Andrew Jobling

Dr Andrew Jobling PhD, MA, BA Hons, PGCHE

Senior Lecturer In Human Geography


Andrew completed his PhD at the University of Liverpool (on agrarian change in Peru). He went on to pursue his academic career at the University of Newcastle (Department of Geography) before returning to the University of Liverpool (Institute of Latin American Studies and Department of Geography) and then moving on to Sheffield Hallam University.


Andrew's academic teaching and research has focused primarily on Latin America where he has several years of fieldwork experience encompassing time as a student (at the University of Costa Rica), in voluntary/ community work (relating to irrigation management and agricultural projects in Peru) and as academic researcher (on rural/ agrarian change and politics in Peru).

Andrew's research focusses on agrarian change and the politics of natural resource use in Latin America. Current active work includes analysis of: the regional impact of large-scale irrigation projects on Peru's northern coast; the restructuring of Peru's sugar industry; and the social and political impacts of agribusiness expansion in Peru.

His main duties include module leadership and teaching on the BA Human Geography and BSc Geography degrees.


School of Engineering and Built Environment

College of Social Sciences and Arts


Theses / Dissertations

Allafi, K.A.M. (2014). The impact of changing agricultural policies on Libyan agricultural performance. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Rotherham, I., Jones, P., & Jobling, A.

Other activities

Member of the Society for Latin American Studies

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