Bodil Oudshoorn

Bodil Oudshoorn

PhD Student


PhD title - Effect of studded footwear design on skin injuries in sport

Bodil is a PhD student at the Centre of Sports Engineering Research. Her work is funded by a prestigious Vice Chancellor's PhD scholarship. Her research aims to develop a realistic and reliable test method to assess the safety of different stud designs. In order to achieve this she is developing biofidelic skin and soft tissue simulants from different types of silicones.

Bodil completed her undergraduate degree in Human Movement Sciences in VU University Amsterdam Amsterdam with a specialisation in Sports Innovation at TU Delft. During this time she also contributed to biomechanical research for children with walking disabilities at VU University Medical Centre. Other research areas include monitoring the heart rate recovery of the elite Dutch swimmers at InnoSportLab in Eindhoven and developing protective cycling gear at TU Delft. In 2013, Bodil moved to Sheffield in order to undertake MSc Sports Engineering. After finishing the course she started as a graduate intern at CSER to follow up on her MSc project commissioned by World Rugby (former IRB).

Next to her PhD and being a rugby player herself for over nine years, Bodil leads weekly night time trail runs in the Peak District, climbs and is passionate about cycling.

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