Andrea Redhead

Andrea Redhead

Deputy Head of Technology and Development


I am the Deputy Head of Technology and Development and lead the Serious Games team at CENTRIC. I have over 10 years experience of software and games development and oversee development on our flagship systems as well as all games related projects.


College of Business, Technology and Engineering


Community Response


Key Publications

Redhead, A., & Davey, S. (2019). Serious Games for First Responders. In Akhgar, B. (Ed.) Serious Games for Enhancing Law Enforcement Agencies - From Virtual Reality to Augmented Reality. Springer:

Redhead, A., & Saunders, J. (2019). Gamification and Simulation. In Akhgar, B. (Ed.) Serious Games for Enhancing Law Enforcement Agencies - From Virtual Reality to Augmented Reality. (pp. 83-98). Springer:

Book chapters

Akhgar, B., Redhead, A., Davey, S., & Saunders, J. (2019). Introduction: Serious Games for Law Enforcement Agencies. In Security Informatics and Law Enforcement. (pp. 1-11). Springer International Publishing:

Akhgar, B., Redhead, A., Davey, S., & Saunders, J. (2019). Introduction: Serious Games for Law Enforcement Agencies. In Akhgar, B. (Ed.) Serious Games for Enhancing Law Enforcement Agencies - From Virtual Reality to Augmented Reality. (pp. 1-11). Springer:

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