Adriano Cerminara BEng, MSc, PhD, MRAeS, MAIAA, FHEA
Senior Lecturer and Course Leader of the BEng/MEng Aerospace Engineering
- Department of Engineering and Mathematics
- Materials and Engineering Research Institute
- Industry and Innovation Research Institute
I am the course leader of the BEng/MEng Aerospace Engineering at Sheffield Hallam University, as well as member of the teaching team in Aerospace Engineering within the Future Transportation group. I teach in a range of modules at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. My primary expertise is Direct Numerical Simulation of the flow governing equations, numerical modelling of compressible flows, development of high-order Navier-Stokes flow solvers and algorithms for shock-capturing schemes. My main research areas are hypersonic flow aerothermodynamics, boundary-layer receptivity, stability and transition, turbulent flows, porous media flows, thermal protection systems and active wall-cooling systems for high-speed aerospace vehicles.
Adriano Cerminara studied at the University of Rome La Sapienza for his BEng in Aerospace Engineering and his MSc in Aeronautical Engineering, obtaining also the Pegasus Certificate for the European Network of Excellence in Aerospace Engineering.
He carried out a PhD (awarded in 2017) in Aerospace Engineering in the Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics research group of the University of Southampton. From 2017 to 2019 he was Research Fellow in Computational Aerothermodynamics at the University of Southampton, working on an EPSRC-funded project on transpiration cooling in hypersonic flows. During his time at the University of Southampton, he was also Teaching Assistant in different modules in both BEng and MSc programmes. From 2019 to 2022 he was Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Wolverhampton, where he also obtained his PGCert Certificate in Academic Practice in Higher Education.
Since 2023, he is Senior Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering at Sheffield Hallam University. He has been working in different international projects, including combined numerical – experimental studies in high-speed flows, in collaboration with leading aerospace agencies and companies, and has been actively involved in different NATO AVT (Applied Vehicle Technology) Task Forces focused on the study of hypersonic boundary layers. He is a Member of the Royal Aeronautical Society (MRAeS), the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (MAIAA), and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). He is also member of the UK Turbulence Consortium (UKTC), reviewer of leading journals in the field of fluid dynamics and aerospace technology, and author of over 20 scientific publications in the field of boundary-layer receptivity, stability, transition to turbulence, and hypersonic aerothermodynamics.
Department of Engineering and Mathematics
College of Business, Technology and Engineering
Subject area
Future Transportation
Courses taught
Aerospace Engineering
Modules taught
I teach in a range of modules at both undergraduate and postgraduate level in the Aerospace Engineering course, including "Aerospace Numerical Methods and Applications", "Aerospace Structures and Dynamics", "Astronautics and Space Propulsion".
Current research
Cerminara, A., 2023. Turbulence Effect on Transpiration Cooling Effectiveness Over a Flat Plate in Hypersonic Flow and Sensitivity to Injection Parameters. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 110(4), pp.945-968.
Cerminara, A., Levin, D., Theofilis, V., 2023. Shock receptivity: characteristics of shock oscillation modes and induced boundary-layer disturbances. Abstract submitted to the AIAA SciTech 2023 conference.
Featured research
I have been actively contributing as member to the following groups:
- NATO STO AVT-240 Group on "Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Transition Prediction" (NATO STO AVT Panel Excellence Award for AVT-240)
- NATO STO AVT-346 Group on "Predicting Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Transition on Complex Geometries "
- NATO STO AVT-352 Group on "Measurement, Modelling and Prediction of Hypersonic Turbulence"
Collaborators and sponsors
I have been collaborating with several international leading academic institutions, research centres and companies in the Aerospace Engineering field.
Journal articles
Sharma, P., Deiterding, R., Cerminara, A., & Sandham, N. (2023). Numerical simulation of transpiration cooling for a high-speed boundary layer undergoing transition to turbulence. Aerospace Science and Technology, 141.
Cerminara, A. (2023). Turbulence Effect on Transpiration Cooling Effectiveness Over a Flat Plate in Hypersonic Flow and Sensitivity to Injection Parameters. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 110 (4), 945-968.
Cerminara, A., Hermann, T., Ifti, H.S., Deiterding, R., Sandham, N., & McGilvray, M. (2021). Influence of instability modes on cooling performance in hypersonic boundary layer with slot injection. Aerospace Science and Technology, 109.
Cerminara, A., Deiterding, R., & Sandham, N. (2020). A mesoscopic modelling approach for direct numerical simulations of transition to turbulence in hypersonic flow with transpiration cooling. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 86.
Cerminara, A., & Sandham, N. (2020). Transition mechanisms in cross-flow-dominated hypersonic flows with free-stream acoustic noise. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 896.
Cerminara, A., Durant, A., André, T., Sandham, N.D., & Taylor, N.J. (2018). Receptivity to Freestream Acoustic Noise in Hypersonic Flow over a Generic Forebody. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 56 (2), 447-457.
Wagner, A., Schülein, E., Petervari, R., Hannemann, K., Ali, S.R.C., Cerminara, A., & Sandham, N.D. (2018). Combined free-stream disturbance measurements and receptivity studies in hypersonic wind tunnels by means of a slender wedge probe and direct numerical simulation. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 842, 495-531.
Cerminara, A., & Sandham, N.D. (2017). Acoustic Leading-Edge Receptivity for Supersonic/Hypersonic Flows over a Blunt Wedge. AIAA Journal, 55 (12), 4234-4244.
Conference papers
Nayak, R., Cerminara, A., & Potts, J. (2024). Transpiration Cooling Strategies and their Impact on Hypersonic Boundary Layer Flow [abstract only]. In UK Fluids 2024, Swansea, UK, 9 September 2024 - 11 September 2024.
Cerminara, A., Levin, D.A., & Theofilis, V. (2024). Susceptibility of shock-transitional-boundary-layer interaction to shock oscillations in hypersonic flow. AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum.
Cerminara, A., Levin, D.A., & Theofilis, V. (2023). Shock receptivity: characteristics of shock oscillation modes and induced boundary-layer disturbances. AIAA SCITECH 2023 Forum.
Cerminara, A., Ralf, D., & Neil, S. (2019). Transpiration cooling using porous material for hypersonic applications. In Convective heat transfer in porous media. CRC Press.
Cerminara, A., Deiterding, R., & Sandham, N. (2018). Direct Numerical Simulation of Blowing in a Hypersonic Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate with Slots. 2018 Fluid Dynamics Conference.
Cerminara, A., Deiterding, R., & Sandham, N. (2018). Correction: DNS of Hypersonic Flow over Porous Surfaces with a Hybrid Method. 2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting.
Cerminara, A., Deiterding, R., & Sandham, N. (2018). DNS of Hypersonic Flow over Porous Surfaces with a Hybrid Method. 2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting.
Cerminara, A., Durant, A., André, T., Sandham, N., & Taylor, N.J. (2018). DNS of acoustic receptivity and breakdown in a Mach 6 flow over a generic forebody. 2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting.
Cerminara, A., & Sandham, N. (2016). Boundary-layer receptivity and breakdown in hypersonic flow over a swept blunt wedge with three-dimensional freestream acoustic disturbances. 8th AIAA Flow Control Conference.
Kontogiannis, K., Cerminara, A., Taylor, N.J., Sobester, A., & Sandham, N. (2015). Parametric geometry models for hypersonic aircraft components: blunt leading edges. 20th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference.
Cerminara, A., & Sandham, N. (2015). Leading-edge receptivity to acoustic waves for high-speed flows over a blunt wedge. 45th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference.
Cerminara, A., Deiterding, R., & Sandham, N. (2019). Parallel multiscale simulation of hypersonic flow with porous wall injection. Civil-Comp Proceedings.