

Saatchi Professor Reza Professor of Electronics (Medical Engineering)
Schenkel Dr Torsten Associate Professor of Continuum Mechanics
Scholey Dr Jonathan Senior Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering
Serbescu Dr Andreea Senior Lecturer in Built Environment
Shenfield Professor Alex Professor of Machine Learning
Shpanin Dr. Leon Senior Lecturer, Electronic and Electrical engineering.
Sihra Dr Tarsem Senior Lecturer and Course Leader - Automotive Design Technology in Mechanical, Materials and Design Engineering
Singh Yogang Lecturer in Automation, Control and Systems Engineering
Smith Catherine Lecturer in Construction Project Management
Smith Dr Robin Senior Lecturer in Physics
Soulioti Dr Dimitra Lecturer in Materials Engineering
Spence Dr Kevin Senior Lecturer in Water Engineering, Environmental Science and Physical Geography
Sterianou Dr Iasmi Senior Lecturer in Materials Engineering
Swallow Mr Mark Senior Lecturer in Construction Project Management
Swift Dr Graham MSc Course Leader

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