Alex Marshall

Dr Alex Marshall MA MSc DPhil

Senior Lecturer in German


I teach German language and culture, as well as some intercultural studies, academic English, linguistics and study skills. I am also academic lead for the Languages Society.

My research focuses on Zionism and other forms of nationalism in the long nineteenth century, but has also incorporated work on utopian writing, anti-modernism and theory of humour. I convene the Nationalism and Irony symposium.


Senior Lecturer


Department of Management

College of Business, Technology and Engineering


A variety of Languages courses, including all of the ones involving German

ULS German language stages 1 to 4
Contemporary and Professional Studies: German 1 to 3
Academic and Professional Excellence
Linguistic and Academic Studies
Contemporary European Studies
Interculturality in Practice
Language Learning and Development: Theory and Practice


Key Publications

Marshall, A. (n.d.). Theodor Herzl: Comedy and Politics Mix: Comic Figures in Theodor Herzl’s Zionist Literary Writing. Zeteo.

Journal articles

Marshall, A. (2016). Jewface: Comic Songs, Vaudeville Stereotypes – Mock Yiddish and Ethnic Parody in the Vaudeville Melting-Pot. Zeteo.

Book chapters

Marshall, A. (2020). Moses Hess: One Socialist Proto-Zionist’s Reception of Nationalisms in the Nineteenth Century. In Paulus, D., & Pilsworth, E. (Eds.) Nationalism before the Nation State: Literary Constructions of Inclusion, Exclusion, and Self-Definition (1756–1871). (pp. 121-144). Brill:

Marshall, A. (2018). An Extremely Short Tale of Jam Tomorrow. In My Utopia: A Collection of Creative Writing. Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Theses / Dissertations

Marshall, A. (2018). Die uralte moderne Lösung: Nation, Space and Modernity in Austro-German Zionism before 1917. (Doctoral thesis). Supervised by Robertson, R.


Marshall, A., & Darder, L. (2023). More Quixotic than Ever: Ironic Re-Ironisation and National Iconography in Zoo’s ‘Panya’ (2022). Presented at: Nationalism and Irony 2023, Online/Sheffield Hallam University

Marshall, A. (2023). Odessa, Vienna and Jerusalem: Zionism, Performative Nationhood and Multinational Empires. Presented at: Odessa, Vienna and Jerusalem: Zionism, Performative Nationhood and Multinational Empires, Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism annual conference on Nationalism and Multiculturalism, Loughborough, UK

Marshall, A. (2023). Reflections on Nationalism and Irony. Presented at: Europe in the Pub, The Museum public house, Sheffield

Marshall, A. (2022). Beyond Self-Hating: Comparing Theodor Herzl's 'Mauschel' to Chris Rock's 'Black Civil War' Routine. Presented at: Nationalism & Irony 2022, Online

Marshall, A. (2022). “I Am Only Writing a Utopia to Show that It Is Not One”: Genre as a Performance in Theodor Herzl’s Old-New Land. Presented at: Transnational Pop Culture Seminars, Sheffield Hallam/Online

Marshall, A. (2021). Humour in Service of Seriousness: Zionism, National Reinvention and Theodor Herzl’s Bad Jokes. Presented at: Nationalism & Irony Symposium 2021, Sheffield Hallam University/Online

Marshall, A. (2018). Anxiety in Arcadia: Anti-Utopian Resistance and Fear of Finding Gold in the Sitcom Detectorists. Presented at: Annual Conference of the Utopian Studies Society, Tarragona, Spain

Kelly, A., & Marshall, A. (2018). Memes against Sincerity: Utopianism, the Alt-Right and Ironic Overreach. Presented at: Annual Conference of the Utopian Studies Society, Tarragona, Spain

Kelly, A., & Marshall, A. (2018). Memes against Sincerity: Utopianism, the Alt-Right and Ironic Overreach. Presented at: Annual Conference of the Utopian Studies Society, Tarragona, Spain

Marshall, A. (2018). Peasants, Bakers and Muscle-Jews: Class Authenticity and Masculine Anxiety as Drivers of Peacetime Nationalism. Presented at: The Masculine Worlds of Race and Power: Objects, Practices and Emotions in Colonial and Post-Colonial Societies in the Long Nineteenth Century, Warwick University, UK

Marshall, A. (2016). A Fable Told by the Campfire Zionist Utopianism and Use of Genre as Performative Solidarity. Presented at: Annual Conference of the Utopian Studies Society, Gdansk, Poland

Marshall, A. (2016). A Jewish State from Black, Red and Gold Ribbons: Theodor Herzl’s Zionism and Other Countries. Presented at: Imperial Comparison, Oxford, UK

Marshall, A. (2016). Theodor Herzl’s Terrible Jokes: Humour and Counter- Humour in Early Zionist Identity Politics. Presented at: Modern German Graduate Symposium, Oxford, UK

Marshall, A. (2015). Zionism, Modernity and Garden Culture. Presented at: Modern German Graduate Symposium, Oxford, UK

Marshall, A. (2014). Zionism’s Jewish Others. Presented at: Alterity 2014, Genoa, Italy

Marshall, A. (2014). Looking East: The Zionist Search for Authentic Models of Jewishness. Presented at: Modern German Graduate Symposium, Oxford, UK

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