Board of Governors recruitment

Board of Governors recruitment

Sheffield Hallam University is one of the UK's largest and most progressive universities, with a long history of creating opportunities for all.  The application of knowledge is at the heart of everything we do - in our teaching, our research, and our partnerships.

Join the Board

We are seeking two independent members to join our Board of Governors.

Being a member of the University's Board of Governors is a highly rewarding voluntary role. It is a unique opportunity to help shape the future of an innovative and imaginative organisation that has a powerful impact locally, nationally and internationally.

Members should have substantial and broad experience in external organisations which are relevant to the University’s strategic aims and ambitions. Candidates should demonstrate a track record of achievement and contribution which has national and international impact.

The Board is particularly seeking individuals who have experience and expertise in one or more areas of:

  • Higher Education curriculum delivery and quality assurance
  • Business and commerce
  • Finance and Audit
  • Estate and Property Development
  • Strategic oversight of IT including digital transformation programmes.

The Board of Governors is a diverse group with varying interests and specialisms. Appointment to the Board of Governors is initially for up to four years with a maximum of eight years.

Independent members of the Board must be:

  • Over 18 years of age;
  • Not employed at the University;
  • Not a student at the University;
  • Not a serving elected member of a local or national authority (excluding Parish Councils).

Read more in the role description here (DOCX, 33.1KB) and person specification here (DOCX, 40.8KB).

Applications are now open and will close on Sunday 30 June. Apply to be a member of our Board of Governors here

Applications received will be considered for interview by the Governance and Nominations Committee.  Following the interview stage recommendations for appointment will be considered at an appropriate meeting of the Board.