Bernadette Edge

Bernadette Edge BSc MEd

Course Leader - Secondary Education Computing


I am the Course Leader for Secondary Education in Computing, I am also Cluster Lead for Secondary Education in Business Education.


I have spent much of my adult life studying to improve my career options and increase my level of qualification, finally gaining a Masters in Education in 2019. I am passionate about education and the opportunities it provides, I see myself as fortunate to now have a role where I can work with new teachers to share all the experiences and knowledge I have gained.

I joined Sheffield Hallam University almost two years ago as a Course Leader for computing in secondary education. This role allows me to nurture young teachers and embrace my passion for improving employability skills to enhance their career options.

I qualified as a teacher in 2004 and began my career in Further education teaching ICT, Computing and Business. I have always been interested in supporting career development for my students and improving employability across all levels of education. My role branched into career support and I undertook the additional role of "Career Ready Manager" engaging with local businesses to support my students in growing their employability skills.  I won numerous awards in this role both locally and nationally.


Department of Teacher Education

College of Social Sciences and Arts

I am responsible for training secondary computing and business teachers.

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