Staff profiles

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Staff profiles

Abbott Dr Rachel Principal Lecturer
Abdo Professor Hafez Professor of Accounting
Abell Dr Ben Senior Lecturer In Plant Biochemistry
Aberdein Dr Nicola Lecturer in Anatomy and Physiology
Abernethy Dr. Gavin Lecturer in Engineering Mathematics
Abubakre Dr Alim Senior Lecturer
Acaster Steph Doctoral Researcher and Demonstrator
Adam Professor Emeritus Alison Professor Emeritus of Science, Technology and Society
Adams Gill Reader in Education
Adebayo Abiola Associate Lecturer
Adekoya Dr Olatunji Senior Lecturer
Aderiye Dr Yetunde Oluwatoyin Senior Lecturer
Adesola John Lecturer in Criminology
Adlard Dr Jane Programme Director MSc Forensic Psychology
Afakordzi Alexander Senior Lecturer
Aguado Orea Dr Javier Senior Lecturer In Psychology
Ahmed Dr Samrein Lecturer in Cancer and Cell Biology
Ahsan Dr Ramjanul Lecturer
Ainslie Samantha Senior Lecturer
Aitken Professor Robbie Professor of Imperial History
Akhgar Professor Babak Professor of Informatics and Director of CENTRIC
Akmal Doctor Muhammed Senior Lecturer
Akram Dr Umair Lecturer in Sleep & Mental Health
Aladawi Zuwaina
Albertson Dr Katherine Senior Lecturer in Criminology
Alboul Dr Lyuba Senior Research Fellow
Alderson Professor Andrew Director of the Industry and Innovation Research Institute and Professor of Smart Materials and Structures
Alderson David Senior Lecturer
Aleixo Dr Paul Senior Lecturer In Psychology
Algarhi Dr Amr Senior Lecturer in Economics
Alhinai Senior Lecturer Almajd Senior Lecturer
Ali Dr Alisha Principal Lecturer
Ali Zara Lecturer
Allan Dr Paul Principal Lecturer – Subject Group Leader in Organisation and Human Resource Management
Allarton Ruth Head of Department of Allied Health Professions
Allen Dr Elizabeth Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Science
Allen Joanna Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee
Allen Paul Graphic Design Lecturer
Allwood Dr Danny Senior Lecturer in Organic Chemistry
Al-Naemi Dr Faris Senior Lecturer
Al-Obaidi Dr Karam Senior Lecturer in Sustainable Architecture
Alonso-Perez Rosa Senior Lecturer in Spanish, University Language Scheme (ULS) Academic Coordinator
Al-Salti Dr Faten Adult Nursing Lecturer
Al-Shawi Dr Fethi Senior Lecturer in Industrial Collaborative Engineering
Al-Tamimi Dr Abdel-Karim Senior Lecturer of Computer Science and Software Engineering
Alzub'i Dr Mousa Associate Lecturer
Ambrose Professor Aimee Professor of Energy Policy
Anderson Associate Professor Alexandra Associate Professor
Anderson Dr Harvey Professional & Accrediting Bodies Lead/ Senior Lecturer Sport Coaching & PE
Andersson Dr Catrin Senior Lecturer In Criminology
Anderton Mrs. Leisa Senior Lecturer in Nursing
Anindita Dr Muhammad Lecturer in Strategic Management, Enterprise, and Change
Antony-Newman Dr Max Lecturer
Anyameluhor Dr Nnamdi Senior Lecturer
Appleyard Robert Senior Lecturer
Arbell Dr Yael Research Associate, Centre for Regional Economic & Social Research (CRESR)
Archer Benjamin Lecturer in Law
Archer Dr Tom Senior Research Fellow
Arden Professor Madelynne Professor of Health Psychology; Director of the Centre for Behavioural Science and Applied Psychology; Director of the Behavioural Science Consortium (with University of Manchester)
Arnold Alice Lecturer in Computing
Arunachalam Sugumaran Dr Arunprabhu Researcher
Ashe Mr Simon Associate Lecturer and Doctoral Researcher
Ashley Tom Senior Lecturer
Ashmore Hannah Midwifery Lecturer
Ashmore Lisa Senior Lecturer in Early Years and Primary Mathematics
Ashmore Dr Russell Senior Lecturer
Ashmore Sam Senior Lecturer
Ashworth Becky Senior Lecturer
Ashworth Becky Lecturer
Asquith Dr David Senior Lecturer in Aerospace Engineering
Asthana Dr Abhishek Reader in Energy Engineering, Director of Hallam Energy, Deputy Director of DTA Energy (University Alliance).
Atherton Michelle Senior Lecturer in Fine Art
Atkinson Dr Kym Lecturer in Criminology
Atkinson Professor Paul Professor of Design and Design History
Austen Professor Liz Interim Associate Dean Teaching & Learning
Autogena Lise Professor of Cross-Disciplinary Art
Awolowo Dr Ifedapo Francis Senior Lecturer in Financial & Management Accounting
Awolowo Dr Ifedapo Francis Senior Lecturer in Financial and Management Accounting/ ASPIRE Project Lead
Axelby Judith Senior Lecturer
Azizian Fard Dr M. Lecturer

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