Jamie Young

Dr Jamie Young BSc, MSc, PhD.

Specialist Innovation Manager - Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre


Working as part of Sheffield Hallam University's Research and Innovation Services, I'm the Specialist Innovation Manager for the Advanced Wellbeing Research Centre based at the Sheffield Olympic Legacy Park.


I provide support to academic colleagues in funding applications where an external partner is involved, starting from partner sourcing and horizon scanning for funding calls, through to bid writing support and final contract negotiations.

I also support the relationships with the AWRC's Strategic Collaborators, around joint working, funding opportunities and relationship management.


I work as part of the team managing the AWRC Wellbeing Accelerator, a scheme to provide research and business support to pre-revenue and start-up companies involved in healthcare products and services.


Journal articles

Rogerson, D., Morar, F.A.A., Young, J., & Klonizakis, M. (2022). No effect of nitrate-rich beetroot juice on microvascular function and blood pressure in younger and older individuals: A randomised, placebo-controlled double-blind pilot study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 76 (10). http://doi.org/10.1038/s41430-022-01115-4

Young, J.S., Gormley, E., & Wellington, E.M.H. (2005). Molecular detection of mycobacterium bovis and mycobacterium bovis BCG (pasteur) in soil. Applied and environmental microbiology, 71 (4), 1946-1952. http://doi.org/10.1128/AEM.71.4.1946-1952.2005

Other activities

I work closely with colleagues in the research centre to deliver symposia, training courses and other events. I am currently the organiser of the annual British Mass Spectrometry Society SIG Mass Spectrometry Imaging Symposium which is held at Sheffield Hallam University every year. 

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