How does game-based learning promote children's mathematical cognition?
Professor Tim Jay (SIoE), Dr Jake Habgood (Communication and Computing Research Centre), Martyn Mees
Partner organisation:
University of Bristol
Project date
Developing mobile video games to promote young children’s arithmetic fluency
The project uses videogames to research young children's learning of number facts. Previous work in this area has been hampered by lack of inter-disciplinary collaboration. Emerging research in neuroscience is providing a new understanding of motivation and reward and its effect on cognitive training environments. Contemporary videogames design and analytics enable novel means of researching children's learning. For the first time, this research will apply knowledge from these fields to research in mathematical cognition in order to understand ways in which children come to develop knowledge of numbers and the relationships between them.
The Leverhulme Trust
Document links
Mees, M., Jay, T., Habgood, J., & Howard-Jones, P. (2017, October). Researching adaptivity for individual differences in numeracy games. In Extended Abstracts Publication of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (pp. 247-253). ACM.
Habgood, J., Jay, T., Mees, M. & Howard-Jones, P. (2018). Unpacking effective learning through game analytics. Workshop paper at CHI 2018.