Caroline Smart BSc (Hons), PGCE
Deputy Head of Sheffield Institute of Education
- Sheffield Institute of Education
- Centre for Development and Research in Education
- Social and Economic Research Institute
I am Deputy Head of Sheffield Institute of Education (SIoE). This role includes responsibilities for Teaching and Learning, staffing, SCITT and share leading Initial Teacher Education across the institute.
Prior to undertaking this role, I led Secondary Initial Teacher Education for undergraduate and postgraduate study where I worked closely with trainees, the secondary staff team, mentors in school and the wider partnership at Sheffield Hallam University. I have specific experience in teaching and supporting trainees, with a keen eye on the subject specific nature of secondary ITE.
Prior to joining Sheffield Hallam University, I worked in secondary schools, teaching science to students ranging from Y7-13, specialising in physics. Since joining Sheffield Hallam University I have taught across undergraduate and postgraduate secondary ITE courses. This has involved teaching science subject knowledge, science pedagogical knowledge and general education sessions.
My research interests relate to science education, the beliefs of individuals new to the profession toward science pedagogies, the subject specific element of ITE, overarching ITE curriculum and developing strong partnerships across ITE provision.
Sheffield Institute of Education
College of Social Sciences and Arts
Education, Initial Teacher Education, Secondary, Science
Extending Physics
The Nature of Science and Industry
Practice in the Context of Learning and Teaching
Developing and Reflection on Professional Practice
Developing and Reflecting on Subject Knowledge and Pedagogy in Secondary Science
I am currently completing my EdD with a working title of Early Career Teachers beliefs towards enquiry pedagogies in secondary science.