Alan Donnelly
Researcher-Student Research & Engagement
College of Business, Technology and Engineering
- Art and Design Research Centre
- Culture and Creativity Research Institute
Journal articles
Pickering, N., & Donnelly, A. (2022). Partnership building for student access in online spaces: an evaluative exploration of the Higher Education Progression Partnership South Yorkshire. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 24 (2), 58-82.
Donnelly, A., & Heaton, C. (2022). Becoming a survey whisperer: applying a video conferencing tool in cognitive interviews to improve a questionnaire used in higher education research. SAGE Research Methods Cases.
Jones-Devitt, S., Austen, L., Chitwood, E., Donnelly, A., Fearn, C., Heaton, C., ... Pickering, N. (2017). Creation and confidence: BME students as academic partners…but where were the staff? Journal of Educational Innovation Partnership and Change, 3 (1), 278-285.
Book chapters
Austen, L., Pickering, N., & Donnelly, A. (2023). Researching and evaluating student engagement – a methodological critique of data gathering approaches. In Lowe, T. (Ed.) Advancing Student Engagement in Higher Education: Reflection, critique and challenge. Routledge
Jones-Devitt, S., Pickering, N., Austen, L., & Donnelly, A. (2020). Still the pedagogy of the oppressed? Going beyond the Hidden Curriculum to reimagine effective higher education provision for estranged and care experienced students. In Hinchcliffe, T. (Ed.) The Hidden Curriculum of Higher Education. (pp. 77-92). AdvanceHE
Austen, L., & Donnelly, A. (2022). An Evaluation of the Process and Impact of the PGCERT/MA Student Engagement in Higher Education.
Pickering, N., & Donnelly, A. (2021). A process evaluation of phase two of the higher education progression partnership South Yorkshire (HeppSY). HeppSY.
Stevenson, J., Baker, Z., Harrison, N., Bland, B., Jones-Devitt, S., Donnelly, A., ... Austen, L. (2020). Positive Impact? What factors affect access, retention and graduate outcomes for university students with a background of care or family estrangement? Unite Foundation.
Jones-Devitt, S., Pickering, N., Austen, L., Donnelly, A., Adesola, J., & weston, A. (2019). Evaluation of the National Mixed Methods Learning Gain Project (NMMLGP) and Student Perceptions of Learning Gain. Bristol: Office for Students.
Austen, L., Donnelly, A., McCaig, C., & O'Leary, C. (2018). Evaluation of the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme. Office for Students website: Office for Students.
Internet Publications
Austen, L., Donnelly, A., & Parkin, M. (2021). Students are surviving not thriving through financial hardship.
Austen, L., Jones-Devitt, S., Pickering, N., Donnelly, A., Weston, A., & Adesola, J. (2020). NMMLGP evaluation and student engagement. Presented at: Learning Gain National Conference, Birmingham
Austen, L., Pickering, N., Jones-Devitt, S., & Donnelly, A. (2018). Institutional considerations for learning gain projects and beyond. Presented at: National Learning Gain Conference, Birmingham
Madriaga, M., Donnelly, A., & Ahmad, F. (2013). Addressing Black Minority Ethnic Gap Attainment in Higher Education. Presented at: Building the Anti-Racist University Conference, University of Leeds