

Students can access high quality facilities that have enhanced our reputation for research and teaching.

Facilities include:

  • studios and laboratories equipped for drawing, model making, and computer aided design
  • construction workshops with wood and metal working tools, laser cutters and environmental testing equipment
  • specially designed state of the art environmental and soil laboratories
  • plant preparation and growing facilities
  • networked PCs with AutoCAD software
  • 5-axis machining centre which completes the CAD/CAM cycle
  • geographical information systems (GIS) to map and analyse environmental data and global positioning systems (GPS)
  • 3D copiers and artificial sky for daylight testing with miniature model photography
  • flight simulator and wind tunnel
  • automotive workshop
  • structural integrity, thermofluids and robotics labs
  • analysis software such as Fluent, Abaqus and Matlab.

We also have a dedicated and highly experienced team of 50 technical staff to support you.

We make extensive use of the Peak District National Park, woodland and local nature reserves. We also explore urban regeneration schemes and environmental initiatives throughout our region.

You'll take part in residential field work around the UK and overseas, to explore different landscapes and cities in a global context.

Hertha Ayrton STEM Centre

Staff and students have access to cutting edge robotics, automotive and electrical laboratories, 11,500 sq/m of floor space for teaching and a stunning atrium with exhibition space.

The Centre is named after nineteenth century award-winning British engineer, mathematician and physicist, Hertha Ayrton.