Carol Garcia MA, HCPC, FHEA
Associate Head - Physiotherapy Professional Lead
I am the Physiotherapy Professional Lead and Associate Head in the School of Health and Social Care. I lead the physiotherapy team that provides education to around 800 students across 5 different undergraduate and postgraduate programs.
I qualified as a physiotherapist in 1987 and worked in a variety of hospital and community employers in the cardiorespiratory speciality. I moved to higher education in 2005 and during that time I have undertaken a variety of roles within the physiotherapy team. I have been the physiotherapy professional lead since 2023 and recently appointed an associate head within the college.
My role is leading the team along with colleagues to deliver physiotherapy education to a large number of students across pre-registration (BSc, DA and Pre-reg MSc) and post registration (MSc Specialist Physiotherapy Practice and MSc Advanced Clinical Practice Musculoskeletal Management).
I completed my MA in Teaching and Learning in 2013 and hope to complete my application to be a senior fellow of the Advanced HE in 2025.
Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Cardiorespiratory physiotherapy
School of Health and Social Care
College of Health, Wellbeing and Life Sciences
Exploring Virtual Reality in Upper Limb Prosthetics
- BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
- BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy Degree Apprenticeship
- MSc (pre-registration) Physiotherapy
- MSc Specialist Physiotherapy Practice
- MSc Advanced Clinical Practice Musculoskeletal Management
Journal articles
Ngeh, E.N., Lowe, A., Garcia, C., & Mclean, S. (2023). Physiotherapy-Led Health Promotion Strategies for People with or at Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases: A Scoping Review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 20 (22).
Conference papers
Phelan, I., Arden, M., Garcia, C., & Roast, C. (2015). Exploring virtual reality and prosthetic training. In Höllerer, T., Interrante, V., Lecuyer, A., & Swan, J.E.I.I. (Eds.) 2015 IEEE Virtual Reality Conference (VR) , Arles, France, 23-27 March, 2015, Proceedings, (pp. 353-354). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE:
Postgraduate supervision
Supervision of Masters dissertations across the post graduate physiotherapy provision.
Presented at International Prosthetics and Orthotics Conference (Lyon) 2015 on Exploring Virtual Reality in Upper Limb Prosthetics
Presented at Trent International Prosthetic Symposium (Glasgow) 2016 on Patient’s perceptions of upper limb prosthetics and how virtual reality may be used in clinical practice