ed.). The Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas: The New Centenary Edition. By dylan thomas.william christie. Dylan Thomas: A Literary Life. The Review of English Studies, 66 (277), 1006-1010.

Mundye, C. (2014). A Revolver to Charon's Head: Robert Graves and survival'. War Poetry Review.

Mundye, C. (2014). Lynette Roberts and Dylan Thomas: Background to a Friendship. Pn Review.

Roberts, L. (2014). 'Lynette Roberts, ‘“A Letter to the Dead”: a lost poem in memory of Dylan Thomas’. Pn Review.

Mundye, C. (2014). An Expense of Spirit: Graves, Riding, Empson and the New Critics (Book Review). Gravesiana, 4 (1), 346-349.

Mundye, C. (2014). 'A Mirror of England'? [Book review]. Friends of the Dymock Poets Newsletter, 60, 12.

Mundye, C. (2013). "He Alone on this Isotonic Plain": Robert Graves, Keidrych Rhys, Lynette Roberts, and the situation of the poet in war. Gravesiana, 3 (4), 703-729.

Mundye, C. (2013). American Odyssey (Book Review). Poetry Review, 103 (2), 102-107.

Mundye, C. (2011). Roger Langley - an Appreciation. PN Review 199, 37 (5), 17.

MUNDYE, C. (2008). ‘Motz el Son’: Pound’s musical modernism and the interpretation of medieval song. Cambridge Opera Journal, 20 (1), 53-78.

Mundye, C. (2005). Philip Larkin, The Whitsun Weddings, and the Long Journey Home. About Larkin, 19, 20-26.

Mundye, C. (2003). Ezra Pound's Operas. Pn Review, 30 (2), 35-37.

Mundye, C. (2001). Decadent Decades: Symbolism, Decadence and the Fin de Siècle: French and European Perspectives. Pn Review, 28 (2), 76.

Mundye, C. (n.d.). Outside the Imaginary Museum: mythology and representation in the poetry of Lynette Roberts and Keidrych Rhys. Pn Review, 40 (2), 23-29.

Mundye, C., & McGuinness, P. (n.d.). Revisiting a Collaboration. Twentieth-Century Literature Criticism, 240.

Book chapters

Mundye, C. (2019). Lynette Roberts’s The Endeavour: A Generic Adventure. In Locating Lynette Roberts Always Observant and Slightly Obscure'. University of Wales Press

Mundye, C. (2019). Music Recollected: Ezra Pound’s Cavalcanti. In The Edinburgh Companion to Ezra Pound and the Arts. Edinburgh Companions to Literature and the Humanities

Mundye, C. (2018). 'Is't not a kind of incest?' Metaphor and relation in the poetry of Ted Hughes and Sylvia Plath. In Incest in Contemporary Literature. (First). Manchester University Press


Mundye, C. (Ed.). (2016). Robert Graves, war poems. Bridgend: Seren.

Mundye, C. (Ed.). (2012). The Van Pool: Collected Poems. Seren.

Jackson, L.R., & Graves, R. (2002). A Survey of Modernist Poetry ; And, A Pamphlet Against Anthologies. Carcanet Press.

Jackson, L.R., & Graves, R. (2002). A Survey of Modernist Poetry ; And, A Pamphlet Against Anthologies. Carcanet Press.

Internet Publications

Mundye, C. (2014). Frenzied Remembrance: Dylan Thomas and Anniversary Culture. [Internet article].

Mundye, C. (2014). Edith Sitwell, Eccentricity and Sounds.


Mundye, C. (2014). "On your lips my life is hung": Robert Graves and War. [Internet Podcast]. University of Oxford

Mundye, C. (2003). Ego Scriptor Cantilenae: The Music of Ezra Pound. [Audio CD]. Other Minds

Mundye, C. (2003). Ego Scriptor Cantilenae: The Music of Ezra Pound. [Audio CD]. Other Minds


Mundye, C., & McGuinness, P. (2020). How to Write ... a novel: Patrick McGuinness in conversation with Charles Mundye. Presented at: Off the Self Festival of Words, Online

Mundye, C., & McGuinness, P. (2020). How to Write ... a novel: Patrick McGuinness in conversation with Charles Mundye. Presented at: Off the Self Festival of Words, Online

Mundye, C. (2019). 'A non-sales point of some importance’: Correspondence between Robert Graves and Lynette Roberts. Presented at: Letters from Deià: A Poet’s Correspondence’, a Two-Day Seminar, Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma, Mallorca

Mundye, C. (2018). Robert Graves and the Road to War. Presented at: Fourteenth International Robert Graves Conference, Palma, and Deià, Mallorca, Spain

Mundye, C. (2017). Robert Graves and the Road to War. Presented at: Off the Shelf Festival of Words, Millenium Galleries, Sheffield

Mundye, C. (2017). Literary Societies in Action: Creativity, Engagement and Learning’. Presented at: English: Shared Futures, A Major Conference across the Disciplines, Newcastle Civic Centre

Mundye, C. (2017). Epic Transformations? Developing the English Curriculum at University’. Presented at: English: Shared Futures, A Major Conference across the Disciplines, Newcastle Civic Centre

Mundye, C. (2015). Gods with Stainless Ears: a homage to Lynette Roberts. Presented at: Black Huts Festival, Hastings

Mundye, C. (2015). Graves, Sassoon and ‘The Patchwork Flag’. Presented at: Siegfried Sassoon Fellowship Annual General Meeting and Conference, Wrexham

Mundye, C. (2015). Lynette Roberts’s The Endeavour: a generic adventure. Presented at: MONC - A Century on: Modernist Studies in Wales Conference, Swansea University

Mundye, C. (2015). “All neath the moon”: Versions of Transformation in Pound’s Cavalcanti. Presented at: 26th Ezra Pound International Conference, Brunnenburg

Mundye, C. (2015). Managing Change. Presented at: University English Heads of Department and Subject Leaders Networking Day, St Anne's College, Oxford

Mundye, C. (2014). Wilfred Owen in Scarborough. Presented at: Remember Scarborough - Public Lecture, Scarborough Art Gallery

Mundye, C., Goodby, J., & Wigginton, C. (2014). Understanding Dylan Thomas: A Symposium on the work of Dylan Thomas. Presented at: Off the Shelf Festival of Words, Sheffield

Mundye, C., Goodby, J., & Wigginton, C. (2014). Understanding Dylan Thomas: A Symposium on the work of Dylan Thomas. Presented at: Off the Shelf Festival of Words, Sheffield

Mundye, C. (2014). A Battle of Two Wars: Robert Graves and the question of war poetry. Presented at: British Poetry of the First World War Conference, Wadham College, Oxford

Mundye, C. (2014). “But if you stare aghast perhaps”: Robert Graves’s early poems and the role of the grotesque. Presented at: Robert Graves: Humour, Irony, Tragedy, and the Grotesque, the Twelfth International Robert Graves Conference, Palma and Deià, Mallorca, Spain

Mundye, C. (2014). “On your lips my life is hung”: Robert Graves and War. Presented at: British World War One Poetry Spring School, University of Oxford

Mundye, C. (2014). Joined by the Cormorant Boat: Dylan Thomas and Friends. Presented at: Dylan Unchained: The Dylan Thomas Centenary Conference, Swansea University

Mundye, C. (2013). Modernists at War: Politics and mythology in the work of Lynette Roberts and Keidrych Rhys. Presented at: Alternative Modernisms: an international interdisciplinary conference, Cardiff University

Mundye, C. (2012). Launch of Keidrych Rhys’s The Van Pool with Charles Mundye. Presented at: Dylan Thomas Festival, Dylan Thomas Centre, Swansea

Mundye, C. (2012). “He alone on this Isotonic Plain”: Graves, Roberts, Rhys, and the situation of the poet in war. Presented at: 11th International Robert Graves Conference, St John's College, Oxford

Mundye, C. (2009). Finding Keidrych Rhys. Presented at: Dylan Thomas Festival / Gods with Stainless Ears Lynette Roberts Conference, Dylan Thomas Centre

Mundye, C. (2009). “And then went down to the ship”: a journey through modern literature. Presented at: Scarborough Literature Festival, Scarborough Library Concert Hall

Mundye, C. (2003). John Gay Revisited: The Beggar’s Opera through Brecht, Britten, Havel, Ayckbourn. Presented at: Comparative Literature Seminar, St Anne's College, Oxford

Mundye, C. (2002). John Gay’s Twentieth Century. Presented at: Literature and Music in the Study of Culture Conference, Worcester College, Oxford

Mundye, C. (2001). Ezra Pound in Paris: Villon, Medievalism and Music Theatre in the 1920s. Presented at: 19th International Ezra Pound Conference, Université de Paris-Sorbonne

Other activities

President of the Robert Graves Society, and Fellow of the English Association.

Postgraduate supervision

Twentieth Century Literature and Culture

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